Chapter 5: The One Smile that Fades

3 months have passed after the incident at the bridge with Ryan and Selena, during these few months all these two kids ever did was hung out before ending each day with smiles and laughter, looking forward to another thrilling tomorrow. Some could say that these kids are something more than just close friends, seeing that they spend every day together. The night of ghouls, ghosts, and monsters finally arrived, it was Halloween and no city celebrate this Holiday better than New Orleans. Ryan waited for the blue-haired girl outside the gate of the Manor, wearing ripped jeans and a jacket, and a skeleton make-up that Sasha applied for him. His hair and eyes gave him the unique appearance for a perfect costume. Not so long now, Selena arrived with cute furry cat ears on her head and her usual blue-colored dress.

"Took you long enough," Said the boy with a relieving tone.

"Sorry, I had trouble with my costume" The girl replied.

"Aww, you're a cat! That's cute"

"Yeah I was going to go for a werewolf but it's too complicated, how about you? What are you?"

"Ms. Sasha said I look like a ghoul, how do I look?"

"You look like you can get a truckload of candy with that appearance, too bad I suck" She bopped her head playfully as they began to walk down the steep road.

"You look cute, I'm sure you will get more candy than me"

"We'll see..."

It was 7:30 and the nearby neighborhood was filled with trick or treaters like Ryan and Selena. They stopped by a fancy-looking house and rang the doorbell. A beautiful woman appeared and was intrigued by Ryan's appearance.

"Oh! A ghoul how cute, here, hold out your bags" Said the beautiful woman by the door as she poured a fair amount of candy onto Ryan's bag instead of just one piece of candy before closing the door but she didn't give Selena any. Ryan was confused at first and felt bad but he gave her a reassuring pat before heading towards the other houses. They rang the doorbell on the house that looked like it was just built recently, the door opened and a Goth girl appeared. She seemed like an adult already, looking like she was bored out of her life but was interested in Ryan's appearance as well.

"Oh, hey you don't look that bad actually, unlike the other kids. What are you supposed to be, Kid?"

"I'm a ghoul, thanks by the way!"

"Not bad, great contacts dude, here" And just like that she gave him a full-sized Candy bar before giving him a Rock' n Roll salute before closing the door and gave none for Selena.

"See, my costume sucks" Salena muttered with a small laugh.

"No, let's just keep going in other houses. You'll see" Ryan was determined to show her how amazing she looks in that simple costume but every house they visit, all they received was a compliment to Ryan, and a full bag of candies, none to Selena. Half an hour have passed, Ryan and Selena sat together on an empty swing in a playground near the neighborhood.

"It's alright Ryan, I don't have much of a sweet tooth anyways... I'm happy that I got to accompany you and your amazing costume" Selena complimented with her usual smile but Ryan still felt bad for her. He gazes over her empty bag and secretly poured half of his Bag full of candy inside her bag before eating a candy bar.

"Well since Halloween is giving Candies to people with good costumes, I gave you half of mine because like I said, You are cute in that costume of yours" Selena looked over at her bag to see it was filled with sweets, she immediately realized what he did and couldn't help but smile sweetly at him before they started to eat their Halloween Candy candies.

"Thanks, Ryan..." Selena thanked him sweetly until two young teenagers appeared, both males.

"Hey loser, you're costume sucks, give us your bag," Said one of the teenagers as a threat.

"Hey, we earn this fair and square! Get your own!" Selena defended themselves before they ignored what she said as if she wasn't even there and grabbed Ryan's bag of candies without hesitation. Ryan was about to fight back but he got self-conscious and was pushed to the ground by the other teenager. Both of them laughed at Ryan's pathetic sight as Selena helped him up.

"Just leave us okay?! You got your dirt candy now get out!" Selena yelled in anger but they ignored her and kept laughing at Ryan. "Come on, Ryan... Let's leave..." She muttered as they slowly left the area.

"What a weirdo, heh that kid couldn't even fight back"

"Yeah, he's weak, just leave him like that"

Soon Ryan stopped in his tracks, clenching his fists tightly. Selena noticed his strange behavior and became concerned.

"Ryan... it's okay, we can just go to other houses..."

"And what? Have our butts kicked again? No, that's our candy and we earned them. Give it back!" Ryan yelled as the two males turned to face him with annoyance. One of them walked towards him, standing in front of the split-colored boy with an intimidating stare.

"What did you say...?"

"I said give it back!" Just as Ryan could make a move, a punch hit him across the face, causing the boy to fall to the ground. Selena became furious as small flames were sparking in her eyes but it disappeared when she felt an unnerving feeling inside Ryan as if something sinister awoke deep inside. The boy picked himself up, his left eye glowing in bright amber.

"Just stay down!" The male yelled and executed another punch but this time, Ryan caught it with his bare hand and threw a swift, yet powerful punch on the male's throat. Making him collapse on the ground as he struggled to breathe. Ryan, who had no mercy showing in his eyes rapidly punch the male's face until blood dripped down his nose and mouth making the other one cower in fear to the point he was unable to make any move as if something unseen is causing him to stop moving.

"If you don't give us back our candy, I will rip your tongue with my bare hands!"

"Okay, here you can have it back!" The frightful male replied before tossing them the bag of candies and running away from the area along with the injured male. Selena stood there in shock after what happened and reached over Ryan's shoulder.

"Ryan... are you alright?" Selena asked before he turned around to see a smile on his face.

"I am, I guess I got... furious and lost myself... but hey... at least I fought back right? Like you told me to at that time" Despite her previous clear advice, she still felt somewhat... afraid of something from Ryan but she managed to smile in the end.

"I know, and I'm happy for you... we should get you back home..." They both picked up their bags and walked back to the path towards the Manor which was not that far from their current location. "Hey Ryan... thanks for standing up for me"

"Why wouldn't I, you stood up for me countless times now. I want to help you as well, after all, you're my best friend"

"Yeah... we're best friends" Ryan acted like what happened was just an act of self-defense but deep down he is scared of the sudden bloodlust he felt during the fight and how the pain from the hit he took suddenly disappeared. Selena's warm and caring smile was the only thing that brighten the boy's day and made him feel at ease when in deep self-consciousness about something. He may not notice it but Sasha and Ronald realized that he is starting to rely on himself only at Selena, and the girl noticed that as well.

Meanwhile in Kenway Manor. Sasha and Ronald discussed an urgent matter with William and after hearing what they said, he was put in a complicated seat.

"I understand what you two mean... but are you sure this is the right thing to do?" William asked, gulping a small glass of Tequila that Ronald poured for him.

"We have no choice, Master William... it's for his greater good..." Sasha replied.

"Alright then... tell me what to do"

The night of Halloween ended and morning arrived Ryan expected this day to be like the rest but this had a twisted turn. It was Saturday and Selena arrived early than the other days she usually hung out with the boy. Ryan was thrilled as usual that she arrived and opened the gate for her.

"Why are you here so early," Ryan asked.

"Nothing special just wanted to see you" Selena replied cheerfully which made him blush and stutter a bit.

"Oh, they want to hang out by the fountain again?"

"Sure! I'd love to!"

"Alright, you can go on ahead, I just need to get something to drink since I'm parched"

Ryan ran inside the mansion while Selena happily skipped towards the Garden Maze. The boy made his way towards the kitchen, looking even more excited to hang out with Selena until he heard multiple voices in the Dining hall. He walked inside the hall to see who it was and it turned out to be William, conversing with a doctor before shaking his hand and leaving the room. William saw the boy and had a nervous look on his face while he walked towards him.

"Ryan... did you heard what we discussed about?" William asked as he knelt on one foot to reach Ryan's level.

"I heard nothing, was it about me?"

"Yes... Ryan listen... Sasha and Ronald told me about this girl that you like very much"

"I don't like her that much...!" Ryan immediately replied with an exposed blush on his cheeks which made William chuckle before sighing and continuing the topic on hand.

"Ryan... We... can't see, Selena... Only you can" Suddenly Ryan's blushed disappeared and was replaced with a silent shock followed by confusion.


"I'm afraid... Selena doesn't exist young Master" Said Sasha who just arrived from the kitchen with Ronald.

"No, you're lying. Ronald, you saw her right? Back at the park"

"I'm sorry, Ryan... but no... I only pretended I did so I won't hurt your feelings..."

"But... You agreed that I go out with her at the Jazz parade and last night...?"

"Forgive me but... I was secretly following you at that time, I just happened to lost sight of you for a moment and managed to find you heading back home when I did... I never saw Selena... not once" Ryan felt heavier and heavier in his chest from each word that comes out of Ronald's mouth. William showed him a doctor's note which contained much information but his eyes immediately stopped at the word "Symptoms: Imaginary friend" Soon he felt as if his whole world crumbled down like a cookie, his memories of Selena were all a lie, which explained why the House owners didn't give her any candy because she was not there, to begin with. But despite all of their words, he still believes that she's real, the time she stood up for him back at the park and how the two males from last night made fun of them both, felt very real. Without thinking, he gripped the doctor's note and ran out of the mansion and into the Garden Maze.

"I can't believe I did that to him... I'm supposed to be his father figure..." William muttered as small tears fell from his eyes.

"Don't worry... we felt the same way too, it's hard for us as well... but this is the only way to make him stronger... by making him rely not just on Selena... but in himself as well" Sasha replied, trying her best not to burst in tears after lying heavily to the poor boy.

Ryan ran as fast as he could and arrived at the center of the maze, where Selena was stroking her hair gently while sitting on the fountain railings.

"What took you so long dude?" Selena asked before tying her hair back to their usual twin pigtail design. Ryan failed to respond with words as he just walked up to her and hugged her as tight as he could. Selena was surprised at what he did and couldn't help but blush as she tried her best to gather her thoughts which were scrambled in her head due to her rapid beating heart.

"Ryan, what's wrong? Did something happen?" She asked before she could hear him crying above her head, she was very much just confused but wanted to cheer him up as well so she hugged him back and smiled all the way. "Just tell me what's wrong" Soon the note he crumpled fell open on the ground and revealed to her the reason for why he is like this after she read the words that were written. "Oh...So they decided to take that approach.... so soon...." Selena muttered silently.

"You're really right...? I'm holding you this tight, I can feel your warmth, you must be real," Said Ryan before he freed her from his embrace.

"Ryan... I no longer have much time..."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm starting to disappear... your brain is fighting whether I'm real or not but deep down... it decided I'm not real..."

"No! You are! Don't leave, you told me to never leave you and I did but why are you the one leaving me then?!" Selena couldn't keep her tears back anymore as she started to cry but still had that sweet smile on her face which Ryan adored through the days they spent together.

"I'm so sorry... but you have to be strong. Don't rely on me, you are stronger than what you think, you gain true strength by being around those who you call as Family..."

"No... Don't talk like that... I don't want you to go..." He could see her feet were starting to fade like sand being blown away by the wind.

"Ryan... please... you have to let me go... I'm not real, you have to accept that... do it for me" Despite what she said, Ryan still couldn't bear the thought of being alone once more. "You're not alone, Ryan, you have a caring maid, a cool butler, and a proud father figure... you were never alone, to begin with..."

"But..." Just as Ryan was about to ask something, Selena planted a soft kiss on his forehead before leaning her head back.

"Don't question this... You are never alone..." Ryan had nothing to say as he just watched her slowly drift away but not before seeing her final smile while she muttered something audibly. "You are the first person I ever loved... Ryan"

And just like that, she disappeared into nothingness without a trace. The boy fell on his knees as a sudden memory of her warmth trailed his body, making him wrap himself with his arms as he cried till his tears dry.

William and the others sat on the table, looking troubled and guilty after the stunt the three of them did. The wise-looking middle-aged man clenched his hands together after realizing how hard it would be for Ryan.

"I feel like this would make it even harder for Ryan..." William muttered.

"You become strong through hardship... he needs this push"

"I want the boy to be happy but... Ronald is right... he needs this, but I can't help but feel so bad for him..." Sasha responded as she held a steel tray close to her chest, feeling immense sympathy towards the boy.

"Who wouldn't...? We've seen how kind and caring he truly is inside... The Watchers probably saw this inside of Ryan when he was first born... which explained why he is still alive"

"It's hard to believe that Ryan is going to be responsible for this world's damnation... but I refuse to let him be one with darkness... I see a spark inside him, a wonderful spark that I believe would give others hope and purpose for this world" Just as William finished speaking, Ryan appeared from the hall, walking slowly as he shifted from side to side with each step, alerting the others as they stood up from their seats.

"Young Master, are you alright?" Sasha asked but Ryan didn't respond.

"Ryan... please forgive us... we did this for your own safety... I know I haven't been there for you because of my work... I know I'm not a good father figure but... I care about you and I love you like a real son to me..." William knelt with one foot and placed a gentle hand over Ryan's right shoulder. Everything was quiet at first until they heard small weeping from Ryan as tears fell down from his right eye.

"No, You're a really good Father figure... Ms. Sasha, you always cook me delicious meals and make me laugh by putting William on a green diet, and Ronald... you aren't just a butler to me... you're like an older brother... I love you guys" Ryan started to cry on William's chest. The man embraced the boy as they all smiled caringly at Ryan. Sasha burst in tears as Ronald offered her a shoulder to cry on.

"We're your family Ryan... You're not alone, we're here for you" Said William as he gently wiped his tears away.

"Thank you... I promise to return the favor when I grow older"

"You don't have to, just having you here in my arms is all the favor I need"