
“Maives, non sei ancora abbastanza per tornare al alvoro. ( Maives, you are not well enough to get back to work yet)”- Eros said to me whenZeno left

“Ve bene, ora sto bene, piccolo. (Its okay, I’m fine now baby)”- I said to him

“Ma---(But---)”- He stopped saying anything when CEO stop him

“Lasciala stare, piccolo (Let her be, baby)”- She said to Eros making him pout, he doesn’t like what he was hearing

“Assicurati di prendere le tue medicine, dibbiamo andare. (Make sure to take your meds, we need to go)”- CEO said facing me

“But Mom, I want to stay here with her”- Eros complain to CEO.

“No Eros, you can’t stay here with Maives, Maives need to rest after she’s done with her work. Also, Maives usually took care of you, if you’re here she might doing that without noticing it. We will just comeback tomorrow”- CEO said to him

“Dad”- He called Dad because he wants Dad to take his side