21. After war

Jon woke up at midnight, he look around and found himself inside a big room with a lot of beds. He found his friends sleep on those beds with bandages on their body. They have some bandages here and there, but Usopp has bandages over all of his body, he bacame a mummy. Jon look at himself and found that his condition isn't that bad like Usopp, he just has small injuries and depleted his chakra, and he only recover a third of it now. He take a sandwich and a juice from inventory to fill his stomach a little, then he sleep again to recovered faster.

At the morning, Jon wake up again after hearing a loud voice. It seem Sanji & Zoro start at it again after comparing their battle. The others also woke up and Nami hit them to shut them up. But Luffy is still sleeping, Usopp can't even move as his bandages prevent him to move. Chopper start to examine the ones that awake. When he check at Jon, Jon ask him about his battle and praise him for his bravery, making him dance like usual, it's really easy to make him happy. Usopp also chime in to say his exagerated story and Nami just praise him lazily, making him upset.

They share story about their battle before to relief their boredom because dr. Chopper forbid them from moving around. Vivi also come and join their conversation. But when they share story, Jon remember the massacre scene he has caused yesterday. He start to feel uncomfortable and has cold sweat. The others see this and ask him what's wrong.

So Jon tell them about what happened yesterday. Chopper & Usopp is shocked, Vivi & Nami feel concerned, Zoro & Sanji keep calm. Usopp & Chopper have never killed before so they're rather shock. Vivi & Nami has seen death many times, altough they never killed (maybe), Zoro & Sanji have killed before so they know how it feel for the first time.

"Have you prepare yourself for something like this before?"-Zoro

"Y-yeah, but imagining and really doing it is different. I know that become a pirate come with life and death. It's kill or be killed."-Jon

"Good, you must prepare yourself and always fight with that in mind. Even tough i don't say you should always kill, but when the situation come to that, then don't hesitate. You're doing good with this on your first time. Don't think about the kill, think about what you protect. We can win without much death on our side because of you."-Zoro

"If you feel bad about them then think what they'll do or already done to this country, to Vivi-chan. They already make a lot of innocent people suffer, you are helping them. There're not many death on our side, it's because of your help. Think about who you saved not who you kill."-Sanji

"We can only tell you this, but just know that you can always talk to us anytime."-Zoro

"Thanks guys. I think i'll sleep again now. Chopper can i get a sleep pill?"-Jon

Chopper look at Zoro and he nod, then Chopper give Jon a sleep pill to help Jon sleep again.

'How will my parents react if they know i kill people.'-Jon

Jon think about what his parents will do when they heard what he has done. He imagine what will they feel or do, be it angry, dissapointed, hurt, mad, or even maybe they will take him to police. But he can't see that, he only see his parents hug him and feel relief seeing him safe, and they just keep asking if he got hurt, not asking if he kill or injure people. When a soldier come home his family will only feel relief that he is safe afterall. He has a small smile imagining it before he fell asleep. The others move away from Jon so they don't disturb him.

"Jon should've know that he would need to do it before. That's why he ask me to go to castle. He don't want me to see what will happen there."-Vivi

"Even if he's already prepared, but reality are different, it's normal to be like this."-Sanji

"You guys also need to prepare yourself for something like this. We don't know when we will need to kill to protect ourselves, so prepare yourself and don't hesitate when the time come. Chopper, check Jon again later, if he ask for pill again don't give him. It's okay to run away at first, but he need to face it if he want to be stronger. It's applied for you guys too."-Zoro

"Alright, i understand"-Chopper


Jon wake up, he feel better after sleep. He dreams about his family, in there they just ask for him to be safe and hug him. Even tough it's just a dream, but he feel a lot of weight have been lifted, so he feel a little refreshed. He look around and see his friends still in the room. They can't get out before getting permission from dr.Chopper. Jon stand up and walk to them.

The others notice him and ask how he feel. He just say he feel better now, and ask where is Vivi, he want to ask if he can use the library. He want to calm himself by reading book. He ask one of the guard outside to tell Vivi that he look for her. Sometime later Vivi come and Jon tell her about library. She bring Jon to ask her father and The King allow it, as long as he doesn't read secret & forbidden book.

Vivi bring Jon to library, and Jon make 10 clones. He spread them to read history, science, sociology, geography, etc. He tell them to dispell everytime they finished a book at different time so he will not get a massive memory backlash for taking it at once. He read a lot and start to understand this world better.

'So World Goverment is made about 800 years ago by 20 alliance Kingdom. Alabsta is one of the Kingdom. After World Goverment established, the royal families of those kingdom moved on top of Red Line to live on 'Holy Land', Mary Geoise. Alabsta royal family refuse to live there, so Vivi is the descendant of the 'real' royal family. The royal that live there are called, Tenryubito, or World Nobles. What? Slavery is legal if the owner is Tenryubito? What the fuck? So they think they are the owner of this world, and every people live her is theirs too? Fuckers'-Jon

Jon read and focused on history and social structure in this world, he even read newspaper collection. The more he read the more he's surprised. Even tough it's not state in the book about the darkness of this world, but the hint is everywhere. The World Goverment, Marines, Revolutionary, and Pirates. Now these four are considered the biggest force on this world. This era is called The Great Pirates Era, as there're lots of pirates sail to the sea after the execution of Pirates King, Gold Roger (a.n: it's what most people in one piece world know, and MC read their book) to search for his treasure, One Piece.

"Why people become pirates just to search for a piece of treasure? Well i follow someone like that so who am i kidding. Also the name is One Piece, how if it's just one piece of coin? Hahaha, well, the journey to search for it is what important i think, finding it is just a prove of worth to be a Pirate King. I think that's what Luffy think when he start his dream. He doesn't care about what the treasure is and just search for it because he want to."-Jon smile

He's absorbed in reading books, in the past, he is not such a bookworm, but he need information, and the more he read the more he got interested to this world. He know that it's just from one point of view as Alabasta is a Kingdom affiliated with World Goverment. Altough a kingdom have more access to secrets that aren't known by public, but there're more secrets that the World Goverment hide. Jon know this as it's the same on earth.

He need knowledge from another point of view, especially Revolutionary army. Why they decide to make Revolution? Is it a righteous reason because of slavery by World Nobles or maybe corruption of World Goverment and Marines as it's a common reason? Or is it because of their own greed and their ambition to rule the world?

The books said that World Goverment is protector of Kingdom, and they create Marines to protect people. But what he saw until this day is not like that. Alabasta, an affiliated Kingdom with WG is almost getting destroyed by a Sichibukai, a pirates affiliated with WG too. The Marines didn't do anything even tough they knew this Kingdom is falling apart. They're more focused on catching a rookie pirate crew more than stopping a Sichibukai that destroying a country.

At least that's what Jon conclude after seeing this war, but he need more information before making final conclusion. He need to look from every side. He decided to stop and rest for now, he can't read all day, so he go back to the crew's room. It's midnight and everybody have sleep already. So he quietly walk to his bed and sleep. Before sleeping he remember he still didn't check the Mission, so he check it.


Mission completed!

Saved Albasta! Part 2!

Your Captain has give you order. Help Vivi in Alubarna.


1. Tell the King about your plan and make him follow it.

2. Discover spies in army

3. Defend Alubarna with the Army from Baroque Works attack

Reward received:

1. 500 SP

2. Yin Seal: Release

3. Defeated Numbers: Mr.7 & Ms. Father's Day. 210 SP x 2= 420 SP

4. Defeated Billions: 50 SP x 62= 3100

5. Defeated Millions: 10 SP x 751= 7,510

SP received 11,530 SP

Total SP 132 + 11,530= 11,662 SP]

Jon's eyes glittered seeing this, he finally become rich now, finally he can buy a lot of things he want, those S-rank ninjutsu finally become a cheap commodity now. He giggle under his bed cover but then calm himself down. He remember that he didn't just need S-rank ninjutsu, he need weapons, equipments and lots of things.

He also didn't have many ninjutsu, so he need to buy a lot of them, not just the S-rank. He also realised that he didn't use one of sharingan's best ability that much, genjutsu. He will start to train it later on the ship. He look at the Yin Seal: Release, but he decide to take it when they sail later. But he need to sleep first, there're still a lot of book in library.

The next morning Jon wake up, eat breakfast, and go to library again. He read books regarding power houses in this world. He got to know that a lot of this world's people actually have ridiculous power. Marine Hero Garp is said to have power to flatten a mountain with only his fist, and Fleet Admiral Sengoku has similar strength with Garp. Yonkou Shirohige can call a Tsunami or destroy an island alone. Yonkou Kaido is said to be immortal as he can't die even when he's executed. Jon assume their power is Kage level or even higher, and there're many of them.

There's also a lot people with this level of strength. But no one can defeat the Pirate King Gold Roger when he is at his prime and sail on the sea with his crew. Even tough he got captured by Marines, it said that he already disband his crew, so Jon think he must be surrounded, or even he got trapped. But even the mighty Pirate King can't defeat World Goverment.

There must be something like Revolutionary too in the past, but the WG still stand until now. There must be something World Goverment have that can suppress every force in this world as they're still stand strong even after 800 years. It can be weapons, secret organisation, or something else. Jon sure there're more secret in this world that burried deep, and he want to discover it. If Luffy become the Pirate King, maybe the World Goverment will use their secret weapon to eliminate them. He need to discover it to prevent that from happening.

"Hmm, a shinobi is perfect for infiltration and espionage, if i become the greatest shinobi, then i can go anywhere i want and search everything i want without anybody know it. Huhuhu, let's be the God of Shinobi, huhu. Then i will start the Eye of The Moon plan, HAHAHA"-Jon


The old librarian make a cough to warn him that he's too loud, so he shut his mouth and sit quietly. Anyway, putting his delusions aside, now he has his own goal, a dream, not just wandering around the world following the crew.