Chapter 13 :- Victoria Faith Wild (P.O.V)

“Hey, Vi” I turned around and saw Jessica and Kelli standing just behind me. I smiled at them and replied, “ Hey Guys. How are you two?” As they were about to reply I heard a high-pitched voice, “You bitch.” I turned around and saw Brittney and here two minions coming towards me. I was confused as to why is she so angry and too towards me, What did I even do to bother her.

She angrily came towards me and pushed me, I lost my balance and fell to the ground. Shit! My knees hurt a lot. Already after yesterday's beatings, my body is aching and now she has to torture me too. I sighed. Jess and Kell both came to help get up. My body was aching and tears were threatened to fall but I held it back.

“What the hell Brittney, how many times I have told you not to bully her. But, you listen?” Jess shouted at her. By the time Jess finished speaking, a crowd has already formed around us. Now, I am embraced because I don’t like attention. She only rolled her eyes at Jess and again looked angrily towards me.

“How dare you talk to Robert and Billy? How dare you even go to their houses? Did you sleep with them? I didn’t know you were a slut who sleeps around?” By the time she finished speaking tears started flowing across my cheeks because I couldn’t take it. My parents were enough for me who called me names and now the whole Academy will think I sleep around.

“How dare you?” a deep voice boomed across the hallway and I instantly knew who's the voice it was but I didn’t look in that direction or even raised my head to see. I heard footsteps coming towards my direction and my head was instantly buried in his chest. I felt sparks and butterflies in my stomach and I knew who it was. It was Robert who came. I slowly looked up and instantly saw his grey eyes which always bore deep into my soul. He saw tears in my eyes and I saw anger in his eyes he again buried my face in his chest and said, “How dare you talk to her like this and call her name?” He said angrily. Everyone around was shocked to see him this angry because never in the academy he has ever shown his anger towards anyone. He is the cold and calm type of guy.

I didn’t say anything because all my wounds were hurting badly and it was getting unbearable. That is why my tears were flowing continuously.

“Baby, why are you defending her? She is nothing compared to me.” Brittney said.

“Yes. You are right. She is nothing compared to you, because unlike you she doesn’t whores around or sleeps with anything that has a penis, and don’t call me baby.” I gasped when I heard what he said but I didn’t turn around from his chest because strangely it was comforting me.

“Everyone listen to me clearly because I don’t like to repeat myself. No one will talk shut about Veronica and no one will point a finger at her and Brittney even you will not touch her. If again I saw you bullying her or anyone else you will see who is the real Robert Anderson.”

“But the baby-" she started again speaking but was cut mid-sentence by Robert.

“Stop this shit right now Brittney or you will have to face consequences and I am serious about this. And lastly, I am not your baby.”

Before I can even register what was happening he picked me up bridal style and started walking out of the school. He carried me to his car, he then opened his car and put in the seat lightly as if afraid that I will break any moment. He then ran and sat in the driver’s seat and started the car and drove out of the school to God knows where. I didn’t ask him any questions. We were strangely sitting in comfortable silence.

After driving for about 20 minutes, he stopped the car in the underground parking. He got out of the car and came towards my side. Before I can step out he picked me up again and started walking towards the lift. We entered the lift he pressed the P button and slide some card in it. We reached the top floor and again he slid the card and entered the passcode and started walking inside which looked like a penthouse.

He sat me down on the sofa and went somewhere inside. I then looked around and was mesmerized by the beauty of the house. It was in a light grey color and the furniture was white. On the left side was a door I think it was the kitchen and there were stairs on the left side to go up. There was a huge TV in the middle of the room and a sofa set in front of it with a cute coffee table in the middle. .

Robert shortly came back with water and gave me. I drank the water and sat there silently. Robert came and sat beside me. I looked at him and then he sighed.

“Are you okay Vi?” He asked me. I just nodded my head. He sighed again and then his eyes traveled somewhere on my body and his eyes widened.

“Shit, Veronica. How can you be okay? Look blood is flowing.” I then looked at my knee and sighed. It was bleeding but not that I can’t handle it, because I have seen worst.

He instantly got up and walked out of the room and came back with a first aid kit. I looked at him and said, “Can you show me where is the bathroom? I will do it myself.” I extended my hand to take it but he refused to give the kit.

“No can do princess. Wait here, I will bring my one if the boxers you were that then I will do the dressings.” Before I can even protest he walked straight towards the stairs and came back with a boxer in his hand. “Take this and Go and change.” He ordered me and showed me where the washroom was.

I changed into his boxers and came back into the living room and sat on the sofa. Robert was waiting there patiently for me, then he started tending my wounds. I didn’t flinch because I was used to such pain and compared to the pain that my parents have given this was nothing in front of their wounds. I just sat there looked at him how he applied ointment in my skin, scrunched his face cutely as if it was hurting him, how he blew air on mg wounds so that it gets settles, how applied bandage on it and what shocked me is after he tied my bandage he kissed it cutely.

Aww. He is so adorable.

First time in my whole life I agreed with this annoying voice. Yes, he is adorable.

“Here it’s done.” He said “Is it paining? Do you want medicine? Do you want me to call the doctor?” he kept rambling.

“Hey, hey Robert it’s alright. It’s nothing I can’t handle and I am used to it.” I replied to him without thinking.

“What do you mean you are used to it?” he asked me suspiciously.

“Nothing,” I replied quietly.

“Are you hiding something from me?” he asked me.

“No. Why will I hide anything from you? It’s nothing serious.” I replied to him seriously. Before he can ask me anything further my stomach grumbled. I blushed and he laughed at me and can I say he looked so good while laughing.