Chapter 7

Lucille was shocked at the question and asked, “What are you talking about Stacy? Of course we are your family and I am your mother.”

“Then why did I see a girl that looks like me.” Then she told them all that Olivia said and how she prevented her from meeting Danielle.

Lucille sat her down and said, “I think it's time you know the real truth.”

Stacy sat beside her asking, “What truth mother?”

Lucille sighed, “You are not my real daughter, Shannon is. And I didn't adopt you, I found you at my doorstep. I didn't know who dropped you there, but when I saw you, I made a promise to take care of you.”

Stacy was crying already, “But what about the girl I saw, was she my sister?”

Lucille held her hands, “I don't know who your real family is, but if that girl is your sister and she prevented you from meeting your mother, that means she doesn't want you my dear, but we are here for you.”

Stacy sobbed in Lucille's hand, “Thank you mom for telling me the truth.”

Bob placed his hands on her, “No matter what happens, we'll always love you.” Then he told Lucille to take her to bed. Lucille set her to sleep and came back outside wiping the tears from her eyes.

She noticed Shannon's mood and asked, “What's wrong Shannon? I noticed your mood. Is something bothering you?”

Shannon spoke immediately, “I saw the woman, the bad woman.”

Lucille knew the woman she was talking about and asked, “Did she recognize you? Did she do anything to you?”

Shannon started pacing, “I wish, but this is serious mom.”

Bob asked,“Can't you just say what happened?”

Shannon stopped. “The woman, Danielle is Stacy's mom.”

Lucille was shocked and she placed her hands over her mouth, “Oh no! Oh no no no no no...this can't be happening!”

Shannon sat down, “What's gonna happen now mother? You know your history with her, if she finds out her daughter was with you, she will destroy us completely!”

Lucille roughened her hair, “But who must have placed Stacy on our doorstep? Was the person being good or evil to us? What's going to happen now Bob?”

Bob pulled her close, “We just have to be careful. Danielle will recognize her daughter any minute especially if she was with Olivia. Come on let's go to sleep.”

Then they all went inside to sleep.

They were having dinner in the Thompsons house. Olivia ate her food and said goodnight to both of them. Danielle looked at Dominic saying, “She's growing up so fast....besides I was impressed with what she did today at the charity.”

Dominic asked, “What did our sweet Olivia do?”

Danielle smiled, “She met this Stacy girl at the charity, although I didn't get to meet the girl. But what Olivia said got to me. I asked why she gave Stacy her shades, she said it was because she remembered Anna. I mean, she never met Anna, but she remembered Anna, I'm so proud of her. That means she will do her best to look for Anna too.”

Dominic nodded, “That's really good. You should have told me before she went to bed. I'll get her a gift tomorrow.”

Danielle laughed, “Oh please. Then something happened after. I and Olivia were about to leave when a young girl maybe eighteen or nineteen came running, she grabbed Olivia like she wanted to take her away from me. She kept calling Olivia Stacy. I was so angry. I even slapped her, but she didn't stop until I called security.”

Dominic paused and asked, “A girl was calling Olivia another name? Did you ask the girl about the Stacy?...What if that was Anna? And maybe the girl thought you were taking Anna away? What if Anna is with that girl?”

Danielle stood up, “Oh no...that didn't even come to my mind. I'll visit the charity tomorrow and ask about the girl.”

Olivia who was eavesdropping said to herself, “No mom, you won't.” Then she tip toed upstairs.

The next morning, Dominic went to work early. Danielle was getting ready to go to the Charity when Olivia came in asking, “Are you going somewhere mom?”

Danielle put her phone in her bag saying, “Yes sweetie, I'm going to the Charity.”

Olivia sat down asking, “But why are you going there again mom? I mean we went there yesterday.”

Danielle sighed, “I just want to get more information about the girl that was calling you Stacy. I want to know who she is and who that Stacy is exactly. I can also get to know the Stacy you were talking to yesterday.”

Olivia stood up and said, “No mom, you don't have to. That girl has been bothering me since school.”

Danielle was confused and asked, “What are you talking about?”

“I know who that girl is. Her name is Dana. This isn't the first time. She knows our family is rich and wealthy, she just wants to get into our heads mom. She did it for my friend Letty and even Alexa, that's why I didn't panic mom. Just trust me, going to the Charity would be a waste of time.” Then she faced the mirror, “And as for Stacy, she told me she would go home last night, so she won't be there anymore.”

Danielle sat down slowly and said, “Thank you my dear. I'll do my best to make sure that girl never sees you again. I love you.” Then she hugged her. Olivia smirked and said to herself, “Easy-peasy.”

Then she asked, “Mom, can I invite my friends over tonight.”

Danielle pulled out of the hug asking, “You want to invite friends over? For what?”

“For a sleepover, girls night, slumber party....all those cool stuffs.”

Danielle answered, “Alright dear, I'll place a call to their parents and I'll tell them. Anything for you.”

Olivia shrieked,“Thank you mom.” Then she ran out to her room.

The same day, Shannon came in and said, “Guess what!”

Lucille laughed, “You've come again Shannon. What did you do this time?”

Shannon rolled her eyes, “Mother, Father, remember I told you I was working?” They nodded and she continued, “I got my salary increased today and I got a new house for us!”

Lucille stood up, “No way! Shannon!!” Then she hugged her tightly.

Bob smiled, “I'm proud of you Shannon, but you didn't have to buy a house with your salary.”

Shannon sat down, “Oh come on dad, I've been saving for this moment since I started working and I did what was best for us. Come on mother, talk to father.”

Lucille pulled her close, “Don't worry my dear, your father is happy. He's just scared to show it.” Then they all laughed and Shannon said, “We are moving in tonight. Although, where's Stacy?”

Lucille answered, “She should be in her room, she was sleeping when I went to her room.”

Shannon sighed, “I kinda feel bad for her....knowing her mom is a monster.”

“She must not know about it okay. You can't let her know about her mothers history with us, just keep it.” Lucille warned.

Bob said, “Okay, that's enough. Let's start getting ready to move to our new home.” Then they all went to get ready.