
“Now, give me the card so I can go back to my job. If this thing pushes through you’ll get a present from me.”

“Thanks for your generosity, forget about the present, there is one last thing that you’ll do before I hand you this.”

“Not again—I think you’re just fooling me.” She picked her purse and rose up abruptly from her seat preparing to leave. “I’m done with your scam.”

“Sit down,” I said with a calm voice. I’d been prepared for this kind of scenario that I became adept at forestalling it over and over again. Her bluff was subconsciously and loosely delivered, and countering it was so easy. “You’re all talk about your detestation of your pimp, now I’m giving you a change to get even with her.” She was half- standing for several seconds between the table and the booth’s seat, but eventually decided to sit down again after hearing my words. Hate, after all is the major catalysts of all revenge, and the woman is full of it.