Chapter 3

Chapter 3

“Where is Anna?” Danielle kept shouting as Dominic tried to calm her down. Nikki was so shocked as she paced. She ruffled her hair and said, “Danielle please, you need to calm down.” Danielle moved closer to her and slapped her yelling, “You expect me to calm down, I just lost a baby right under your hospital and you expect me to calm down.”

Dominic held Danielle close saying, “You really need to calm down Danielle, we've known Nikki for years, and you don't believe her?”

Nikki continued, “I understand you Danielle, you don't have to worry. I'll get the surveillance video of last night..please excuse me.” Then she left the room.

Danielle went to carry Olivia as she cried. “I don't know who took your sister, but I'm glad they left you for me.”

Then she looked at Dominic tearfully, “Who would want to do this to us Dominic? My daughter never offended anyone. If the person has a beef with us, then it should be settled with us and not our child.”

Dominic carried Olivia from her and laid her down into her crib. Then he went to Danielle saying, “We will get to the bottom of this and that's a promise.”

A nurse knocked and said, “Doctor Nikki is calling you both.” Then she left.

Both of them went to Nikki's office and sat down. Nikki turned the laptop to them and pressed play. It showed Nikki talking to Gary to leave that room on time and Grace and Gary leaving the room. Then she paused it and said, “I told Gary to leave the room on time, I don't know why Grace followed him.” Then she pressed play. Nothing happened but after a while, they saw someone entering the room in a janitor's cloth, took the baby immediately and left. The face couldn't be recognized because there was a mask on the man's face. Then the video paused and Nikki immediately sent for Grace.

Grace came in some minutes later and was hit with a slap by Danielle immediately. “You idiot, you were told to watch over my kids but you left your job, I'll file a report against” Then she hit her again forcing Dominic to pull Danielle away from Grace.

Grace was in tears and Nikki asked, “Where were you when Gary was done cleaning?”

Grace was scared and said, “I'm so sorry Doctor Nikki, I didn't think something like this would happen. I just stepped out for some air.”

“And what of Gary?”

“He went home immediately. I escorted him.”

Danielle freed herself from Dominic and went to hit Grace again shouting, “You bastard, I promise you will rot in jail.”

Dominic held her and she faced him. “Will you let me go Dominic, we are talking about my children...our children.”

Nikki sighed and said, “We have no choice than to involve the police.” Then she turned to Grace. “Go to your quarters and stay there.” Grace left the room immediately and Nikki turned to Danielle saying, “I'm really sorry for all that happened. You have to go home now. We'll take care of it.”

Danielle laughed. “Am I an idiot to let you handle it? Dominic is staying here.”

Dominic cleared his throat and said, “Listen Nikki, I'll take Danielle home now but call me once the police get here.” Nikki nodded and they left.

Danielle was in tears as she carried Olivia. She faced Dominic tearfully and he went to hug her. Then she faked a weak smile and they left the hospital.

When they got home, Danielle went to the kids room and set Olivia on her own crib tearfully. She went to Anna's crib, took her little pillow and clutched it to her chest in tears. She dropped the pillow and sat on the floor leaning her back against the wall. She wiped her face with a white handkerchief which was for Anna and cried her eyes out.

Dominic came in and met her crying. He went to meet her saying, “Danielle, please stop crying. You just came back from the hospital.”

She sniffed and asked, “Is this what I deserve after waiting for three years with no kids? and now I brought them to life but one was taken away from me...oh Dominic.”

Dominic sat beside her saying, “This is a very bad thing that happened to us, but I just hope that wherever our child, Anna may be, I hope she's being treated well.”

Danielle leaned her head on his shoulders saying, “I hope so to.”

The man who took Anna dropped her at the doorstep of a wretched house, knocked on the door and left. A woman, whose name was Lucille opened the door. She was shocked and startled when she saw a young innocent baby at her doorstep. She immediately carried the child up and went round the house to see if she might find whoever brought the innocent child. After checking for a while with no answers, she went inside the house without noticing the man who dropped the child hiding behind a tree.

Lucille went inside and called her husband, Bob. Bob came out and asked, “Are you into babysitting now?”

Lucille rolled her eyes saying, “I found this young baby at our doorstep. She was dropped by someone.”

Bob drank a cup of water and asked, “Are you sure someone's not playing pranks, cause no can just drop their child here.”

Lucille looked at Anna saying, “I wonder why though. I wonder why she was brought to us Bob.”

Bob asked, “So, are you going to take care of her.”

Lucille immediately answered, “Of course I will, she's so innocent.”

Back in the Thompson's house, Danielle and Dominic were with Olivia in her room. Danielle smiled at Olivia saying, “No matter what we are going through right now, no matter where your sister is right now, I'm ready to take care of you my dear. I love you and your sister very much.” Then she started crying again. Dominic held her close saying, “That's okay Danielle, crying won't help the situation. I have arranged a meeting with the police and they would be here tomorrow morning.”

Danielle nodded as she wiped her tears saying, “Thank you Dominic for everything.” Then they left Olivia's room to their room to sleep.