The fight started immediately after we nodded at each other and Arquis brought out another weapon, it was a purple machine gun made from his spirit. I ran to the line of Denvas' Impellers and my red spirit shot out red knives in every direction and I caught a glimpse of white knives alongside them merging with the red causing massive destruction. Enemies were swarming at the two of us from every angle and trying to get an advantage on us, but we wouldn't go down we fought furiously swords, guns, and our spirits battling out against others. It was clear that we were evenly matched and Denvas cried out to his remaining people and tried to make a run for it but I was enraged and sent a Thunderphoenix that sent scores of Impellers flying into the distance and finally it was us and Denvas and he looked at us angrily ready to kill us both for killing his Impellers. "So you're a traitor and you kill your friends, huh Arquis?" We stood firmly ready to defend ourselves in case he attacked, but he didn't try to attack which was even more concerning. He just stood there and laughed as if he had won. "If you think that I'm a threat just wait until you meet the one that gave me that personal archive for me and my people." We went to grab him but his armor changed to a c4 explosive belt and we had no time to run so we made a barrier of titanium alloy with both our spirits and it made a light magenta color. Denvas exploded violently and his spirit was so strong that it started bending the metal and gray flames spread hot as lava around us making us sweat from every pore until finally the last of his spirit had gone out and we were left alone with our barrier faintly glowing before finally being extinguished by Arquis and I. We looked at each other dripping wet with sweat and brushed off what had just happened and silently trodded off towards Lava Rose Rift once more. We were both at a loss for words uncertain of what to do after we defeated Denvas and his army, there was obviously a bigger threat on the loose but we had no idea where to even look or if we had a chance of defeating whoever it was. I looked back and thought of the device that was built like The Final Archive to see if there was anything we missed. Arquis came after me and asked, "What are you doing? We have to go to Lava Rose Rift and find our target." I replied, "I know, I'm just seeing if I can find any hint of who we we're up against." I opened the device and saw symbols and a blinding light of pure darkness spewing out across the ground and sky around us, tinted with all the spirits of those who put some of their own inside. Whoever made this was way stronger than we could imagine if The Final Archive only took part of your spirit then someone had a massive amount of spirit inside them. Arquis looked on amazed and frightened too by the spirit. After what we saw we both started running as far away as we could scared shitless not taking a chance of meeting who or whatever had made the object that Denvas possessed. We ran a long way away from where we were and started walking and panting until we got to the point we could breathe normally again. Arquis looked at me and said, "You see why we don't look at things we don't know about?" I laughed and Arquis looked at me funny, "You've lost your ever loving mind." I laughed more and Arquis started laughing with me. It was the first time he'd actually shown happiness around me and I thought the trip wouldn't be as bad with him being happy for once, but then he went back to being serious and the moment of temporary happiness faded. "Back to the journey towards Lava Rose Rift." Arquis said bluntly. There was the gruff jerk I had traveled so far with. "I guess so." I said annoyed at him already feeling the awkward silence that was going to set in again. We headed back towards our original path which didn't take long but definitely slowed us down in the long run. I was jamming out to some of my favorite songs while we were riding on towards the next city having fun by myself since Arquis clearly wasn't going to have any. It might have been a dangerous mission but being being serious all the time might make you raise your guard but it has to wear you down at some point. I heard from my parents that the most dangerous fighter is a happy fighter so I plan on being the most dangerous fighter of all, I already lost the most important part of my life losing Opet what else was there to lose? We kept along the main stretch of road that went towards the next city for hours, and I was using one of my portable battery chargers that I had since I was a teenager to keep the music going. After a while it had finally gotten dark and we stopped to get some sleep taking watch on and off as usual, the one thing I loved most about taking a break was eating the provisions we brought with us. Arquis was eating a steak with potatoes covered in gravy and chopped onions and I was enjoying some baked macaroni and shredded potato casserole along with some juicy hamburgers seasoned perfectly. The landscape wasn't anything much to look at but it was relaxing to just look up at the stars and moon and look back at the land and feel the cool night breeze float through your hair after such a long journey I almost fell asleep but then woke up sharply after Arquis splashed some water on me. "No sleeping on watch idiot." He said annoyed. I growled under my breath. He was right but he didn't have to be a jerk all the time.