14. First meeting

-at eight o´clock that morning-

3rd person´s P.O.V.

James and Aiden are awoken by the flash of a camera. James groans as he opens his eyes, still holding onto Aiden tightly. They both look around, a bit confused but soon realize that all the other three are up and Wilder´s just taken a picture of their sleeping forms. Aiden blushes a bit.

"Wake up, sleeping beauties.", Wilder says grinning as he puts his phone away again.

James hasn´t let his grip on Aiden lose yes and places a kiss on top of his nose to which Aiden gets red and lets out a tiny smile. The Alphas as well as Luke need to catch their breath a little at the beautiful sight of their Omega.

James then shoots a look to Wilder and Noah and has a conversation over their mind link. All their faces turn serious as James is telling them about this morning.

"Guys, stop that. We wanna hear it too", Luke complains. Wilder nods at the two Alphas.

"I think it´s time that we talk a bit", he says sitting down on the bed. Everybody else does the same as Aiden and James go into a sitting position, James now letting go of Aiden to not suffocate him.

"So, Aiden, we realized that we haven´t introduced ourselves. My name is Wilder, this is Luke and that´s Noah. You know James already, right love?", he continues after Aiden nods shyly, avoiding eye contact. "We would like you to call us by our names, not our title, we are mates after all.", he smiles.

Aiden nods again and prepares to speak."May I ask something?" he lets out quietly, still looking at either his hands ot the Alphas´ chests. "Of course, Angel", Noah says, putting a hand on Aiden´s leg. The Omega tries not to show his fear at the touch and stays still.

"How... how do you know my name?", he asks, genuinely wondering.

"Well we were at the store to buy new covers", Noah glances at Luke who lets out a laugh before the human continues:" and that´s when they went all crazy, smelling something and being mysterious about it. Noah and Wilder ran off but couldn´t find you so we went back home to think." Aiden looks Luke in the eyes, brave enough to do so only because he feels like Luke won´t get mad at him for it.

Wilder continues:" The next day, we parted ways and I came by the bakery you work at and asked Jonathan about you. He told me your beautiful name."

Aiden smiles slightly, thinking about Jonathan´s kindness towards him through the weeks he´s worked there.

"Would you like to know anything else? I can tell you have a lot on your mind", Luke says from beside Wilder.

Aiden´s smile fades a bit as he remembers the two questions h is most desperate to find out about.

The other four wait paitiently for him to ask something.

"W- Where´s my real sleeping place?", he finally musters. Silence follows that question. "What do you mean, Aiden?" This time, James asks from Wilders side. "I mean, where do the Omegas sleep in this house? I.is it the attic ot the... cellar?", Aiden feels uncomfortable asking. He feels that something about this doesn´t please the Alphas.

His eyes widen a bit a sNoah lets out a growl. "Who told you to sleep in the basement?", he asks dangerously. Panic rises in Aiden´s chest. "M-My old pack.", he says quickly and looks at the floor.

"Noah, stop.", he hears Wilder say, "where did you sleep in your old pack, sweetheart?" Wilder´s voice is much calmer than Noah´s. "...basement floor", Aiden says quietly, not even thinking they heard him but considering their Alpha hearing, they most likely did.

All three Alphas let out growls this time. The Omega doesn´t know what to do, until Luke´s hand reaches for his and he gives him a reassuring look.

"Is that why I found you cleaning the floors at five o´clock this morning? Is that what you did in your olf pack house?", James asks him, already knowing the answer. "Yes, I-... I´m sorry I was late this morning. I didn´t mean to sleep in... I´m sorry I didn´t follow the rules", Aidensays, disappointed in himself, his head hanging even lower.

"Baby no... don´t think like that", Luke says and Aiden´s heart skips a beat as he calls him baby.

Wilder stops growling and sighs. "This ends today, Aiden. We are going to make new rules for you. Rules that you have to follow for your own health and protection, understood?" Aiden nods. "We want yu to understand that your old pack did many things wrong. It is actually considered a crime to mistreat Omegas and use them as slaves for the pack house. It is a terrible thing to put that much pressure on Omegas and it is inexcusable, do you understand?" He nods again. "These rules will be different from the ones you´ve had before. They will help you and we will make sure you are safe because we love you, Aiden! We don´t want you to work like this. And you will sleep in a bed with US! Never again on the floor because we want you close!"

"Yes, Alpha", Aiden says without thinking, too used to saying the phrase. He then remembers what his mates have told him moments ago and quickly tries to correct himself.

"W-Wilder, I mean Wilder", he stutters, panicked. He feels a hand that belongs to Noah move up to his face and flinches as he gets ready for the first hit.

But it never comes.

Instead, Noah softly touches his cheek.

"Hey, I´m not gonna hurt you, shhh", Noah whispers as he carefully puts his fingers through Aiden´s hair and then under his chin to lift it up. He closes his eyes, trying not to look at the Alpha until Noah speaks. "Look at me please, Aiden. Let me see those beautiful blue eyes", he says. Slowly, Aiden musters all his courage and opens his eyes to find the ones of his third Alpha.

"Good boy" Noah praises him and continues to look directly into Aiden´s blue orbs.

"May I ask a question now? How did you get those wounds?", Noah asks in a low voice, calm but concerned and mad at whoever did this to his mate.

"Y-you don´t remember me?", the Omega looks over at Luke and everyone´s attention turns to the human.