
After that lunch didn’t get to work because CEO texted me to have a rest today. So I decided to spend my whole fternoon with brothers. Rigel is easily to get along with the horses, he have a lot of patience to know the basic of how to ride a horse while Alvin get’s easily irritated, I can see how he hates the hard headed horse.

I got a lot of fun knowing the other side of the brothers, I mean I know them for months but now I see a lot of differences to them.

“Maives?”- She called my name, I turned to her side to hear and to know what she was about to say. It is Friday already and we were having our usual dinner, I don’t really have an appetite but its better this than to be alone tonight.

“I want you to prepare yourself this coming Sunday”- She said to me like it was nothing and I still have something to do with school works

“I have a group project this coming Sunday CEO”- I reasoned to her, the group project from my minor subject is still important, even though it’s just a few percent but still a project is a project.

“Then make that group project on Saturday Maives, I want you to clear your schedule this Sunday. That’s why I make leave on the office to prepare for this Sunday, don’t make any excuses I want you to clear your schedule”- She with authority and I don’t think I can do anything about it.

“What event is so important, for her to skip the group project? She should be fucosing on her studies. You want her to have a high grades but you ask too much of her time to fucos on her studies, you become her distruction”- Dad said to defence my right for that day, I don’t he can do anything for me

“I want her to multitasking Duke”- She said and then look at Dad at the same time, then look at me after. I didn’t see the stare but I sure felt it. “There is an important event this coming Sunday, it will serves as your preparation for our company. Although you’ve close mny deals, it’s still not enough for you”- She explained to me and I know this deal is not that easy, I mean it’s never been easy. Actually there is nothing easy on closing a deal, especially for a big kind of investors we’re talking about

“You will be going to Spain---“

“ALONE?!”- my Dad accedentaly shouted because he was shcked so as I am, it is my first time to go on a trip alone

“Of course not. I’m still on my right mind Duke.”- She said to my dad pissed “ She will be escorted with Ponce, Franco and Zeno, her very own all around private assistant secretary, to assist her there”- She smirked at us, like it was ecxiting for me or something

“What will I do there?”- I already know and I have already a hint of what I will do there but I still ask

“I want you to get the three investors for our company. Zeno will send you the details of this three people, maybe tomorrow or later. I still don’t know when he will send it but I already told him as soon as possible”- she explained to me almost every detail

“Is that it?”- I ask to her although I was afraid if what may happened to me to that trip. I mean I was ecpexted to close a deal on that trip and it is outside her guidance, outside the country. I don’t know what may happen to me.

“Yes. That’s it”- She said with full of confidence

“When can I go home then?”- ask, I mean I am scared I am still young

“Maybe on Wednesday, I already ask Zeno to write you an excuse letter and send it to the admin of your school, so that your subject proffesors will know”- She simply said like it’s not a big deal to missed three days of my classes

“Why does it have to be Wednesday? It’s already hard to missed one day and now it’s have to be three days”- I said sarcasticly

“Sunday afternoon is your flight to Spain; you’ll be taking the private plane of your Dad. Monday night is an event, Tuesday you’ll be closing the deal and Wednesday for you to get home”- so she already planned everything and it’s still up to me of should I close this deal

“What if I can close the deal by Monday night?”- I ask her, and then she smiled widely to know that I have that kind of confidence in me to finish my work as soon as possible.

“That’s even better”- She said to me

“What can I get by closing thse three deals on Monday? It’s still hard to close a deal, now that I am out of your guidance. This time it is my strategy to get this three investors on Monday”- I smirked to her, this hard work won’t go to any waste

“You choose then, as long as you won’t take my posisition for now”- She jokely said, as if I really want that position. If I have that freedom I won’t have this, I just want to leave a normal life.

“I want the private island in Samal”- I simply said to her, which makes them shock for what I’ve said.

Later on a smirked form I their face just like a proud parents knowing that their child is growing to be wise for what she will do. I want that island for myself, I knew if I have enough motivation I can do this.