I've packed food for you for breakfast at school later
Why do you always want to go to school early
I've my reason.Now we go to school
Eat this bread first.At school you will breakfast
You're welcome.Let's go
*At School*
Let's go to canteen
Why.Can I eat at class
No.The teacher will angry because you eat at class
Why do you seem to be sulking. Is it because you want to eat in class??
I don't want to eat at canteen.The canteen is very noisy
Alright².We will eat at class
Okay.Let's go
*At class*
Now we eat before another student come to class
*After eat*
That's food really delicious.Like my mom cook that food
Really??.My mom teach me how to cook.I just know 5 food that I can cook
Wow.That's great.I don't know how to cook
I will teach you later
The bell has rung. So it's time to study
We need go to science Lab.Today we want to do some experiment.
Oh.Wait.I want to get my book first
Okay.Let's go
*At science lab*
Danial,After the school.We go to Cyber Cafe.I want to play games
Okay.Do you want to fight me again
Yeah.I will win
Let's see
Danial and Stella.What are you doing.I'm teaching and you don't focus when I teaching
I'm so sorry Mr.Bryan.
Me too.I'm so sorry Mr.Bryan.
Okay.I will forgive you too.When the class end.Come to my office
Now focus
*After Science Class*
Hughh.I'm tired.I want to sleep
You sleep.I will cover you
"Okay.Thanks Stella
You're welcome
*After Danial Sleep*
His face really handsome when he sleep
*After 5 minutes*
Danial.Wake up.Teacher coming here
Huh.Where's my book
This is your book.I borrow because I don't bring my book
Who don't bring book
Okay.You stand on a chair now
I'm so sorry
It's okay
*After Mathematics Class end*
If you don't bring your book again.You will go outside from my class.Do you hear that!!
Yes.I'm sorry Mr.Stephen
I accept you apologise
I'm sorry Danial.Because me,you stand on chair
It's okay.I don't mind.I will do anything for you
Okay.Thank you for you will do anything for me
You're welcome
*After School end*
Hello.Are you Danial
Yeah.I'm Danial.Who are you
Okay.I'm Jason
Why you want to meet with me??
Okay.I'm coach from Team Survival.I think you know that team
What!!!.Are you Coach Axel
Yeah.That's my IGN
IGN=In Game Name
That's my favourite team.But after the Free Fire Master League.I don't hear that team go to championship again.
Yeah.The team was disbanded due to members fighting over the championship they had been eliminated. And because of that, one team member die because accident
Now I want to invite you to join this Team. And you will be the new Team Leader. We will find another person to join this team
Okay.Can I say something
What you want to say??
Can Stella join this team too??
Yes.But You will teach him
Yes.You can join this team too
I worry I will be a burden to this team
No.If we lose.We lose together.If we win.We win together.I will teach you the basic and the skill that you will use
Alright.I will join this team
Where we want to find 3 people to join this team??
We will take old player that has been join this team
We will take Graxel,Gaxe and Klaxe.
Seriously.That's Legendary people
Yeah.If he doesn't die.This team will be Legendary and another people will remember this name
Wait.I want to ask.What's name that player
Top 10 professional players right??
I have see your potential to being Top 3 professional Players
No.I can't get to be Top professional Players
If you have set your mind to be championship.You will trying to be championship right??
Yeah.I want to show them that playing games can successed
That's your mind set.Now we go to cafe.We talk about this
*In the car*
I have a questions.I always see you at Cyber Cafe.You always look Danial right??. What's your real intention??
First I see Danial play at Cyber Cafe.I looks his gameplay like Xorn.From that day,I always go Cyber Cafe to see him but yesterday I don't have chance to see you and Danial
We go there only play for 1 hour only
Oh.That's why I can't see you and Stella
At Cafe*
May I know how this team was created??
Yeah.I want hear about that too
Alright.I will tell you
This team was created after the team leader Xorn was removed by the Hydro team because his team members considered him weak and also a weakness for the team
After that, Xorn is determined to show the old team that he is not weak. So Xorn created this team. I helped him and became the coach of this team. And now we lose him
Oh.That's why this team has created
I have found you.You can be leader for this team.I hope you two don't betray this team
To Be Continued