
We arrived at the place he said, the space is not very large but it is just enough to put chairs and tables for people who come and go to the place. He also immediately guided me into a table with two chairs.

When we sat at our chairs, there’s a lady who approach us with her mini pad or ¼ pads of paper and a ballpen. She has an apron, maybe she owns the place or something, and I’m not really that sure. She put a lovely smile when she approached us; I think she knew Rigel that’s why she’s smiling. I think, she’s in a middle of fifties or something, but even though she aged you can’t deny the fact that she is good looking when she was young.

“The usual, but make it two.”- Rigel said, smiling at her, I think she’s friendly

“Okay? I bet it’s already for the both of you. “- She said while writing it down and smiling “How about your drinks? What do you want to have?”- She ask, then she look at us both waiting for our answers

“I want orange juice, how about you Maives?”- He ask me, so now the both of them is waiting for my answer

“Is there any kind of juice? I‘m not really fan of orange”- I said awkwardly to her, then she just smiled like she didn’t mind that

“Well. Today, our available drinks are Apple, lemon, pineapple and orange the one he ordered”- She said, I think properly what juice to drink. I mean I am an ignorant with this kind of place

“Ahm. I’ll have pineapple. Thank you”- I said while smiling to her, I mean I can’t really help to smile back to her. She has genuine smile and she is kind.

I wonder my eyes around the place; I mean it’s my first time in this kind of restaurant. It’s not the same in Italy. I saw some grilling place, I bet they also sell some barbecue and I also saw some pots which mean they might also sell some soup or something.

“How’s your first day?”- He ask, I didn’t know he’s interested to know hows my doing

“It’s fine, the usual new first day.”- I simply said, I’m not fan on talking a lot to someone I just knew

“Oww, did you already have new friends then?”- He ask again, he is talkative

“Ahm. I don’t, actually. Since I’m not that friendly”- I said to him, then he just nod.

“Here’s your order”- Our order arrived. It is a set, it has Chicken leg barbecue with some veges, then a up of rice and our drinks.

I felt like I could finish this all. I am so hungry; really I mean what happened to my driver and didn’t arrive at time today.

I look at Rigel like I was asking permission for him if I could dig in already. He smiled at me then nod, and then we started eating. It’s my first time eating a barbecue Chicken leg that they called Inasal here.

I couldn’t even breathe after I ate a lot, I mean it is unli rice. It’s my first time eating in a restaurant with unli rice. Imagine I called the waiter several times because I want to finish the whole leg of inasal then Rigel was just laughing at me, am I funny or something? But then again I didn’t mind him, I’m just glad that I’m already full. Food really makes a person happy.

“Is it delicious? “-She ask, I bet she will give us ou bill

“It’s not delicious. It is really delicious; I could really come here if I have time. It’s really great, this place and the food gosh. Amazing”- I said, I don’t know if I’m over reacting because I am full, but I’m not lying though.

“Well, that’s really great. I’m glad you like our food. By the way, if you won’t mind me to ask I knew Rigel for a long time now and it’s the first time he brought someone and I am really stunned when I saw you both. Are you he’s girlfriend?”- I almost dropped the glass of water I had when I heard that, I look at Rigels’ face and he was just laughing like it was just nothing.

“Hahaha, she’s not my girlfriend yet Manay, we’re just friends for now”- He said. Should I be confused because he said yet or should i nevermind that?

“Hayst. Forgive my sharp tounge to ask you that kind of question, I’m really curious”- She apologize shyly to me and honestly that so cute of her.

“It’s okay Manay, that’s really nothing. I don’t mind that, Rigel and I are just friends”- I said to her, and then I saw a relief in her eyes.

“Here’s our payment for the bill Manay”- Rigel brought out his wallet then give the payment to Manay

“Oww, no. This lunch is on me. You already brought me to this amazing place, and I don’t really like someones’ paying for me. So this lunch is on me”- I sadi to him then I give my money to Manay, Rigel couldn’t say a thing and just keep his money

“Hija, that’s too big for your bill. You could just give me five hundred since I don’t have a change for that. Ang besides your bill is just 259”- She said to me, I smile to her

“It’s okay Manay. You can keep it, and I could surely will get back here to eat again soon”- I said to her

“Are you sure? Are your parents don’t mind this, I mean it is a money after all”- She worriedly ask me

“Manay, keep it. I really don’t mind”- I said to her, then I check my phone and I saw my drivers text that he is already infront of the gate waiting for me

I imeediately took my bag “Rigel, I really owe you this day. Thankyou so much”- I said to him because I am really grateful for his help to me and bringing me here to know some kind people

“I really need to go now, thankyou so much for this day”- I said to them and thn ran, I don’t want CEO to know that I was late to go home today, she will sure will freak out and then she will scold me and I hate it.