I know the thing that was supposed to be the most important to me and constantly on my mind should have been the finding of my mate or whatever it's called after all that was what guaranteed my return back to my pack and my people .

But that wasn't the case , why waste my time fussing over something i didn't believe in for all I knew she probably doesn't exist or she might have gotten married or something .

I mean who would be waiting for someone the Moon goddess had prepared for him or her , it just didn't make sense .

I mean who would want to be tied down to one woman or man when there was plenty fish in the sea I could chose from each and every other day .

I mean I was good looking and rich too, if I wanted a new woman in my bed everyday it was just a walk in the park.

I just needed to flash a smile their way and show them my flashy car and voila my wish will be done and they seeing my place will just seal the deal and give them better gusto in the bedroom.

Just how I liked it.

Finding my mate was the least of my worries to be honest , to hell with the council and all those who thought I needed a woman to be complete and to rule to my fullest capacity .

They kicked me out right ? . They better get busy finding my replacement because I had suppressed this bad boy for far too long just to meet their 'Perfect Alpha " standards .

'Perfect Alpha my bottom'. That guy was dead now Max himself is awake .

Few weeks into living there , I began partying and my first day in a bar , I sent my first girl home and I didn't even lift a finger .

She made the first move , it seemed as if girls were becoming more and more courageous as the days went by.

She was a slender brunette and we had a good time together . Up until when she had to leave.

"As much as we had a great time , I think you have to leave now Mary" My sleepy voice came , I was in no position to have an argument.

"Are you trying to kick me out? I thought you liked me" She began to cry .

"I'm sorry but this was a one night stand and you have to leave now" I spoke paying no heed to her tears knowing they were fake . I knew her type.

"I'm not cheap okay , I'm a respectable woman and you have no right to......" I didn't let her finish .

"Okay that's enough" I got up and kindly escorted her out with a wad of cash .

"I had fun , you had fun now adiós" I said and banged the door in her face . I seriously wanted to sleep.

"This isn't over yet " I heard her scream from the hallway.

I just turned over and covered my head with a pillow . That wasn't how I pictured my Saturday morning would be.

I had to seriously start getting myself together and bring Black Heart back to life. We needed to hire people.

After a few more weeks of drinking , partying and having meaningless sex and a lot more , the interviews began and i had to cut all the fun short . Sadly.

We had lot of interviews and I must say , most of them were very impressive but others i think just came to look around and waste time.

For me ,I didn't allow work and my personal life mix at all so when I saw some ladies enter my office with skimpy clothes and breasts looking as if they wanted to fall out of their tiny shirts that left little to the imagination , I was extremely annoyed but I didn't lash out though because of the gentleman I was raised to be.

I wanted to see what they had to offer and I must say some of them were really really good with a lot to offer and others were just empty and noisy barrels who thought pushing out their breasts qualified as a résumé .

It's not that I wasn't attracted , as a man I was attracted to many women almost all the time but the way these women overused their over floral perfumes and batted their long fake eyelashes like they had dust in their eyes was really sickening and some men only had the professional look going for them with nothing at all in their résumé , it was one hell of a ride doing these interviews.

The interviews went well ; mostly , we had already shortlisted some of those we saw fitting for the positions in waiting for others to also prove themselves .

It was really tough at some departments where almost everyone came with their A game making it difficult to select but all the same we still selected the finest of them all because we wanted this company to be the best among it's counterparts and our competitors .

The interviews went on and on but on the last day I was caught up in a really important meeting so I couldn't make it to oversee the interviews for that day so I had the reliable head of human resource fill in for me .

She was really good at what she did .

All the same I had a camera installed so I could still see what was going on once in a while on my phone .

Since the meeting was a really long one , we were given breaks once in a while to drink water or something . So when there was that occasional break I took the chance to check in and see what was going on .

I think I saw a bit of everyone's interviews and it was just like any other day . Some people actually wanted the job , some didn't , others came to show me their assets, others didn't , some came with their A game and others came to joke . The usual.

There was this one girl that decided to stare at the door . To her staring at the door was maybe more important than her interview , at least she dressed professionally so that was at least something for her.

Apart from that I don't think she has much going for her and then again that was the only part of her interview I saw so I couldn't judge .

After the meeting we exchanged pleasantries , planned another meeting and a whole lot of stuff . I also met a former business partner Chinelle who had recently opened a new company in France and we decided to go to a nearby bar together and catch up , talk about all businesses and all .

She definitely did become hotter since the last time I saw her. We had a few drinks and exchanged numbers . It was nice meeting her again after all that time .

Later after the meeting I went back to Black Heart to get information on the interviews and I must say I was content.

Sitting in my office my mind drifted to my pack , my family , how were they faring . I hope they were good but I could only wonder as I was here and they were there ......