Chapter 29

The ride to the 'L' sisters' house was silent, no one dares to break the tensed silence as everyone was occupied with their thoughts.

Jasmine stared out of the window recalling everything that happened today. Tommy was never this violent with Jasmine and it had her thinking, "Will this be the last time that Tommy ever gets this violent with me, should I really marry this man?" She asked herself as she glanced at the engagement ring that Tommy managed to slip on her finger without her knowing.

A sigh left her lips as she slowly slips the engagement ring off. She gently rubbed her thumb over the diamond as her chest tightens, tears stung her eyes as she licked her lips before slipping the ring back on her finger before being pulled into the embrace of laura.

Jasmine snuggled into Laura's shoulder as she took a deep breath in with her eyes closed as she slowly slipped into a peaceful slumber.
