12. There's no medicine for regret

After defeating Wapol, Luffy jump from the roof to meet the others. He start to ask Chopper about his transformation, Usopp also join him. Suddenly someone came from the gondola station, he wear Wapol's grunt uniform so Luffy attack him. But he avoid it and yell at Luffy.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING LUFFY? DO YOU WANT TO KILL ME?"-it's Zoro, he said it while pointing at the cliff behind him

"Oh, Zoro. Sorry-sorry, i thought you're that fatty's grunt. Why'd you wear that?"-Luffy

"This idiot doesn't wear clothes so he stole their's. His brain must've been freezed"-Sanji

"Huh? What'd you say shitty cook? I beat more of those grunt than you"-Zoro

"Huuh? But you let their King escape."-Sanji

"Haa? You said that when you're late?"-Zoro

Zoro & Sanji start their usual dust brawl. Then Vivi, Dalton and some villagers got out from gondola station. It seem there're some gondola but they don't saw it before. Vivi start to talk with Nami, while Dalton talk with Kureha. Dalton also recognize Chopper as Hiruluk's son, making Chopper happy. But the villagers freak out and calling him monster, making Chopper scared and hid behind Kureha. They got some punch on the head from Luffy and scolding from Dalton. Nami is talking with Vivi.

"Nami, where's Jon?"-Vivi

Nami then look around and find Jon, he just stood still in there after his fight, so she call him, but he don't answer. She felt something is wrong, so she walk toward him. When she touch his shoulder, suddenly he fall forward so she catch him.


She shout making the everyone turn their head, and sew Jon lay there. Kureha check Jon's body but nothing is wrong except some minor injury from his fight before.

"He's just tired, physically and mentally. His fight didn't cause this. It seem to be stress that taking a toll on his body"-Kureha

"Well, he doesn't sleep or rest since we know Nami is sick. He also keep running around on the sea to look for an island and stay awake at night. He keep coming to check Nami's condition and changing her compress while i sleep."-Vivi

"That must be it, earlier he also stay with you untill you woke up even tough i already said you're okay. Damn brat, he doesn't trust my skill."-Kureha

All the crew are worried about Nami, but Jon is the most worried about her. He try to act like usual but he can't stay still and relax even for a minute. He keep pacing around the ship then run somewhere on the sea, or go up to the crow nest and jump high to look around. They only saw him stay still or relax a bit when taking care of Nami, seeing snow for the first time or when he fight those pirate grunts because he can take some of his frustation on them.

"He must remem--"-Usopp say something but Zoro put his hand in front of Usopp to stop him.

"We know Usopp, let's just let him sleep"-Luffy


The others also understand that it's personal so they don't ask anything. Of course the crew know what Usopp want to say. Jon already tell them that he lost his family because of an illness that didn't look dangerous, so they understand his worry for Nami. Well they don't know that the one who died is Jon, not his family, but he can't say that right? So they move him inside the castle to let him sleep.

Sanji make some meal from the ingredient he got from the village. After tasting his food, the villager got down to get some ingredients so they can eat more. But there're more people when they come back, it seems the whole village want to celebrate Wapol's defeat and when they heard Sanji's food they all want to taste it. In the end it became a party, even Chopper finally get along a little with the villagers after they learn that Chopper defeat Chess & Marimo.

Nami also give the weapons room key to dr. Kureha, saying it's her payment for the treatment. Kureha laugh a bit and take it, even tough basically the room are her's since she stay here but she don't have the key so she can't open it. She also seem to plan something and need the weapon room key.

~Later at night~

Jon finally wake up with bandages on his body. He's still sleepy but his tiredness are gone. He woke up because he's hungry. He heard some noise and walk outside. He saw most of the villagers sleep, only some people still awake, of course the crew are still awake too. They seem to be tired from the party so they just sleep on the snow. When the crew saw Jon walk there, they start cheering and calling him. Jon just smile and shake his head seeing this. He take some food, sitting with Nami, Vivi, Kureha, & Dalton. Then he eat silently while watching Luffy, Usopp & Chopper clapping and cheering while surrounding Sanji & Zoro that start bickering like usual.

"You feel better now?"-Vivi

"Yeah, but i'm still sleepy. When will we leave?"-Jon

"Soon, we just wait for you to wake up."-Nami

"Ohh, alright."-Jon



"Thank you, for worrying about me."-Nami

She already heard from the others about Jon's behaviour when she's sick. She know how worried Jon is, and it make him remember his bad memories. So at least she will say her thanks to make him feel a little better.

"We all worried about you Nami. We're friends so it's normal to worry for each other, help each other, and care for each other."-Jono smile a little.

The others also smile hearing this. Dalton & Kureha start to ask themselves wether if these guys are really the 'cruel pirates'. They forgot that they just partying with these pirates, even now they sit together.

"But we really need a doctor in the crew, we can't risk someone getting sick again. Even some battle injuries will need a doctor's treatment."-Jon

"Don't worry, Luffy's gonna ask Chopper later."-Nami

"Can he do it? That child have a deep scar in his heart, can he heal it?"-Kureha

"He can"-Jon, Nami, & Vivi said at the same time.

Dalton & Kureha surprised seeing this. They don't hesitate at all while answering. That show how much their belief in Luffy's charisma and ability to reach people hearts.

"He'll do it and Chopper will accept in the end. So you must prepare your goodbye to him dr. Kureha. Hearing someone you love approve your decision are the best motivation to move forward. Chopper is strong, but he still lack confidence. That's why you need to say your hope for him doctor, so he can remember it and make him stay strong. You're his mother, so just say everything you want to your son, you're family after all. Just say it before you regret for never say anything."-Jon

Kureha & the other stunned hearing this. It's like he say it to Kureha, but it is more like he say it to himself, especially his last sentence. They're right, Jon still regretting the fact that he can't say anything to his family. He regret for making his parents cry on his grave, he regret to not say he love them before he died, and he regret everything. But he know there's no medicine for regret, so he can only move forward. He already did what he can for his family, and seeing their happy face even tough it's just some photos are enough for him.

Kureha think about it and she knows that he is right. She's just about to not say goodbye if Chopper decided to leave, because she don't want Chopper seeing her cry and make him hesitate. But doing that will make her seem that she doesn't believe him, so she'll talk with him even if he decided to stay and persuade him to go because she knew that a child will never grow if he don't leave his mother's nest.

"Hey young man, i wonder why you call dr. Kureha by her name but you call me old man earlier? From your tone you seem like a polite young man."-Dalton

"Well, i can't be polite to someone that point a gun to me right? Also you call me young man, means you're an old man. Did you worried by your age, old man?"-Jon smirk

Dalton can only smile wryly hearing his reason. Then they heard it, Luffy ask Chopper to join and see the world with him. Chopper refuses, saying he can't leave because he is a reindeer or monster or have blue nose. Luffy being Luffy, he refuse the refusal.

"SHUT UP AND LET'S GO!!"-Luffy said while raising his hands

"OOOOUUUU!!"-Chopper said while crying and raise his hand too

"See? We told you he can do it doctor, now it's your turn."-Jon

"Damn brat, you really have a slick tongue huh? You can even think and say of those 'exciting' line when you fight."-Kureha said while walking towards Chopper.


"What did she mean Jon?"-Vivi

"Ah, that, well, you know, just some stuff to distract the enemy."-Jon said while scratching his head.

When Kureha say it like that, it make him embarassed. Even tough he think it's cool but she must think it's funny. He think that dr. Kureha know that he just want to show off earlier. But he doesn't know that Luffy & Usopp already tell everybody about his fight, and of course about those line too. The boys just think it's a good line and they want to make one for themselves, Vivi seem impressed because she didn't know his intention, but Nami did, and she now have something to tease Jon.