33. Falling Ship

"Wetton, he doesn't change at all"-Kid A

"Yeah, isn't it already 50 years outside?"-Kid B

"Nonono, that's Raik his grandson. Wetton is that old man there."-Nami


"He use the Rainbow tower"-Henzo

"Hmm? You are the naughty kids back then, you didn't change at all. No matter, now give all the treasures to me. You have stay here for a long time, so you must have some treasures. You guys also search every ship."-Wetton


The soldiers go to every ship to find treasures but Jon smirk seeing this as the treasures are no longer there. When the soldiers go, Wetton and Raik attack the crew and kids with their strange suit. Wetton's son Philippe command some soldiers to fight too and take their treasures.

Zoro fight Raik that use suit that can use electricity to attack. Zoro said he will cut the electricity, make the others speechless at his stupidity.

"Did he think anything can be cutted?"-Usopp

"That's what his brain are made of afterall, cut cut cut, and booze, nothing else. That's why he sleep everytime."-Jon

"Hmm, that's true"-Usopp

Just like predicted, there's no way a sword can cut electricity, the swords even drew it so Zoro got electrocuted. Jon just sigh and left to fight the soldiers that have arrived near the ship. He just use chidori senbon and all of them got electrocuted. He use low power and targetting non vital area so they only faint. He will not kill if not necessary and there are kids there.

Robin helped Zoro defeating Raik by 'cutting' the source by pulling out the plugs. Zoro didn't need to do anything after that because Raik has fall and can't get up by himself.

'Why should i be so serious fighting this idiot?'-Zoro

Wetton got angry seeing all his men, even his grandson got defeated. Then his son come and give him a report. Their soldiers didn't find anything there. Wetton asume that the kids had took all the treasures there. He command his soldier to attack the crew and kids.

Jon, Zoro, Robin and Usopp got ready to fight back.

"Zoro let's get each side, i take left, you take right. Usopp, shoot the ones behind from the crow nest. Robin, tak care of the ones that slip past me and Zoro."-Jon

Jon make simple strategy and they start attacking the soldiers. With Jon & Zoro's power, these soldiers didn't stand a chance at all. But still some of them have manage to slip because the two can't cover all area. But Robin can take care of those. Usopp also manage to shoot many soldiers behind.

Jon use lightning chakra mode, he want to test it by fighting these many soldiers. They're not strong so it's suitable for testing his new power. He became faster but it's difficult to move around between many people and not crashed. He usually train on the sea where there's no obstacle such as these soldiers.

'It's difficult to control my movement because i'm too fast. I use too much power or too less that make me can't stop at the spot that i want. Luckily my eyes can see clearly at this speed, but even then, when i want to move and avoid crashing someone, i already crash him before i can move. I must train my reflex and agility more to use this jutsu effectively. Maybe i'll use shadow clones as obstacles at training.'-Jon

Jon just use only his punches but it's enough, his fast movement make the punch have much more power than normal, speed is strength indeed. His electricity also make the soldiers electrocuted with his punch, so it's easier. He's just like walking and they all got defeated, these guys are too weak afterall. They can only fight back thanks to their good weapons.

Zoro also got it easy, he also use them as training materials. Jon saw Zoro start to use his chakra to enhance his power, but he can't cover his body yet. The same also happened with Robin and Usopp. They easily defeated their opponents. But when Jon finished, his knuckles are bleeding.

"Hmm, altough i cover my hand with chakra, the fast movement make my punch lethal but it also make my hands got damaged. I need to train my durability so i won't get hurt when using my own power."-Jon

Wetton surprised seeing his soldiers got defeated easily. He got angry and take out his suit, but it use fuel, not generator like Raik. It can spew out fire, not electricity like Raik before. He move to attack but something crashed to him and almost make him fall to the sea if his subordinate didn't help him.



It's actually Luffy, he got out from the Mist trap and crashed to Wetton. He's with a thick lips kid that Jon hadn't see before. Anyway, they fight and Luffy win easily, they only have some chat and it's over after that. Altough fire is one of Luffy's weakness, if he can attack before Wetton use it, he will win easily. Not to mention Wetton is already old and senile.

"Damn you kids, if i can't get the treasures then none of you will too"-Wetton

Wetton can't accept this and he run back through the tower but he throw a lighter to the fuel that spread on the floor. Then a big explosion happen and the space inside the mist started to get disoriented.

"Oh no, the space and time start to get disoriented here. We need to get out fast or we will get crushed and die."-Henzo

They all panicked and need to get out soo but they need to find Luffy that get thrown by the explosion into water first. Suddenly Lapanui come out from water and he bring Luffy with him. The crew immediately take them out from water. They want to get out from there but they found out that the fire has burn the rope that used to guide them out.

Then Lapanui saw a Sunlight, it's probably a sunset from outside, so if they go to the sunset direction they can get out. But there's no wind inside the mist so they need to paddle the ship. They even ask some of Wetton's man to help, they need a lot of man power to paddle the ship. Unluckily, a paddle break because it crashed into a wrecked ship.

"If only there's a big wind that can push our ship.."-Nami

"Damn, i can't use wind ninjutsu"-Jon

"You need wind right?"-Lapanui

Lapanui suddenly jump out from the ship and swim toward the Marine ship they use to stay.

"There are many canonball on the Marine ship, if i can make them explode, it will make a big wind to push your ship right?"-Lapanui

Then all the kids suddenly jump and follow him, they want to help him and won't let him make sacrifice by himself. Jon sigh then he flickered and pick up all the kids including Lapanui and throw them to Merry.

"What are you doing? We need wind to get out from here"-Lapanui

"In time like this let the adults do the work. You kids just need to stay still and watch. Let me blow the canon balls."-Jon

"What's an adult, you're still 17, you can't even hold your liquor."-Nami

"Beside these kids are 50 years older than you"-Robin


Jon have a tickmark and grumble but he let it be, he can't win against woman, he know that. Jon then make some clones and order them to blow all the marines ship with their own canonball. The kids, Henzo, and Wetton's man surprised seeing Jon make clones, but didn't say anything. Their life is the first priority now.

"Hold on tight everyone!"-Nami


Then some big explosion happen from behind of them. Then a big wind gush push the ship very fast, but it also make the space and time inside the mist become more disoriented. The ship fly instead of sail on water, and they fly to the sunset direction.

They finally got out from the mist but they didn't appear on the sea but on top of the mountain instead. They fall from the sky and the ship glide the air to the sea. They fall on the sea so hard that it make the mast and ship's figure head break, some cracks also appear on the ship's body.

They all get out from the ship and realize that the kids aren't there. Even the pedophile that Jon tied up before also gone.

"Lapanui! Isoka! Everyone! Where are you?"-Henzo

"It must be because of the time distortion. They don't belong to this age so they got thrown to their time. It's the only possibilities because the ones that gone are from 50 years ago"-Robin

"That's right, onee-san"-???


They saw the marines that suddenly appear. There's an old man with a thick lips, and there is a woman with light purple hair, also three old man behind them.

"Y-you, perhaps you're.."-Henzo

Henzo pointed the marines with trembling fingers and eyes.

"Hmm? Did you know them old man?"-Luffy

"Wait, that thick lips and cocky face, also that purple hair. You must be that kid Lapanui and Isoka"-Jon

"HAHAHA, that's right, it's me Lapanui."-Lapanui

"We're thrown to our time 50 years ago, and we need power to throw Wetton, that's why we become Marines"-Isoka

"But why didn't you come back earlier?"-Henzo

"Old man, if they come back here earlier and stop Wetton, then all of this will never happen. They will ruin the timeline and maybe their kid self will never get saved by us."-Jon

"O-oh, is that so?"-Henzo

'Heeh, those time travel theory is rather useful here.'-Jon

They talk a little more and the marines capture Wetton and all his subordinates.

"Then you guys, Strawhat pirates are also a wanted crew, so we will capture you"-Lapanui


"You bastard, i even give you lunch before and this is how you repay me?"-Usopp

"Hmm? You cook earlier Usopp? Why you didn't give me some?"-Jon

"Ah, you just left and not come back for hours, i cook and you stil didn't come back. So don't blame me for this"-Usopp

"Well, it's not as good as Sanji's cook tough, hahaha."-Luffy

"Shut up! You're the one that eat most of it before"-Usopp

"*cough cough* Anyway we will capture you."-Lapanui


"But it's confusing, we need to capture Wetton and didn't have choice but let the Strawhat pirates escape. Aaahhh!"-Lapanui

He keep rambling about some petty reason why he can't capture the Strawhats. The crew have a deadpanned face seeing his obvious lie. Then they fix the ship with their feeble skill. At least the ship can sail for now. The crew then sail away the next day to continue their journey.

They sail again and nothing extraordinary happen in a few days. The crew have fun and train but they lessened their training. Especially Jon that almost cut half of his training regime. The ship can't hold the burden of their training. So they focused more at building up their chakra using Jon's training.

They now become more serious training their chakra. Especially Zoro that frustated that he can't cut electricity. When Zoro become more serious at training, Sanji and Luffy also don't want to fall behind so they start training too.

Jon usually train Chopper when he didn't train himself. So now Chopper can use some technique when fighting. But Chopper still need more training in his mind, he's often hesitate when he's about to punch. He need to be more brave too.

Jon also want to train Usopp to be more brave, but he gave up. It's very hard, and maybe Usopp need some setback first. Jon also train Usopp to flow his chakra in his eyes so he can enhance his eyesight. But first he train him to enhance his body, he didn't want Usopp's eyes to explode afterall. But he didn't say this to Usopp or he will be scared and stop training.

Nami also often ask him about technique that use staff. But Jon didn't have staff technique so he buy one from shop that suitable for woman. He want to buy 3rd Hokage's staff technique but he realize that man and woman need suitable technique for their body structure. Luckily there's staff version from Sarutobi clan for woman. Jon can't teach her so she practiced on her own.

The other also sometime ask him, but Robin oftem hesitate when she's about to ask something. Jon think that maybe she's still awkward being the newest crew member. So he put some hand to hand combat technique in the book shelf for Robin to read herself. Her power if used with proper technique can be very dangerous.

Days passed by but one day, something strange happen. A rain fall on their ship, this rain is not water, but rubble. They look up an saw a big ship fall upside down from the sky. They stunned and can only scream.