Chapter 42

— I consider Giácomo Rizzo and Marcello Venni's request, and also that of his son Enzo Grazzo, to be fair. — I make an example today, I take power, I claim your blood and the blood of yours to accusers.

And saying that I aim my gun at Domenico, who looks at me in astonishment, but the next three shots were not for them.

— No authority can compare to the capo de tutti capi, accept your destiny and live, oppose me and your heart will be in my hands. I take what is mine and it was given to me right — I pointed my gun at Giácomo Rizzo.

— Do what you have to do, my son! He said and fell with the first shot.

My grandfather looked at me and nodded slightly accepting his fate and the bullet hit his chest.

Enzo looked at me in fear and disbelief, but his fate was sealed when the third bullet hit him.

— We accept the judgment and justice of capo dei capi — echoed Amato Sorrentino and Massimo D'Angelli at the same time and all the families did the same.