
After a whole night of not much sleeping , the day finally arrived and I stayed in bed a bit longer not really believing everything that was happening to be true .

I could just imagine the proud look on my father's face as he looked down upon us .

He always told me I was meant for great things , looks like this was it .

After sometime , I fully awoke and made a beeline to the bathroom where I performed my morning routine extra slower than usual.

Ignoring a couple of calls as well while I was at it . Calls from people that I knew very well were not of very most significance and especially calls from a certain old partner of mine .

"Well if it isn't the man of the occasion himself" My brother announced as he entered my room uninvited as usual .

"A knock would have sufficed dummy" I laughed as I looked at his disappointed face .

"You wound me brother , after all there's nothing to hide in this boring place of yours . It needs some life man" He stated looking around appalled as ever .

"It's fine the way it is , thank you" I replied, avoiding his repeated ideas on the redecorating of my room .

" Well mom sent me here to make sure you hadn't run off and of course I'm here to help to select a proper outfit seeing your sad sense of fashion " He teased knowing very well I was two words away from drilling a hole into his face .

"Thanks , now out " I tried to sack the nuisance of a younger brother from my room as he was just bound to leave me with a headache .

"At least let me help you select a suit" The grown man pouted as I finally gave in to his whims .

He always got his way and of course through being a pain in the behind .

He rummaged through my closet in search of "the suit" as he put it whiles I lay down trying to figure out which call or message was important enough at this point to return .

Just when I thought I couldn't be bothered anymore , a certain dark haired beauty walked in smiling as always .

"Oh great " I conceded as my brother laughed at my misery .

"Brother!" My little sister screamed as she jumped on me sending my phone flying to the other side of the bed .

"A little birdie told me you needed my help and company of course so here I am " She smiled as she looked at the not so little birdie in the person of my idiot brother .

I glared at him as he literally cowered into the closet .

"Not so fast big guy " She laughed as she joined her twin at the closet to search for the suit which just led to an argument which was not bound to end now .

I finally conceded defeat and blended their arguments into the background as I focused on more important work .

The ceremony was less than three hours away and the twins were making very sure I was attending with a headache .

"Tio!" A little voice said from the door as it was pushed wide open .

Finally , someone I actually wanted to see .

My little niece .

"Aria !" I run and pick her up as she squealed in delight .

"Hey , I'm her Tio too you know" Landon pouted earning a very much deserved glare from me .

"Who's your favorite Tio Aria" I cooed much to the chagrin of Landon .

"Tio!" She responded as she wrapped her arms around my neck so tightly earning laughter from everyone except her jealous uncle .

"There you are Aria " Her worried nanny who also doubled as her nana ; her father's mom, entered and swiftly took her from me to both our disappoinments .

"Ma" London cried noticing her mother in law .

"You all still behave like kids , this is a very important day and you're here bickering like kids instead of getting ready " She accused pointing one by one at all of us including a giggling Aria.

"Now you two out " She shooed the twins who took the first opportunity to bolt down the stairs.

"Everything will be fine my boy" She patted my cheek lovingly .

" Now get ready quickly" She changed her stance and went out with a waving Aria .

Finally the countdown to the occasion was almost over as we had barely thirty minutes to the occasion.

From the mind link of my Beta I was informed that quite a number of the guests had arrived and technically I was the one everyone was waiting for .

"Alpha , the last two Alphas with their entourages have arrived . The Edelweiss Pack and the Silver Moon Pack " My Beta announced ever so formally.

"I'll be there shortly" I informed .

I put on the suit the twins had finally settled on and made my way to the grand seating.

Fashionably late ? , That I was .

Upon my arrival , all that were present stood in respect .

Most of the Alphas wouldn't have naturally stood seeing as the so called Alpha blood running through their veins wouldn't permit them to stoop so low .

But seeing as I was to be their new Alpha King , the accorded me the respect duly .

After the walk to the front , I took my place at the podium .

"Please sit" I announced as everyone took their seats subsequently.

I looked around and noticed my mother was not present and gave the twins a pointed look which they returned also in the dark as to where our mother was .

"Welcome everyone to Blood Moon Pack , as you may know I'm Alpha Maximiliano Black of this great Pack and soon to be your devoted Alpha King" I continued as most of those present nodded to my welcome.

"We are gathered here today for my Alpha King induction ceremony as I will be taking over from the outgoing Alpha Gesh Cero " I stopped to take in their reactions which was good so far .

"I will be taking over on the condition that Alpha Gesh Cero is no more to be Alpha of his pack and seeing as his successor hasn't served long enough to become Alpha King, I was given the honour to do so by the council of werewolves" I informed them as should be.

After my introduction speech , it was finally time for the actual ceremony and my mother was still not present which was not like her .

I mind linked my Beta to bring out the stuff for the ceremony which included some silverware , a knife , robe , crown and a some files from the previous Alpha King.

The Outgoing Alpha King joined me on stage and gave me a pat on the back to signal his support.

In a few minutes , the Beta followed by some servants brought out all the items .

The orchestra begun to play a couple of times as was required and the ceremony begun still without my mother .

Gesh Cero recited a few words in Latin and put the robe on me as everyone clapped in satisfaction.

He said another set of words in Latin as he placed the crown on top of my head earning another set of cheers .

It was now down to the most important part of the coronation, without which the coronation would be invalid .

It was the blood ritual , the was the ritual where we were both to get little amounts of our blood into the silver bowl so that the goddess herself would know that now someone else was to lead her people.

Gesh Cero picked up the golden looking knife and showed it to all present and then towards the direction of the moon .

He slit his index and dropped his blood into the platter and handed me the knife which I wiped and proceeded to slit my index as well .

"Stop this ceremony!" We're the words that prevented me from using the knife as I turned to look at the one who uttered the words .

"Mother?" Was all I could say as I stared into the nothingness of her eyes .