Tommy stepped back as a chuckle left his lips, "I tried to be nice, I stated simple instructions," he said as Jasmine rolled her eyes, "And I said go to hell, I'll never tell you anything about Tommy, f**k no," she said with a bitchy attitude causing Tommy to smirk underneath his mask.
"Then I guess, I don't need you anymore," he said as Jasmine furrowed before Tommy pulled out his gun aiming it between her eyes as Jasmine gasped, "Any last words, baby girl?" Tommy asked as tears began to pour from Jasmine's eyes, "No, alright fine," he said as he placed his finger on the trigger causing Jasmine to squeeze her eyes shut waiting for the end of her life, but nothing came except for warm, minty breath that fanned her face, "I'm impressed princess," a familiar voice commented as Jasmine's eyes snapped open.