But, today, watching Ife walk past me, in all her glory, struck a chord in me. She'd always had a sort of confidence. To me, it seemed almost forced, but now, I felt the energy which came off of her, it told tales of strength, she was strong, she was fearless. At least to me, she seemed to be. She'd left about ten years ago, and never returned, not once, not to see her dearest father, not to see me, she'd simply seized to exist within our home

Too hesitant towards asking of her, especially from Oby, I'd simply decided to move on, for if she'd cared, she'd have made an effort to visit, if not for our sake, for the sake of her father who spoke of nothing, but her, he worried, and so did I. With her, turned inexistent in our home, I moved on, like we'd never had to yell our names across the street, like we'd never shared a meal. But, seeing her today, a thought had been planted, I would wait for her, I wouldn't leave, till we'd hugged each other.