Chapter 10 :- Victoria Faith Wild (P.O.V)

I slowly turned around to see who have stopped me, and I was shocked to see it was Robert who has stopped me.

Why on earth he stopped me.

"I have to go home and run errands in the way" I replied cautiously.

"But you didn't have anything since morning, at least have something and then go. If it's getting late I will drop you home. But have something."

"No, it's not needed. I can manage to go back home and I had a heavy breakfast in the morning, that is the reason I didn't have anything."

The truth I am starving because in the morning I had only a little breakfast, but if I stay here anymore longer I will surely be late to reach home and I don't seriously want any more beatings.

"Are you sure?" He asked me again.

What is with him and his questions, here I want to get out of this situation and he is not letting me go.

"Yes, now I have to go. Bye." I replied as politely as I can and rushed towards the door.

I think I heard a faint Bye from Robert but I had to rush before he can properly reply.

I took a cab and rushed home. The moment I reached home I realized both my parents are not home for which I am relieved. I rushed to my bedroom to freshen up and change clothes so that I can get ready to make dinner.

I entered the kitchen and made dinner for my parents, the moment I finished making dinner and setting it up at the table my parents entered the house. I took the opportunity to take my dinner and rush to my bedroom.

I ate my dinner and git ready to sleep because tomorrow I have to go to Robert's house to teach him Psychology.

Why can't I have a normal life with a normal family? Why can't my parents love me? Why I can't be a son as they say? I slept with these last thoughts.

The next day I got up and took shower. Today I am wearing a black t-shirt along with black jeans and a blue denim jacket along with grey shoes. I made breakfast and had too had little and made my way towards Robert's house. He asked me to come to his house at 10. So I took the cab and reached his given address. This guy is surely loaded more than Bill too. His mansion was bigger than Bill's.

I reached the gate and gave my name they let me in after many security checks and gave me an Id which has a number on it. Then I got in and the moment I was going to ring the bell the door opened to a butler.

"Hello, My name is Willam. You must be Victoria?"

"Hello, Yes My name is Victoria. Nice meeting you."

"Please. Come in. I will call Robert sir."


God. His home was amazing. It was amazing. I reached the living room and was waiting for Robert. The moment my ass kissed the soft sofa, came to a soft voice,

"Who are you?"

Deja vu

God, what's with this whenever I reach someone house why I have to face someone else. I turned around to see who said that and saw it was a small figure of a 2-year child. I must say aww, the child was cute. I reached near him and crouched down to his level and replied.

"Hi, I am Veronica. What is your name?" I extended my hand to him.

"Hi, My name is Aiden. Why are you here?" He extended his small hand towards me. I shook my hands with him and replied,

"I am here to meet Robert."

He scrunched his face cutely and said, "Oho, I taught you are Unsle Robbie's girlfriend. Are you?" My heart started beating crazily by just listening that I am his girlfriend. What is happening to me? What is he doing to me?

"No. I am not his girlfriend. I am his friend." Hearing my reply he pouted and said, "But, you are pwetty. Why are you not his girlfriend? Oh. If you are not his girlfriend, Will be mine?" he asked adorably. Aww, what a cute child he is.

"Sure. Why not, who can resist such a cute boy. I will be honored to be your girlfriend."

"Yesh and I not cute I am handsowe." He said cutely.

"Oh. My bad. Yes, handsome."

He started dancing and gave me a high five.

"Hey, Veronica."

I turned back to reply and my breath got hitched. He was looking yummy. He was wearing a light blue polo t-shirt and black jeans. And I must say he was looking handsome and his hair was wet which indicated that he came straight out from the shower.

I took a deep breath to calm my heart which is breathing at a fast pace and replied to him.

"Hey, Robert." I slightly waved at him.

"I see you have met Aide." He said now looking at Aiden and then to me.

"Yes. I have and I must say he is very cute..oops sorry handsome boy and my new boyfriend. Right, Aiden?" I said playfully while looking at Aiden.

"Yes." He replied cheerily.

"Yes. He indeed is handsome. And what? Seriously Aiden why did you ask her to be your girlfriend I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend now I can't ask her." He replied and pouted. Whereas Aiden giggled at his response.

Wow, he looks so cute right now. I have never seen this playful side of Robert and I must say he is damn adorable.

"Uncle Robbie can I play with Veroinza afterward." He said with his cute puppy dog eyes. I laughed at his cute antics.

"Sure bud. You can play with both of us. Till that time why don't you go and make your lego city? What say?" He said will ruffling his hair.

"Okay. Bye," He pulled my jeans so I can get down at his level. I got down to his level and he kissed my cheek.

"Bie handsome will see you soon," I replied will ruffling his cute jet black hair. With that, he ran towards the staircase.

"Shall we?" I turned towards Robert as he gave me his rarest smile because in Academy he rarely smiles.

"Yaa. Sure." I replied shyly.


Let's see what happens today?