37. GOD Land-Skypiea

The Strawhats get attacked by a masked man and Jon can fend him off. But when they're about to fight again, someone come from above them. They look up and see a man with knight armor riding a big bird come down to them. The masked man run away after seeing this knight, and the knight land on Merry.

"Who're you?"-Jon pointed his kunai

"Calm down young man, i mean no harm to you"-Knight

"I can't be sure about that"-Jon

"Well, you'll certainly wary after getting attacked. But i just want to save you from the Guerilla attack, but it seems unnecessary now. Anyway i am Gan Fall, a payed knight. I sell my service to protect blue sea people like you for only 5 million extols"-Gan Fall

"We don't need protection at all, and what do you mean guerilla and extol?"-Jon

"Really? But your friends seem to have difficulty at breathing tough."-Gan Fall

Jon look behind and see the others have breathing difficulty but some moments later they're fine again.

"Yosh, i've adjusted my breathing"-Luffy

"Yeah, it's easy"-Zoro

"See? They're fine now. Ah, i must adjust my breathing too."-Jon

Jon adjust his breathing with chakra breathing excersise and he's adjusted his breath quickly.

"I'm done"-Jon

"Nonono, there's no way it's that fast"-Gan Fall

"Who're you old man?"-Luffy

Gan Fall explain again to them and they seem happy with him. He can explain a lot of Sky Island to them, but they must pay.

"What's this Extols?"-Nami

"Hmm? You don't know? Don't you get introduced to Extols in High West?"-Gan Fall

"High West? There's a way like that?"-Jon

"Of course, how did you come here?"-Gan Fall

"Knock up stream"-Nami

"You're very brave to use that dangerous way, but both way is dangerous. High West can make you lose many of crew, but knock up stream can make you all dead. At least the High West have higher survival rate."-Gan Fall

"Hey old man, hurry up explain this extol. It's currency here right? How can we get it?"-Jon

"Well, you can just use Berri. 1 Berri for 10.000 Extol"-Gan Fall

"Ooh, we thought it has same exchange rate"-Nami

"Here is my flute, i will give you one call for free but it will cost you the next time. Now i will go"-Gan Fall

"Wait old man, where's the way to civilisation?"-Jon

"Oh right, you don't know anything in this place. Then go to that place, it is the gate to Skypiea. But remember to pay the fee so you can avoid trouble later."-Gan Fall

They look at the Waterfall like cloud that being pointed by Gan Fall.

"How much are the fees?"-Jon

"1 billion extols each person. You need to pay it or something terrible can happen."-Gan Fall

"1 BILLION?"-Crew

Gan Fall just left without explaining anything again. The crew panicked when they need to pay 1 Billions each, so they need to pay 8 Billions total.

"Calm down, did you forget the ratio? It's only 100.000/person, so it's 800.000 total"-Robin

"Ah, that's right. But it's still expensive."-Nami

"We have hundreds of millions cash, so why not use it? At least it will avoid troubles at start."-Jon

"You're right, you guys will certainly make troubles, so let's have a peaceful start"-Nami

They move to the waterfall cloud and keep looking around on the way. Jon now have a role because he's the one with best eyesight, he will be their watchman and scout. So crow nest is Jon nest now, he will only change to rest, but it's his main job.

They keep moving until they stumble upon a cloud that obstructing their way. Luffy try to punch it and make it dispersed, but his punch bounced instead. Luffy jump on top of the cloud and it bounced him like a trampoline. Soon, Usopp, Chopper and Jon also joim him and they have fun.

"Jon, did you see where should we go from there?"-Nami

"Wait a second."-Jon

Jon stop his bouncing and look around the place. He saw the waterfall and he also saw a gate like place.

"There's something like a gate, and the way there are full of bouncing clouds like this one. It even look like a maze, let me find the route first."-Jon

Jon find the route and they all move again. Sometime later they arrived at the gate.

"Heaven's Gate?"-Nami

"Maybe we already died and arrive in heaven?"-Zoro

"Gasp, did we dead already?"-Chopper afraid

"Heaven huh? Seems interesting, what kind of adventure can we get there?"-Luffy

"I'm not even sure if pirates will go to heaven after die"-Jon

"Look! There's someone coming out"-Usopp

They look at the one that coming out. It's an old woman and she suddenly take some picture of them.

"I'm the gatekeeper, Amazon. Fee entrance 1 Billion extols/person"-Amazon

"Can we pay with Berri?"-Nami

"Yeah, what's the purpose of your visit?"-Amazon

"Purpose? We just want to see the sky island."-Luffy

"So travelling"-Amazon

Jon then pay 800.000 Berri to the old woman. Then after he pay, suddenly a pair of big claws grab Merry and it is a giant Lobster. The Lobster bring them moving upward using the waterfall clouds that actually a spiral cloud road on top of that waterfall like cloud.

Sometime later they arrived and the Lobster jump down to it's original place again. They look around and see some plants grow on the clouds and make it look like a beach. Luffy immediately jump down and the crew panicked if he will get drowned, but he can standing just fine. The anchor also just got in to the clouds below them like it's sand.

They decide to have some fun on the beach and explore it. Jon like usual make some clones to explore the area and search information. He saw some buildings on the other side of the beach, so the clones go there. Jon decide to have some fun with the crew too. There's no way he will let go of playing with clouds.

'Wait, these clouds work like sea, so they're basically water, but it's gaseous. Can i try waterwalking here?'-Jon

Jon try to walk on the sea clouds, and he can do it a little before falling.

'It works, and it's harder to walk on it, so it can be used for my next level of chakra training. Then i will use some clones to train. We will not stay forever here, so i will enjoy this place while my clones train, hahaha'-Jon

Just when Jon decide to use the clouds to train, they hear an instrument music sound. They look to the source and see a girl there playing something like harp.


"??? Heso?"-Crew

"You must be blue sea people, 'heso' mean hello and used by people here. My name is Conis."-Conis

The crew talk to her and ask many things, but then they heard something from the sea. It's an old man riding a small boat that can move fast. But he seem sloppy using it and can't stop, so he crashed on a tree.

"Are you okay?"-Man

"We should be the one asking"-Crew

"I'm sorry, my name is Pagaya, i'm Conis father."-Pagaya

They talk and Pagaya explain the boat he use. It's called waver and it can be used without sail and wind.

'So it's like jet ski, but it seem to not use motor engine. What is used to move it?'-Jon

Luffy try the waver but he can't control it and drowned. Chopper move to help bim but he's also drowned as he is devil fruit user too. So the other help them

"This sea clouds work just like sea water to devil fruit user."-Robin

Jon then try the waver and it's easy. He never try jetski but he have a cheap bike. Their principle is almost the same, except it use foot pedal, not hand, and it used on sea, not road, but it's easy to adapt to this. Then he go back and Nami tried it, she also can use it easily, and she want to try it longer.

The other decide to visit Pagaya's house because he just caught some fish. On their way, they saw many workers cutting solid clouds. It's certainly strange for them seeing clouds become materials for many things.

They arrive in Pagaya's and Conis's house and Sanji help Pagaya cooking, while the other sit in living room with Conis. Conis introduced dials to them. It's snail shell that being processed to be various tools. The waver power source also made from dials, jet dials. It can generate wind that it stores before at high speed and push the waver.

"Hey Conis, where can we buy these dials?"-Jon

"That's right, let's buy it"-Usopp

"There's some shop that sell them, but their price is a little expensive. The special ones can't even be bought by money."-Conis

"Special one?"-Usopp

"Yes, something like a very big jet dials for ship, or more high power dials. They can only be bought by Vearth"-Conis


"Yes, blue people call it soil, but we call it Vearth. It's very valuable in Skypiea"-Conis

Sanji come to the room and they all start eating. All the crew look at Jon, and he understand what they want.

"Alright alright, you can take it. We can always get it again when we go down. But why did you people value soil that much?"-Jon

"Because it's only available in upper yard, the God's holy ground. That's why people think that vearth is special. But it's real value is for farming"-Conis

"Ah, because there are only clouds here, so the farming can't be that good and you need soil for better farm land."-Robin


"Ooh, and what is this upper yard?"-Usopp

"It's a place with so many vearth and is the place where God Enel reside. It's the most prohibited place with no one allowed to go there. Oh no, how if Nami-san go there, this is bad. If she go in without permission, she can get divine punishment"-Conis


"The most prohibited place huh, hahaha. Yosh, let's search for Nami."-Luffy have stars in his eyes

"Are you really want to search Nami or go to that upper yard?"-Usopp

"Nami could be there so we will go there and search for her."-Luffy

'He just want to go there'-Crew

"Well, let's try to call her first, and ask her to go back"-Jon

Jon call Nami and luckily she brought her denden mushi.

"Nami, where are you? Come back. There's a dangerous place here and you might stumble upon it and you can die, so come back quickly."-Jon

"Huh? What do you mean? You didn't just want to scare me because you want to play with the waver right?"-Nami

"What? No, i can do that later. Well, it's okay if you don't believe me and got some 'divine punishment' by god"-Jon

Just when Jon finished what he say, Nami saw a man getting surrounded. Then the guerilla with mask that seems like the one attacking them before attack the ones that surrounded that man with a bazooka. A big explosion happen on the spot where the attack landed. The man survived and ask Nami to help him, making Nami confused what to do. She's already scared seeing the ruthless battle in front of her.


"Y-yeah, b-but there's someone getting attacked and ask for my help."-Nami


"I don't know, this place is like an island below with soil and trees."-Nami

"!!! NAMI, GET OUT FROM THERE, IT'S THE DANGEROUS PLACE. People in there is dangerous, leave that man, your life is more important"-Jon


Just when Nami turn around to leave, a big light come down and the man before, getting strucked by a very big lightning.




"Y-yeah, t-the man before getting strucked by a very big lightning. I'll go back immediately."-Nami

They closed the call and move to the beach where they docked to wait Nami.

"That must be God Enel, he punished that man with his divine punishment. That man come to upper yard is breaking God's rules. That's why he got punished."-Conis

"He must be blue sea people like you, because no Skypiean have courage to go to upper yard."-Pagaya

"Blue sea people? Why would they go there?"-Robin

"They heard rumors and want to search for golds there"-Conis
