Kyril packed his car in front of the warehouse and came down. The door opening and four heavily armed men stepped out.

Kyril walked towards them and they stepped aside.

One of them spoke, "Welcome, boss."

Kyril nodded and began walking down the hallway to the basement , the sounds of flesh hitting flesh getting louder by the second.

His feet reached the bottom and a squelch reached his ears. Some one should really clean these floors. This place stinks.

A look of amusement crossed his face as he sees his second in comand's fist repeated bash into the body of a man that was hung with his purple bruised wrists. His toes just barely brushed the ground. Kyril nodded in approval.


Ron looked away from the bloody beaten man and a grin stretched across his face.

"Boss! Ohayo gozaimasu."

Kyril rolled his eyes at the obvious excitement in Ron's eyes. For a half English half Japanese guy, the guy had a lot of screws lose in his head. Don't we both?

"This had better be good Ronny. You pulled me out of class."

Ron scratched the back of his head nervously leaving streaks of blood behind. "Ah, gomenasi Kyril-sama. But this was pretty important. "

He turned back to the dangling near unconscious man, "This fine gentleman here is one of your father's five."

Kyril's brow rose as he looked with renewed interest at the man half heartedly glaring at him through his one good eye. The other was swollen shut and he seemed to be missing a few teeth.

Kyril rolled his eyes again, "You couldn't even wait for me before you removed his teeth?"

Ron's giggle caused some of the men in the room to shuffle their feet. They cast them weary glances as if they couldn't believe the conversation occurring right in front of them.

"Sorry boss but his mouth was running pretty good." Ron shrugged,"Had to shut him up. I made you a video though."

The man coughed up a glob of mucus and blood and hacked it at Kyril's shoes.

"You're a disgrace to your parents and to this organisation." His smile showed his few remaining teeth. "Your whore mother should have swallowed when your father came down her.."

Kyril spun and delivered a round house kick right in the centre of his chest, loud satisfying crack sounding in the room. The man's screams filled the room seconds later.

"Shut up."

Kyril's blank face sent a shiver through the room as the man's screams lessened to a whimper.

"Why did my father send you here?

The man shook his head even as his body vibrated in pain and fear. Even he knew that he would not be leaving this room alive. At least, he reasoned, he would take his bosses secrets to the grave.

Kyril nodded his head at the silent man. He walked over to the table and took of his shirt. Ron came forward and offered him a plastic apron with a smile.

The dangling man watched as with deliberate movements, Kyril picked up an instrument, examined it and placed it down.

Eventually, he picked a small instrument and a knife and with even slower motions examined it carefully. He nodded and turned back to face the man.

With a gesture, a seat was placed right in front of the man and Kyril stepped in front of it.

He looked right into the man eyes and found nothing but desperate defiance. With a small smile, he rose the instrument in his hand.

"Do you know what this is?" Kyril frowned, "Of course you don't. It is a utensil found in a kitchen. As a mans man, you've never stepped into a kitchen never mind actually picking up a utensil."

Kyril tossed it from and to hand playful, the man's fearful eyes following the movement.

"It's called a scraper. It's for removing the skin of carrots and potatoes." Kyril smiled a soft smile that made him look like an angel.

"Can you guess what I'll be scraping today?"

Ron had never felt the over powering attraction to his friend as he did in that very moment. Blood and gore were his kinks but for a split second in his 22 years of straight sex life, he felt like falling to his knees and sucking his friend's cock.

The men in the room had never felt such level of blood lost from their boss in all the 5 years of working for him since he split from his father's fraction of the mafia. They felt deep fear and even deeper respect for him in that moment.

The dangling man began to whimper and piss himself. Kyril threw back and laughed until his stomach hurt.

"This is it? The great member of my father's five is pissing himself at a mere threat?

Kyril's hand slid down his face slowly until his wicked smile showed. "Awarena meinu."

He stepped away towards the man, heedless of the urine at this feet and began stripping him of his clothes until he was bare, all his bruises and broken bones on view.

The group was silent as Kyril took a seat in front of him, "Ron, gag him. You know I hate noise distracting me from my work."

Ron picked a bloody rag he used to wipe his hands free of the man's blood and shoved it in his mouth. He gripped his bruise jaw tightly and smirked, "Be sure not to spit it out now. I'd hate for my boss to be mad at me."

Ron moved away and sat on another chair to observe Kyril in his element. It was hard to believe that the man currently peeling off the skin of another human as he screamed was the same one that offered him ice cream all those years ago.

"Hey, leave him alone!" A five year old Kyril screamed furiously at the group of boys beating a smaller one on the ground.

"Run, it's the boss's son."

The boys took off leaving the small sobbing boy behind. Kyril ran to him, his ice cream clutched tightly in his left hand. He used his right to pull the boy up and clean him off.

"Are you okay?"

The little pale boy with small cat like black eyes nodded his little blond head.

Kyril looked over him carefully before handing him the now melting ice cream.

The boy took the treat and rose his shocked confused face to Kyril's smiling one.

"My name's Kyril. Wanna be friends?

The boy smiled back, "Watashinonamaeha Ronny. Hai."

Ronny snapped out of his memories as an ear piercing scream filled the room. With a sigh, he stood and picked the rag that had fallen from the man's mouth.

"Sorry about that boss."

Kyril waved him off as he examined his work. The peeled flesh came off in straight separate strips from hip to toes despite the man wriggling about.

"Looks good boss. Should I go get the ginger?"

The dangling man sobbed, his voice sounding hoarse from all the screaming. "P-please have mercy. Please stop." Tears and snot dripped from his eyes and nose.

Kyril ignored his garbled words and nodded to Ron. "There's some fresh ones in the fridge to the left."

The man's eyes widened even more, "I'll talk. Please let me talk."

Kyril smiled up at him, "You don't sound very convincing." He looked down at his work ones more, "Besides, I'm almost done with this leg. I'm told the toes are the most painful parts."

A harsh sob spilled from the man's mouth, "My name is Anton Beug. I'm the last added member of your father's five top members. He ordered me to bring you back and destroy your organisation."

Kyril leaned back and yawned, "The peeling is getting more interesting by the second Anton."

Anton stammered and began spilling secrets he shouldn't even know , "He also said to tell you that the next one will make six. He says he's still enjoying the fifth girl."

Kyril's hands paused in twirling the scraper and his expression hardened. After a moment of silence, he looked up into Anton's eyes. "Any thing else from daddy dearest?"

Anton swallowed, "He said to stop this foolishness and come home."

Kyril nodded and tossed the scraper way. "Ronny, gag him."

Anton began screaming and wiggling again, "Please no! I told you everything I know."

Kyril rose from his seat, his massive build above the dangling man's. "Yes, you did." He patted his cheek. "Thanks."

He turned to the man that led him into the building, "Feed the dogs. Pick up anything that's left and mail it to my father with a cute little note. Kay, thanks."

He took off the apron and put on his shirt before walking away, "Ron, get in the car."