6. The Alphas

Since that day , I have tried several times to eascape and I have never failed to make them irritated by my rebellious behavior. I don´t like backing down and they know that but they keep on trying to dominate me and the worst thing is that I think it´s starting to work.

They have tolf me about them being werewolves and Alphas and they´ve told me about mates and the moon goddess and so much more unbelievable stuff that I can still hardly understand. But I can´t deny that they are werewolves, as they have shown me several times not only in... bed when they gave me the mating bite but also outside when they showed me their wolf forms. It has been a wild few weeks for me and I´m still trying to get used to things. I can´t believe I actually fell in love with these idiots. But that doesn´t mean that I will give in all the time.

Turns out, my best friend since childhood, Jamie, has gotten himself into a similar mess. He now has Wilder´s brother and another Alpha called Caleb to deal with as mates, which I found out when they came to visit, and seeing as they are all Alphas, they always want control. Hence, why we slipped out the window in the middle of the night to find some freedom for a bit.

And now, here I am, going down the stair and heading towards the kitchen where I hear noise. As embarassing as it sounds, me ass is going to be killing me for weeks and I know that. I slowly make my way into the kitchen to find my three mates staring at me.

"Emm, what happened last night?", I ask sheepishly with a small voice. "Well you tell us, Luke", Noah says, looking stern as always. "I-I don´t remember anything after I jumped out of the window..." I admit.

Noah sighs:"Well let me tell you what you did. We found you in a club, drunk out of your mind and kissing some random guy." I can clearly hear the anger in his voice at the last part of the sentence. Uh oh.

"What?! I had no idea... really? Guys i´m sorry, I-I didn´t mean to... I" I say, backing up into a near wall as Noah starts stalking towards me, a dangerous look on his face. As he reaches me, he grabs my wrists and slams them against the wall. His face is inches away from mine as he starts to kiss me roughly. I let him.

When he breaks the kiss, he says:" you are ours understand?" I nod quickly, knowing better than to disobey him right now, "Yes, Noah" " and you will obey us because whether you like it or not, we are the ones in charge here", he continues," we love you but what you did, even though it might not have been on purpose, hurt us so... that deserves a punishment, don´t you think so guys?" His voice has suddenly gained a sexy undertone to it as he turns around to look at our other two mates who nod in agreement. Oh boy, I´m so dead.





Armie Hammer as Noah (24 years old)


Henry Cavill as Wilder (28 years old)


Richard Madden as James (27 years old)





-30 minutes later-

Wilder´s P.O.V.

Noah is softly rubbing the tender area and then kisses up Luke´s spine towards his neck where he´s left his mating mark. It has faded a little bit but it is still visible. Luke is now lying on his stomach, completely exhausted. He lets out a small moan at Noah´s action. It is simply beautiful.

"You´ll never run from us like that again, right?" Noah says, his voice now calmer than ever.

"Mhm", I hear quietly from under the pillow Luke is lying face down on and I have to grin. I think he´s learned his lesson.

I look over at James who is staring at the same thing I was just a minute ago. I get myself into a sitting position before I softly kiss him. Us Alphas usually kiss each other very softly because there is no chance for one of us to really take charge like that, as all three of us are prideful Alphas who don´t want to challange their mate and cause avoidable conflict. I break the kiss and we give each other a smile as I get back up from the bed, ready to take a shower.

I go over to the bathroom, closing the door behind me as I begin to let the water ease tension in my muscles. I begin to think. I didn´t sleep that well last night. I am incredibly happy with my mates and now that we have found our last one, I should be feeling absolutely complete. Whole. But for some starnge reason, I´m still loking for something in the back of my mind and I can´t explain what it is...

Aiden´s P.O.V.

It has been days since I have left my apartment. I can be so glad that I got to call in sick at the bakery at a payphone closeby and Jonathan understood. Since that phonecall, I haven´t left my apartment again, living from canned food and having waves of depression hit me whenever I try to get my act together and leave the bed.

I am just too tired, too sad and I don´t even know why exactly. Everything was going fine until that incident at the club. I´m also afraid to leave the building because now, I don´t have my scent blocking liquid to help me be invisible to werewolves. If I catch the eye of an Alpha then that´t it for me. They will force me with them and do things to me and then I´ll never get the chance to see daylight again. Either they kill me after they´re done or, the more likely outcome, they will keep me to do all the chores in their pack. I can´t live like that again, it hurts too much to think about my days in the pack house. The thought alone brings tears to my eyes.

My body is cold constantly because it is close to December and I don´t have any blankets to keep me warm, only the old clothes I found and my work uniform. And I can´t make that dirty and smelly so I always have to wear all of the old jumpers and pants at once if I don´t want to freeze at night.

But I know that sooner or later, I´m going to have to go out and find or buy myself some kind of blanket. Great. Here goes the money for my food next week. But I can´t risk hypothermia. I couldn´t afford any treatment or medicine, so it is either warmth or food. I´ve gone weeks without food before, I can do it again.

Jax hasn´t had the strength to talk to me these last days, probably as distressed as I am from being hurt by out mate. When I think about it, I´m not even sure if it was our mate. It could have just been the smell of a gorgeous Alpha, who I mistook for being my mate, when it was just the powerful smell emitting from him, mixed with the smell of my human mate.

But the strange thing is that I always got so afraid of the smell of Alphas but this one was different... It was somewhat comforting. For a millisecond I felt comfort in it until he struck me.

Well, there is no way of telling if he was or wasn´t my second mate because there is no way I´ll ever see them again. I smile sadly. Second mate, ha. You little fool. I say to myself.

I have to get a grip. This is my fate and so, I have to accept it. It is time to move forward and not make a disgrace of myself before the moon goddess. She has given my parents a child, a child who they wanted the best for and because of that, I have to strive to be the best I can. To make them and the moon goddess proud. I have to get up and go to work, to find another job that will replace the one at the club and then, I will do my best to keep it. Things will get better Jax, I promise.