
“Zeno”- I called his attention, earlier he still bought me lunch even though I told him not to

“Yes My Quinn?”- He ask me

“Let’s wrap this up, let’s just finish this tomorrow. Also prepare a ppt for tomorrow okay?”- I instructed him

“Yes my Quinn.”- He answered

“I need to go, they already called multiple times just wanted me to get home, I almost forgot that we have a family dinner tonight”- I said to him and fix my thing to go home, also I brought some foldrs for me to read tonight

I was about to get out of the office when Zeno hold my arm to stop me from walking away “I’ll drive you home”- He said to me when I turn my face

“It’s okay Zeno, I could just call Ponce to pick me up, I don’t to consume more of your time. You can go home and have some rest”- I said to him and smile

“No, it’s okay. I want to drive you home”- He declared and I just smiled to him to agreed because I am still need to hurry home before Papa migt scold me