A Little Lost...

Thea’s point of view-

Maybe this is not such a good idea after all. Ugh, why did I even think of visiting his place out of the blue just because he hasn’t shown up in his lectures in two days? Anyone can tell that you’re so badly desperate. Taking a deep breath, I rang the doorbell at his place and my heart was thumping so loudly inside my chest.

The door opens and to my surprise I see a woman…a pregnant woman opening the door. I was so surprised that I kept on staring at her dumbfounded for a few minutes. What the-

“Can I help you with anything, sweetheart?” She asks, probably surprised by looking at a young college student at her door. And you thought that he was not married, just because you never saw a ring on his finger.

“Oh, I am so sorry to disturb you. This is the wrong floor. Have a nice evening, ma’am.” I said with a small smile before walking off and hearing the door close behind me. I stopped in front of the lift and got inside, suddenly feeling nauseous.

So many doubts, questions, theories crawled inside my brain but my heart didn’t have the courage to hear any of them. For a few minutes, I just want to forget about every single thing. I wipe off my tears in frustration as I step outside of the building.

As I started walking without any direction, it started to rain heavily and after a few steps I just didn’t have the strength to walk anymore so I decided to take shelter under a building. Then after a while watching the rain as it slowed down and my clothes were a little dry, I walked back home.

Lucy had gone out on a date with Tobias which is a good thing because she would worry too much if she saw me like this. Quickly changing my pajamas, I decided to distract myself by studying and watching random TV shows in the background. By the time Lucy came back home and told me all about her date, thoughts related to Kiernan and the pregnant lady I saw were left far behind.

Or that’s what I thought until it was time for me to go and sleep. Tossing and turning along with weird dreams kept me restless the whole night along with the dreading fact of tomorrow. It’s going to be really hard for me.

The next morning came and forced myself to get up. I found myself standing in front of his office door which was locked, which meant that he wasn’t here today as well, when he was supposed to come. Was there a part of me that wanted him to show because I am missing him? Despite what I saw yesterday, for some reason, my own heart betrayed me by wanting to have a glimpse of him once again. Personal reasons? I hope she treats him nicely…whatever relationship they have.

I still have a lot of questions and doubts of course but I don’t want to jump to any conclusions and wait for him to answer even if it means I will have to wait. I still have tomorrow left and the day after. Sighing I make my way to the coffee shop and stand in the line. This place has a lot more customers now. Having my coffee and taking a chocolate for Lucy, I walk back home, the pepper spray in my front jeans pocket, just to be safe. Arriving safely, at my apartment, I saw Lucy watching the news on Tv while her homework was spread right in front of her. She was looking at the young and confident tv anchor with admiration-filled eyes. Lucy is studying journalism and wants to become an anchor as well. After showering and changing into something comfortable I sat down next to her.

“I want to be on tv soon and anchor the news just like her. She is my idol.” Lucy says and I pass her an encouraging smile.

“I am sure you will be a great anchor, Lucy.” I encourage her and she gives me a big grin in response.

Michael Preston had apparently went missing from the hospital for self-inflicted injuries was found brutally murdered this morning. It looks like he had been brutally tortured by someone and the police has turned this into an investigation. His body has been found right in front of the police station’s bushes by a night guard at duty.

Lucy immediately switches off the tv and wraps her arm around me. My stomach churns as I get the urge to throw up. Pulling myself from Lucy’s grasp, I immediately run into the bathroom as my mouth turns bitter. Picking up the lid of the toilet seat and sitting on the bathroom floor, I throw up. Once. Twice. Thrice.

Lucy helps me sit down on the sofa as I get a sudden urge to go and see Professor Kiernan. I explained to Lucy but she was against the idea of letting me go out at night. As soon as she walks away to another bedroom to attend a phone call, I throw on a jacket and slide on my sneakers along with some money and my phone, and sneak out of the house. Hailing a cab, I text Lucy that I was on my way to see Professor Kiernan and I will be back soon.


Kiernan’s point of view-

After I was done with my shower I stepped out to see Mia’s face filled with confusion. Lucian had already left for the conference in the afternoon and would be coming in half an hour. I pass her a cup of water as she gives me a thankful smile.

“So have you decided on a name yet?” I ask as she sits down on the couch and I sit on the single sofa.

“Not yet.” She says, looking down at her belly, caressing it with an affectionate smile, “We don’t even know the gender of the baby yet. We want to be surprised.”

I smile at this and then we talk about a few more random things. Lucian came back home and bragged about how amazingly his conference went. Then they left and once again, I was alone in my place with my thoughts. I sat down with my books to go over my lesson plan. After one hour or so I was done and decided to scroll through my phone when I got a call from the detective. I pick up immediately as he asks me to turn on the tv and switch to the news channel. Michael Preston is dead…he was murdered by someone. How is this possible? Why would someone try to kill him? The detective said he was badly tortured and all his fingers were cut off along with his tongue and one ear.

After the phone call was over, I immediately tried to call Thea but she wasn’t picking up. As I put on my shoes I call her but she doesn’t pick up. I tried calling Lucy who said that she was on her way to meet me but she wasn’t here till now. Getting out of the house I stand right in front of my apartment and ask Lucy to call the detective. After waiting for minutes, I take my own car out to try and look for her. Please. Please. Please. Be safe, Thea.

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