Lucille sighed deeply and Dominic looked at Danielle asking, “You did all these Danielle?!”

Stacy looked at Danielle, “Mom....”

Danielle looked at Dominic tearfully, “I'm so sorry Dominic. I thought she was pregnant for you.”

Dominic stood up angrily, “Did you really think I'll do something like that Danielle? Why didn't you ask me?”

Danielle held his hands, “Please Dominic, please. I'm so sorry....” Then she looked at Lucille, “Forgive me Lucille....I was wrong. I just thought you were better than me. I thought Dominic chose you over me.”

Lucille shook her head, “No Danielle, I tried to tell you then but your hatred for me was already there.”

Danielle clutched her palms together and Stacy said, “Mom...why would you do that?”

Danielle looked at Stacy, “I'm so sorry Anna...I really am....I'm not a monster Anna, please know that.”