15. Finally Alabasta

The strawhats keep moving towards Alabasta with full speed. Their food is empty since yesterday so Luffy, Jon, Usopp, and Chopper try to catch some fish with their fishing pole. Jon try to use his chidori but didn't get any fish, he assume that the fish live very deep in here, so he fished with the others. But they just catch some very small fishes that certainly not enough. Then they have an idea, to catch big fish they need a big bait too, and they have one. Then they got into an area with lots of steam, it's a hot spot with an under sea volcano.

"Carue, where are you?"-Vivi

She don't see Carue everywhere so she start to look for it. She saw the four boys fishing on the side of ship so she come to them and ask them about Carue, but they start sweating and their body become stiff

"O-oh Vivi, what do you need?"-Jon turn stiffly to Vivi, his eyes are moving around, and he put his hand that holding the pole at his back.

"Did you see Carue?"-Vivi

"N-no, i don't, m-maybe he drink water somewhere."-Jon said making the other three sweating more profusely.


There's a small voice come from below them, Vivi look at it and see Carue being tied by four fishing rope. Vivi freaked out and the four pull Carue up, but there's something being pulled too.

"*cough cough* huft huft, i thought i'll die."-a man wearing a pink jacket, blue clothes, and balet shoes, he also wears strange make-up, he seems like an 'okama'.

(a.n: I don't know how to write bon-chan way of talking, so i'll use normal writing, you can imagine yourself)

"I never thought i'll be saved by pirates, you have my gratitude, swan swan, i'll remember this for the rest of my life, also, can i get a warm soup?"-Okama


"You can't swim?"-Luffy

"That's right, i eat a devil fruit."-Okama

"Heeh, which one?"-Usopp

"There's no choice, i'll show you my power while waiting for my ship."-Okama

Suddenly he hit Luffy's face with his right palm. Zoro and Jon take their weapon's out and get to stance.

"Wait, wait, wait, i say it's just for show right?"-Luffy??

All of them surprises that it's not Luffy but that Okama become Luffy and his voice is the same. He eat Mane-Mane no Mi so he can copy other's face. Then he touch the other's face and start changing into them. He open his shirt when he change to Nami and show the boobs, so he got hit by Nami. But after that, he got to show off his power after being complimented by Luffy, Usopp, Chopper and even Jon. They start to cheer on him and he start his show of changing face.

"Why even Jon join them? He can transform himself too."-Nami

"Let them be, they're just bored."-Zoro

When the okama show his power the four cheering and clapping, then they dance together. But Vivi seem to saw something that make her eyes widen. The Okama's ship come making them dejected and have some tears.

"My, it seen our time to part has come"-Okama

"Ooy, Please don't go"-Usopp said with tears in his eyes.

"Jyoudan janai wayouw, you an me have our own journey. But remember this: To true friendship, how long you know each other means nothing. Don't cry for me."-The Okama said while jumping to his ship, but the four start crying seeing him go.

"Let's go"-Okama said to his crew

"Yes, Mr. 2, Bon Clay."-Crew

"Hey, just now..."-Nami

"OH NO, i remember, he's Mr. 2 Bon Clay. Not many people know about him just like Mr.0, Crocodile. I also saw he change to my father earlier."-Vivi


"Why don't you say anything when you saw it?"-Jon


"It's okay, at least we know about his power, and think how to get rid of it. He have our face afterall, he can appear among us we won't know about it."-Zoro

"That's right, and he has the King's face so he must plan to use it for something. We need to find information first before we move later."-Jon

Then they resume their journey, nothing big happen except they encounter a Sea Cat. Luffy, Zoro & Sanji want to catch and cook it but Jon doesn't like the idea. Even tough it's a seaking wich basically a fish, it is also a cat, there's no way he'll eat cat, he love cat. Just when he's about to stop them, Vivi hit them with a mop, telling them that Sea Cat is a sacred animal in Alabasta. With no other choice, they resume to Alabasta.

Some hours later, they finally arrived at port city Nanohana. Zoro tell them that he has an idea to counter Mr.2's power. His idea is actually so good that Jon suspect that maybe he is actually Mr.2 and Sanji agreed, making Zoro upset, so they have a dustbrawl. After they docked, Luffy just run away to search a restaurant, the others also go on their way to eat and buy provisions. Jon move to look for information about Baroque Works and the rebellion. He make some clones and they transform to look like normal Nanohana citizen wearing desert clothes. He spread his clones to shady places where information will likely spread. While his clones spread he go to a bar and 'order' some food. He listen to people talking and get some info like Ron's wife is still tight *cough cough*. He got info that the rebel army is stationed at Katorea, a place near Nanohana, but Vivi said they're at Yuba. He need to tell the others about this, they almost go to Yuba futilely.

Some time later he go outside and walk back to ship. Then he heard some commotion from his right, he look at the source. He saw Luffy being chased by Marines and running toward him. He's surprised seeing this and start running with Luffy. Then they meet with their friends that hiding from the commotion but Luffy decide to greet them, causing them to be discovered by Marines. Just when the Marine captain attack them with smoke, a flame thrower block it. The crew turn around, they see a man that wear a short pant, leather hat, and beads necklace. He didn't wear shirt, Jon thought that maybe he want to tan his skin.


"I-ll hold him back, go to your ship Luffy. I'll catch up later."-Ace said while some fire come out frome his body.

The crew run to the ship, but Jon go another way, saying he need to do something. He go to an alley to watch Ace and Smoke-guy fight.

He activate his sharingan and wait for the show, but the two guy decided to do some talk first. From the conversation he got to know that Ace is a Second Division Comander of a Yonkou Shirohige, also known as Fire Fist Ace. Also this Marine is actually following Strawhats trail to catch them because he let them sail to Grandline when he is in Loguetown, his name is Smoker.

'What's with his name? Did he smoke from birth so his name is Smoker? Well, whatever, it's his name not mine. I need to watch them fight, they're elemental power user. Maybe i can understand how their power works and copy some moves. I try to look at Luffy and Chopper but their chakra just spread in their body, and the flow didn't change, just some muscle movement. I think it's because their fruit is a body type, Luffy is a rubber himself so his attack use his muscle not chakra. Chopper's chakra change when he transform but i can't copy it, i can't change my body structure. But these guys power is similar to ninjutsu, maybe i can copy it, and they're from fire affinity. But these guys sure love to talk.'-Jon

Just when Jon stop his musing, they start their attack. Jon watch intensely, he even make one shadow clone to watch Smoker so he can focus on Ace. And he's excited, he can see how their chakra flow when they produce fire and smoke. But then, he is dissapointed, they just use one move each. Ace make a fire wall to surround the marines so Smoker use his smoke to remove it. Ace leave after he make the move so Jon decide to leace too, at least he got to see two move, he'll try if he can use it later. He's not sure if he can do it because the principle is a bit different from ninjutsu. He decide to 'buy' some meat first, the food from bar doesn't taste that good so he doesn't finished it. Sometime later he arrived on ship and find everyone including Ace are there.

"Oh, Jon, what take you so long? Here, meet Ace, he's my big brother."-Luffy

"Oh, i'm Jon, nice to meet you."-Jon

"Likewise, i'm Ace, thank you for taking care of my little brother."-Ace

"Ace, Jon is a ninja you know."-Luffy

"Heeh, ninja huh."-Ace

"You don't seem surprised."-Zoro

"Well, i already see one before."-Ace

"Is it true?"-the crew

'So there's ninja in this world, is it like feudal japanese ninja? I need to see them someday.'-Jon

"Well, if you go around the world you will see a lot of thing."-Ace

Just then, some Baroque Work ships block their way. They want to attack it but Ace said he will take care of it. He go with his fire fueled boat and attack the ships with his signature move 'Fire Fist'. Just with one attack, all the ships are destroyed. Jon activate his sharingan since Ace said he will take care of them, and he's surprised to see the power of that move. It's almost like,

'Madara's Great Fire Annihilation, altough it's a bit weaker but that is a very strong attack. I'll try to replicate it and maybe someday i can make my own jutsu with same power or above Madara's.'-Jon daydreaming while Ace came back to ship and talk with the others.

"Where do you go Luffy?"-Ace

"Eehh, where is it?"-Luffy ask Vivi

"It's Yuba"-Vivi said making Jon wake from his daydream.

"Oh about that Vivi, the rebel army have leave Yuba and move to Katorea."-Jon

"Eh? WHAT? THEY MOVE? Oh no, we almost go there for nothing. But why they leave?"-Vivi

"Sigh, that's why you always need to update your information Vivi. It's already a long time since the last you know about rebel army. They move because Yuba is destroyed by a very big sandstorm."-Jon


"Also they will attack Alubarna in three days, and it seem Crocodile is behind their fast move, he has spies in rebel and Kingdom."-Jon dropped the bomb one by one.

"Let's go, we need to go to stop the rebel, then go to Alubarna to tell father, so everyone will be safe."-Vivi

"Vivi, our opponent is a Sichibukai you know, just by stopping the rebellion you think no one including us will die? Isn't it too naive? People can die anytime."-Luffy

Vivi hit him when she heard that, Sanji and Nami protested a bit by how Luffy talk to her. Usopp & Chopper are too surprised to say anything. Zoro, Ace & Jon just stay silent and hear what Luffy want to say. Even tough Jon is childish, he's not an idiot, he know that Luffy want to say something important.

"What's wrong with that? Is it wrong to want everybody safe? The citizen, rebels, and kingdom army, they're not wrong, the wrong one is Crocodile."-Vivi

"Then why're you risking yourself? Just hearing that, even i know what we need to do. You think risking youself is enough to make everybody safe?"-Luffy hit her back.

"Then what else can i risk? I don't have anything to risk beside myself."-Vivi

"THEN RISK OUR LIFE TOO, AREN'T WE FRIENDS?"-Luffy said making Vivi cry and the other smile.