3: Taylor

"Hi! I heard you've been screwing around with my boyfriend? I'm here to tell you that he's mine and you need to back the hell off", Tahlia says as she pushes her fingers into my shoulder. I raise my eyebrow at her and shrug my shoulders not wanting to deal with her so early in the morning.

I knew Tahlia would be outraged as I strolled passed her without a care for what she had to say. My thoughts were confirmed as I hear her screech like a banshee.

Her voice sounded like nails on a bloody chalk board. Loud, naisely, and very annoying. I still can't fathom how her posey put up with listening to that all day everyday. I couldn't stand listening to her for 2.5 seconds let alone hours.

What people would do for popularity was beyond me.

I feel sharp pointed nails dog into my shoulder as I walk across the car park, stopping me in my tracks as I go to walk up the stairs. I roll my eyes as I turn around and see brightly painted pink nails with more then enough sparkly glitter.

Tipicle female.

Grabbing onto the manicured hand, I drop it to the owners side with a scoff and turn around to face Tahlia and her posey. They've all got a scowl on there faces as they stare at me from head to toe. Tahlia's hands are clenched into tight fists as her nails bite into soft skin. The two girls standing behind her have their arms crossed and smug looks on their faces. The makeup they are wearing cracks slightly as they smirk at me.

Silly fucking barbie dolls, always gotta be smug even when there losing, tsk tsk.

"Do you know who I am?!" she screams, her face going red and her eyes blazing.

"No, and I don't want to know. But I do know this. Your a fake barbie that likes to get up in people's faces when you dont get your own way. You live off daddy's money and got a scholarship to this school because your dad's a high class business man" by this point everyone in the car park is surrounding us wanting to listen in on the drama.

Im not one that goes looking for drama, but when someone starts on me I just have to put them in their place, whether it'll hurt them or not. But the truth hurts.

"Your a fake wanna be, that gets plastic surgery to make the boys and the big shots wanna taste of you. But in all honestly, it makes you look cheap and like a hooker. I'd suggest you stop putting on an act and actually act your age and not a fifty year old woman tryna make her cheating husband stay with her and her three kids" with that I turn and walk away as the crowd makes a path for me to exit.

I didn't notice at the time that that would be the start of my misery as Blake Ryder sits atop his fancy motercycle, looking on with great interest and curiosity.

Blake is trouble, and a bad omen that I don't need in my life. With the way he breaks the law and the way he is with the ladies, anyone would want to avoid him. Unless you were begging to be dicked down and chucked away the next day like last night's garbage.

I wasn't gonna be another notch on his bed post like the rest of them, no matter what happens.