Always Expect The Unexpected

Sometimes what we think of as indignation could be grace and vice versa, it is our hearts that make our eyes either blind or clearly see things. Books don't fall by themselves in the library for us to pick them up, it's our job to choose and open a book and keep flipping the pages to know what's going to happen next, even though the page is full of sad lines, we can't just stop without finishing the story.

. ANGELICA: I can't believe he approved your project. He's always the one who picks the projects for the students, it sucks.

. GRISELDA: someone is jealous?

. ANGELICA: I AM. I've been in hell working on one of his projects, I didn't know how to start or what to write. Anyways... that's really... really so... umm...

. GRISELDA: just save it.

. ANGELICA: No for reals, look at the bright side, you wanted that project as bad as a dog was fighting to get its bone.

. GRISELDA: really? A dog, that's all your imagination can get for you.

. ANGELICA: well, I didn't want to say as bad as a mule trying to be a horse. Regardless you are a very stubborn person, in fact.

.GRISELDA (poker face): I'm good with the dog one, they are faithful and cute.

. ANGELICA: good. Try not to think that you wanted it because of him, work on your project smoothly and try to love it. More, you fought for it and you won it. Dr. Hamesh is not the kind of professor that can give an important project like that to anyone. Since he gave it to you, then he's sure you'll nail it, don't mess things up, and don't relate everything to Jonathan.

. GRISELDA (in a faint voice): God, he's everywhere.

Angelica rolled her eyes pretending she didn't hear what she said, she continued changing her clothes and went to make something for both of them to eat.

. ANGELICA: Lately, I started reading my mom's new book, and an interesting quote caught my eye. By the way, she loved your congratulation gift; it was amazing. You never brought me such a unique mug, you traitor.

. GRISELDA: I was confused about what to give her, and since she loves drinking coffee while writing, I bought her that mug. I'm happy she loved it.

. ANGELICA: Anyways, you need to start the book as soon as you finish the one you are reading. It's good, truly, not because it's my mom, but her words were meaningful. Normally, it should have reminded me of my experience (She means her relationship that ended up making her heartbroken). However, it did remind me of you and what may happen in the future, because that's normal and bad things happen. We are not exempted from bad luck sometimes.

. GRISELDA: What was the name of the book again?

. ANGELICA: Agliophobia. Stop giving me those looks. Okay, not literally you, but people in general.

. GRISELDA: Really? Agliophobia reminds you of me. I am phobic now?

. ANGELICA: JUST LET ME FINISH. "She never felt that hurt before, it doesn't mean she'll be hurt forever. Nothing lasts indelibly. That was the most comforting thing for her because she knows she's strong and she'll make it. Everything may get tough again, but she was ready for it too", she wrote.

. GRISELDA: Yes, it has nothing to do with me. Maybe you but not me. I've never thought that these feelings or we would stop one day. It was so wonderful, so I didn't give myself a chance to think that we will break up; especially like this. The line that describes me here is, "Everything may get tough again, but she was ready for it too". Well, two months since we didn't talk and I didn't hear from him. I endured it, I can endure it in the future too, he just needs to not show up in front of me. He will just end up opening my wounds.

. ANGELICA: are you sure? Even if you love him? Even if you know that you can never move on? That you are not going to be okay without him no matter how much you pretend to be okay? It's me, be honest.

. GRISELDA: I need to do it, and I will. Fine, you are right okay. I can't stop loving him, he is in me. You can't just remove something in you... but I can't trust him anymore, what if he came back and forgave him and left me again. History will just repeat itself.

. ANGELICA: you are not strong... but pretending to be strong and that's also considered being one of the strength's features.

. GRISELDA: oh drop the proud look from your face, I know I'm awesome. Why all of these questions by the way? Did you hear anything about him? Or from him?

. ANGELICA (nervously giggling): what? No, why? Are you curious about something?

. GRISELDA: I asked two questions and you answered one.

. ANGELICA: I didn't hear anything, I would've come and told you immediately if so. You know I can't keep my mouth shut especially with you.

. GRISELDA: Humm! You have got a point there.

With a stressful look Angelica left the room.