
His voice was husky, I think he was drunk. I immediately took my robe and wore it before I run downstairs, I almost fell from the stairs because of how hurry I am.

“What are you doing here?”-I ask him when I’ve saw him, he was drunk indeed

He didn’t say anything but instead he hugs me, I didn’t know what to say or what to do. I mean I was shock that he called me in the middle of the night drunk, what the hell is his problem now?

When I realize that he was hugging me, I push him away and he just fell on the ground but the he didn’t bother to get on back his feet.

“Ponce!”- I shouted, I saw him running wearing his pajamas. He almost got stumble by just running in a hurry.

“What just happened Young Lady?”- He asks me, I could see he was struggling to breathe properly because of running from his room to where I am.

“Who is he Young Lady?”- Franco asks, he also got awake because of the noise I’ve made.