5. Crossing The Line

Thea’s point of view-

(Saturday Morning)

Blasting Rihanna’s and Calvin Harris’s “This Is What You Came For” on full volume me and Lucy were driving to the shopping center to buy our dresses for this evening. Lucy and Tobias met Michael and they liked him, so they didn’t mind him tagging along with us. We were supposed to go yesterday evening but we were swamped with homework and preparing for the pop quiz that was gonna take place on Monday. Lucy was driving the car as we were shouting out the lyrics of the song. This song just never gets old, it’s so dope.

We reached the mall after listening to a few more songs by Taylor Swift and Fifth Harmony. Parking the car, we step inside the mall, directly walking to the clothing store, which we have been to quite a number of times. The owner greeted us with a warm welcome as we step inside.

“We want some jaw dropping dress for tonight that makes heads turn.” Lucy declared and the owner said she would be out in a minute and asked us to take a seat.

My phone rang and it was my elder twin sisters, Haylee and Kaylee video calling us. I picked immediately and saw both of them excitedly greeted me and Lucy.

“Hey gorgeous.” Both of them greeted us.

“How can you both look so pretty even in the early hours of morning?” Lucy asks, disbelieving evident in her tone.

“You two aren’t any less girls.” Haylee said, with a reassuring smile and Kaylee agreed.

“Anyways, you two are coming right? You better not cancel.” I warned them.

“Yeah Tee we are coming and I am bringing Liam and Hay is bringing Roxy. This is gonna be the best night.” Kaylee said.

“Also, Lucy here told us about a cute blonde guy you have been hanging out with.” Haylee stated with a mischievous grin on her face.

“Yeah but he is just a friend, Hay.” I cleared the air.

“Anyways, I heard that Mom has been pestering you again.” Kaylee said, with an empathetic smile.

Kaylee and Haylee both were not interested in taking over the company. They have been into dancing and modelling from a pretty young age. They have been putting videos of them dancing on social media and youtube. They have grown a lot since then and have started to live on their own. They visit Dad sometimes but have problems with mom, like me. Also, Mom doesn’t improve both of their relationships because apparently they are not rich enough. But I love both Liam and Roxy, they are super cool and nice.

“Let her be. Let’s focus on having fun tonight and we have so much to catch up on.” I said and noticed that the owner is calling us in the VIP room. “We gotta go guys, see you there.”

“Bye girls.” Both of them said in unison.

“Let’s go.” Lucy urged excitedly.

After shopping for clothes and a few gifts for my sisters and their partners, we went home; it was already afternoon. Luckily, Hay and Kay were gonna greet us there directly. They have booked an expensive bar cum restaurant which also has a dance area on the roof. After reaching home me and Lucy had a decent lunch and put on a facemask while asking each other questions related to our Monday pop quiz. As it started to get dark we decided to get ready while playing music in the background. The boys were gonna pick us up and we were gonna take an Uber, the place was kind of far.

I put on my nude set lace underwear, which we brought today itself and no, I wasn’t dressing up for anyone else, I was doing it for myself. I then took out my black coloured strappy, backless mini dress which had red dragons printed all over it.

“Hey Lucy, can you help me with the straps of my dress?” I called out to her.

“Sure.” She said, as she stepped inside wearing her pink satin halter neck sheath mini dress and I let out a whistle.

“Ooh girl, you look so sexy.” I complimented. She did look amazing, I knew pink would look great on her naturally gorgeous bronze skin tone and the way it hugged and brought her curves, men are gonna go wild.

“Thank you honey, you look hot too. The dress really brings out your butt.” She said, with a grin as she tied up the strap and I just chuckled.

We did our makeup accordingly. Lucy chose to tie her hair up in a messy bun, exposing her back while I decided to straighten my usual wavy hair and leave it open while Ariana Grande’s song played in the background. She chose to wear high heels while I put on my ankle length combat boots. Putin on our perfume and taking our purse, along with our phones, we step outside the house

I received a text saying that both the Uber and Michael were downstairs already. Lucy locked the door and we stepped downstairs as a lot of walkers stopped to get a glimpse of us. Lucy and I both shared a mischievous smirk. Tobias and Michael were just standing outside the car and even their jaws dropped.

“Hey boys.” Lucy greeted them and they still looked dazed .

After a drive of thirty-five minutes , we reached the place and I texted my sisters that we have reached. We got out of the Uber and were immediately hugged by both Hay and Kay. They were both wearing the same body-hugging black glittery dress.

“Let’s get some refreshments first, both Liam and Roxy are already upstairs.” Hay said, as Kay greeted my friends before we all made our way upstairs. And we took a lift to the restaurant first, to get some drinks and light snacks.

There were a decent amount of people in the restaurant and we could hear cheers and party songs being played outside. Liam and Roxy greeted us both with a warm hug as we all settled down on the table. We ordered light cocktails to begin with and a bowl of peanuts. Tobias asked the waiter to click a few pictures of us. We all clicked our glasses and shouted, “To me, to you and to all of us.” Then we posed for a few more pictures as a group and Hay immediately posted, making sure to tag all of us.

Even I posted a few pics and a few group selfies of us laughing, hugging and being goofy all together. And then when I looked over at the other table, I was in for an unexpected surprise.

What is he doing there?


Kiernan’s point of view-

(Saturday Evening)

As I put on my dark brown plain shirt, leaving a few buttons undone, to expose my chest, I got a notification of a text message. It was the address of the meeting place. I styled my hair back with my gel and fixed my black jeans on my waist before putting on a belt. I put on a nice deodorant and after giving myself a final glance in the mirror and putting on my wrist watch step outside my house.

After a one and a half hour drive, I finally reached the place. After parking my car I take the lift to the floor at the restaurant. This place has been quite popular and as usual, my friends had impeccably good tastes. I saw them all gathered on the table and all of them cheered loudly as I hugged each one of them and then took a seat. We ordered a whiskey and a bowl of salted crackers. We talked about a lot of school memories and pulled each other’s legs, while laughing and making fun of each other.

“By the way, did you know that Steven is getting married soon?” Kevin asks with a proud smile.

“Oh really? You just proposed to Kelly, like, a month back, I guess?” I ask happy and surprised at the same time.

“Yeah man, I think it’s time man. She is the one I want to spend my entire life with.”

The table clapped and everyone congratulated him as I wish I had the same luck on finding someone to spend my entire life with when I heard the same kind of cheering coming from the table up ahead. I looked up and saw her walking down and hugging a girl and then a guy as my jaw dropped on the floor after I looked at her. Lucy, Tobias and that blonde Michael showed up behind her and they hugged too. Then I saw her twin sisters too as they sat down with the male and female who I didn’t know respectively.

Lucy, Tobias, Michael and Thea sat from across them; but my eyes were fixed on how sexy Thea was looking. I mean, she could pull off cute and innocent things that I was aware of, but her with straight hair burning like her fire and that black mini dress, her long legs and red lipstick. My friends must have noticed me distracted as my friends turn their and waved at her table and she fucking noticed as I immediately looked away, pretending that I wasn’t gawking at her like a thirsty looser.

“Professor Dawson, what a coincidence!” I heard her eager voice and I could practically feel she was having fun. This angelic face devil minded brat!

“You’re his student?” Kevin asks, as he shakes her hand.

“Delighted to meet you. These are my friends Lucy, Tobias and Michael.” She said, introducing her friends as they all greeted them. “And those are my sisters with their partners.”

They wave at us as we wave back and then Kevin introduces my friends Sam, Stephen and Chris. They did a few more small talk as I just sat down staring at her, unable to take my eyes off her. My egoistic ass was speechless for the first time and I cursed myself for saying that she was a kid, she was a woman, no, a literal goddess. She then bids us goodbye, walking away to her table. Our eyes kept on meeting and then we both looked way immediately.

“I would definitely lock that down.” Sam said, in a joking manner.

“She is my student, dude.” I said, more to myself than to him. Yet saying that I found myself looking at her as she was talking with Michael and he was ogling all over her.

“Not here and no student looks at her professor the way she looks at you.” He said, being observant as usual. “And no professor looks at their student the way you’re looking at her.”

“Shut up, man!” I said, as I took a sip of my whiskey.

“Let’s go on to the dance floor.” Thea announced as she pulled her sister and Lucy along as they walked outside.

I saw my friends getting up as well. “What?” I ask.

“We are dancing too or maybe observing. There’s a bar out there as well.”

I shook my head in disapproval but didn’t protest, as I walked outside and saw people dancing and making out on the dance floor. Then I saw Thea dancing too along with her sisters and friends. Where did she learn to dance like that? She had put her hair in a ponytail as I noticed her exposed back and apparently I wasn’t the only one. As Toxic by Britney Spears played in the background. She was lip-syncing along to the lyrics as she moved her body to the rhythm seductively dancing with Lucy. She owned the dancing floor along with her sisters, they were amazing dancers.

Thea then whispers something in her sister’s heart as she walks off towards the restaurant. Where is she going?

“Dude, just go.” Kevin urges and I roll my eyes at him and follow her along. She steps inside the elevator and so do I and she looks at me a little surprised but then masks it, giving me a polite smile.

“You look nice.” I said, and felt like smacking myself.

She scoffs and sarcastically replies, “Why, thank you.”

Our eyes meet a lingering desire evident in both of our eyes, as I inch closer to her not breaking eye contact; and once again it was just the two of us in the world. The look in her eyes made my heart race and I forgot all about how insanely wrong this was. She was a magnet drawing me to her and I would follow this woman to the end of the earth. She walks back slowly, her wall hitting the velvet back of the lift as I stand a few metres away from her. She looked up with the same innocent look on her face as all I wanted to devour her. Not breaking eye contact, she pulled me towards her by my shirt and now our bodies were touching.

I swallowed, as I let go all of my control, my anti-thoughts against whatever this is; I was under her mercy as I let myself surrender, a tingling feeling in my chest as she bites her lower red lips with her teeth trying to hide her devilish smirk. She then brings her hand near my face, gently caressing my face and it sends down delicious shivers. She had me captivated and now that she was touching me I knew that I belonged to her as I close my eyes, and she snakes her finger into my hair, slightly pulling it jerking my head forward as I could feel her sweet, delicious scent mixed with the lingering with the smell of alcohol, as a few seconds later, I feel her lips whispering in my ear, “What did you call it again? Infatuation, was it?”.

And before I could muster up an answer, she plants a soft, quick kiss behind my ear and my body becomes rigid as I growl in response. She then wraps her thin arm around my waist and I open my eyes to look how merely close our faces were. I inch closer, unable to control my overwhelming desire of just wanting her. Our lips touch not quite kissing yet as she pulls back and giggles, “This is where I draw the line Kiernan.”

She then whispers in a low, dangerous tone, “It’s always I who has the last word, Kiernan.”

I was way too shook to say anything as she gently pushes me off as the elevator door opens with a ding and I stand there panting, breathing heavily as if I just ran a marathon. She steps outside, the heels of her boot clicking on the floor as she stops midway and then turns to look at me once again and smirked before winking at me as the door closes.