
After the make up was done, I changed my clothes and then went out; I didn’t have the chance to see my face I the mirror. I saw Zeno using his Dark blue shawle lapel type of Tuxedo.

He looks really neat and formal, I mean he was neat but he usually have a messy hair, it looks good on him but this time I’m not really use of his face too handsome to be exact.

“Is my car ready?”- I ask him.

“Yes My Quinn, should I drive you to the party?”- He ask me

“No, you can use the Zenvo ST1. Just prepare the contract. I’ll make sure they will sign that tonight”- I said to him and he just nod to me.

I thanked the ladies for taking a good care of my face, I hope. I know Zeno will take care there pay check. Zeno guided me until I got inside the car, such a gentleman.

“See you there Zeno”- I said to him while I smiled, I was about to close the car when he stop me

“My Quinn, please use this. It connected to us three, just incase”- He said and I just nod to him, I didn’t have the chance to saw the ear piece he had for me because he directly put it on my ears

“Be careful My Quinn”- He said to me before closing the door of the car for me

“Can you hear me, young Lady?”- I heard Ponce’s voice, I unintentionally smiled.To all the guards that I knew, Ponce, Franco and Zeno was the people I was so close that I already conside a family and I know this people was I could count on. Most of them will get fired or reassigned, but Ponce and Franco stayed, CEO waned them stay. As of Zeno, he is my assistant secretary and body guard.

“Yes Ponce I can, where are you?”- I ask him

“Don’t worry about us Young Lady, we are your eyes from above”- He said to me, and I smiled even know they didn’t see me

“Okay then, let’s get down to the business”- I said to them

I startd the car and then start driving the viniew hall of the party. It was not that far, and I wasn’t getting lost since I have Zeno to guide me. Before I get out from the car I check my self insides’ the car mirror, after that I took my pouch bag with lipstick, powder and compact mirror in it.

“You look perfect My Quinn, no need to worry”- I heard Zenos’ voice from I ear piece

“My Quinn? That is what he called you Young Lady?”- Even with just a tone of Franco’s voice I knew he was teasing me

“Franco, stop being so melo romantic. It’s not like what you think”- I said to him, like I usually said.

He really like teases me with some guy I get close with

“Young Lady, the three investors are coming”- Ponce formally said, unlike Franco who likes to joke around and teases me, Ponce was so formal doesn’t smile a lot.

Despite those differences, Franco and Ponce are the people I know I am safe; they are the few people I could trust.

When I went inside, my eyes wonder the whole beautiful place to find the people I’ve been looking for. When I saw the investors, I was just finding my opportunity to talk to them, to invest in our company and close this deal so that I could get these shoes off my foot.

“Thankyou Sir, you will sure receive the contract later or tomorrow morning, thankyou again”- I smiled to him before I walk away, I don’t want to take all his time. I’m sure that kind of business man, if not married sure will be flirting with other gorgues ladies in the party

“Two down”- I said almost a whisper for them only to hear me.

“Nice one My Quinn”- Zeno said to me like a proud mentor or something.

“Four o’clock”- I heard Franco, I thought he spotted the last investor that I need to convince for me to finally close the last deal. Ut then again, life is full of surprises.

“What do you want me to do Young lady?”- Ponce seriously ask me, like anytime he was going to shoot on my command.

“Just stand by boys, I can handle this”- I said to them smiling, I’m sure I can handle it.

“Are you sure?”- Zeno ask me, although he was just few months in our company, being my all around assistant secretary body guard, he sure knows a lot about me.

“Yes. I’m sure”- I smiled to him, he was a few meters infront of me. For him to see all my movements, and my every reactions perectly.

“Mr.Ferrer?”- I called the last investor; He turned to see me, to see the person who called him. He was the most challenging investor. He was the one that I need to hack the system for me to know his information.

I am terried, and afraid that I might get his No, I mean he almost got everything, but as a representantive of our company I must do whatever it takes to get his Yes.

“Yes?”- He answered me with the perfect smile together with his perfectly white teeth.

He was tall, not so white, but has abeautiful eyes, perfectly long sharp nose, and red lips. I could say that those features of him was the perfect features to called him handsome, I’m not blind but I am sure he is handsome, handsome enough to capture some ladies in this parties.

“May I talk to you for a while”- I ask him

“Excuse me”- He said to some fellow he was talking earlier before I interrupt him.

He seriously looked at me, like I was a lost child or something, I mean I know I was not in the right aged but I’m sure I look older than my usual.

“Okay then, what are we going to talk about?”- He is bored to ask me, now I am not afraid but more on annoyed to his reaction to me, he’s not really interestd on anything that comes to my mouth.

“I want to get you”- I directly said to him without any hesitation

A silly smile form on his lips “What do you mean by that Ms?”- He ask me with that silly smile on his lips

“I’m sorry for my impolite manners Mr. Ferrer, I’m Quinn Maives Oliva, Daughter of the owner of Oliva Corp”- I introduce myself to him, and then he take my hand and shook it

“So? You’re saying?”- He ask to get back to the topic

“Let me just get to the point Mr. Ferrer. I want you to be an investor to our new Company”- I said to him, too tired to run around the bush when I want to say it directly to him

“Bold, fierce and a straight forward young woman. Okay, how many percent would I get if I invest in your company?”- he said, should I be flutter with the compliments?

“30% of the share of the company”- I said to him

“I didn’t expect you’d be here Maives”- That tone of voice, never gets old. It’s been so many years, but I still remember his voice that it feels like yesterday since we last spoke to eachother

“And so am I”- I simply said then smiled to him

“Mr. Ferrer, hi”- I was shocked when he greeted Mr.Ferrer, I didn’t know that he knew him

“Mr.Sy”- Using his formal tone without smiling, he shook the hand of Mr.Sy

“I didn’t know that you two knew eachother”- He said like a mock that making me pissed, is he really trying to get into my nerves?

“Actually, I was just talking to him, so if you don’t mind my rudeness, you may leave us alone”- I said to him while I look at him from head to toe

“Still the same Maives, s—“

“No. I already upgraded my version”- I enterrupted him with a smirked on my face

Our discussion stops when a young lady walk to us, beautifully sluty, perfect for his taste, and it seems like he was proud to that girl when he grab its waist. As if I was affected, you can have him “I want you to meet my girlfriend”- He said to us and then he kissed the lady infront of us, my goodness.

“Oww, please get a room”- I said to them,I can’t take the view in face. So disgusting my gosh.

“Jealous?”- He asked like I was fucking jealous, well I’m not I was irredtated to his face, what the hell is he talking about, seriously?


“Why would my girlfriend be jealous on your girlfriend when he has me?”