41. Survival Game

The next morning, the crew awoke and they separate like what they discuss. Sanji, Nami, and Usopp go to the ship, while the other go to Enel's place that Gan Fall pointed after hearing Jon's information that he got from Shura.

"Let me follow you guys on the ship. I know a safe place for the ship."-Gan

"Really old man? Thank you"-Luffy

"Why'd you want to help us?"-Sanji

"I don't know, i feel like you can actually defeat Enel and change Skypiea. It's only a gut feeling, but i can live this long because of this."-Gan

Zoro look at Jon that has activates his sharingan since earlier and Jon nod. Jon can judge if someone lied with his sharingan. If someone had lied, they will have some clue that you can search on your own. Anyway he can judge it, and Gan Fall didn't lied. Zoro and Sanji know this technique of Jon and they believe him, so they'll let Gan Fall guard the ship later.

After the ship go, the explorer team go following the map. Of course Robin is the one responsible for it. Luffy and Chopper can't even read map, Zoro is directional blind, Jon need to survey their surroundings, so Robin is their best option.

They walk and found some ruins so they stop for sometime to look for it for sometime before resuming their walk. On their way, Luffy sang some weird song with his weird tone. Jon think the song is funny so he ask Luffy to teach him and they sang together.

'System, can you search music from my memory and make a folder for it so i can remember it everytime i want?'-Jon


Host has discover new menu.

Mind Manager!]

'Mind Manager? What is it?'-Jon

[It can search, divide, and group host's memory like a computer's file. To search file, host only need to ask system. Scanning all memory will take 72 hours and host will be unconscious. Proceed?]

'Proceed your ass, why must i sleep for 3 days?'-Jon

[It will damage host's brain if host didn't sleep while scanning commence. 3 days is required to scan all memories since birth.]

'Wtf man, i don't even know if this will worth being unconscious for 3 days. Forget it, i'll check it again later.'-Jon

Jon then sang with Luffy again and he also sang some song he remember. His memory has become hazy now. On earth he can always use internet to refresh his memory, but there's no internet here, so there's many that he forgot.

"Hey Robin, is there really a Golden Bell?"-Luffy

"Yes, i read it from the ruins. But if Enel has collect every gold then it must've been collected too"-Robin

"He hadn't collected it, from Shura's memory, Enel didn't know about the golden bell. So we still have a chance to find it"-Jon

"Why you ask about the bell?"-Zoro

"I will ring it, so diamond head old man can hear it"-Luffy

"That's a good plan, golden bell sound is said to be so loud that it can reach another sea"-Robin

"Well, finding the golds also a good plan"-Jon

"You just want the golds"-Zoro

Just when they walk, Jon saw a massive snake come toward them. It's so big that dinosaurs in Little Garden can become it's prey.

"Be careful, there's a massive snake come from our right side."-Jon

They all look at their right and see the snake. It open it's jaw and attack them, but they avoid it. They try to attack it but it didn't give damage at all. Instead, it make the snake become angrier and attack again. The snake bite a tree and it instantly melt with the snake poison.

"Shit, that poison is very acidic"-Jon

"Seems like we need to run"-Zoro

The snake attack them again and again. It's very big but it also very fast. It attack anyone and they just run away from that snake. Jon tried Rasengan and Chidori but it's useless. The snake's scales are too tough and even if it give damage, the snake is too big to even feel it. Maybe it will only be a scratch for the snake, so he just run.

After sometime the snake stopped following Jon and he feel relieved. But when he look around he has separated from the others. He take his denden mushi and call them. They also didn't know where they are. So Luffy tell them to meet on the ruins, and the one that arrive there first, need to make a signal. Jon want to search them all, but they need to learn how to find location alone.

Now Jon need to go alone, but he need to know where he is. He climb a tree to the top and look around, but there's some taller trees, so he climb one and search the tallest. After finding the tallest, he found out where he is and where the ruins. He got down and walk to the ruins.

On the way to the ruins, Jon's way suddenly got blocked by a fight between a Shandian and a Skypiean that always say 'meekk' like a goat in his sentence. Jon just wait and see their fight while sitting on a tree root. He saw those guys using dials that hidden behind their gloves or bandage on their palm. Jon had take Shura's weapon and dials yesterday. But their dials also seem interesting.

The goat man can make a slice attack with his dial, he called it axe dial. The Shandian use dial called impact, that can make a shockwave. After sometime, the fight ended and the Shandian win. But when he saw Jon, he suddenly attack. Jon had anticipated this, he know the Shandian or Enel's mens are hostile. Everyone outside from the crew are hostile to them.

Jon avoid an attack and the root under him got damaged. He kick the Shandian but it got defended by the Shandian's palm where the dial placed. Jon's kick didn't budge the Shandian at all even tough he's sure that it will flung his enemy. Then the Shandian attack Jon again with his dial so Jon avoid it, and the damage are bigger than before.

Jon feel something is amiss, so he just use taijutsu and it always get defended using the dial of the Shandian. After sometime, Jon realize what happen.

"So that's how it is. My attack got absorb and stored by that dial. The dial will take out that attack again as a shockwave with same power. Damn, they don't sell it in shop because it used to fight."-Jon

"That's right, but it's still useless even if you know"-Shandian A

"Well, i like that dial, so i'll take it."-Jon

Jon make some handsign and lightning gather around his right hand.

"Chidori spear"-Jon

A lightning spear appear, stab the Shandian in his abdomen and electrocuted him until he faint. Jon take the dials from both these guys and use genjutsu sharingan to get information.

"Survival Game? Damn, he think of people's life as game because of his God complex. But this impact and axe dials are good. It can be installed in weapon or used in hand to hand combat."-Jon

Jon stored the dials, and he also take their boots and weapons. He like the boots power but didn't like the design, so he won't use it and will remake them later with Usopp.

"Milky dials? So they use it to make clouds and it can push them to glide or fly for a short period of time. It's very useful but i don't like this design. No matter, i will check it with Usopp later and remake the design if possible."-Jon

He store his loots and continue his walk. He also found some corpse of shandians or Enel's soldiers, so he loot them. They don't even bother looting their enemy, so Jon will do their job. He also fight some soldiers and Shandians but they're all weak and they use same dials. No special or unique dials.

"Guess small fries will only get normal weapons huh? But i got some pistols and bazooka with their bullets, they're all good."-Jon

After sometime, he arrive in the ruins and it seem really old. There's tree roots that crawl on it and it's full of moss. He look around with his sharingan active to look if there are some golds but he didn't find them. He find Robin instead of gold.

"Oh, Robin. You arrive first."-Jon

"Yes, i got lucky and didn't encounter many enemy, only one in this place."-Robin

"Who? Shandian or the goat people?"-Jon

"Hihihi, the goat"-Robin

"Ooh, did you take his things?"-Jon


"What? How can you leave that treasures on that useless guy. I'll take it, where's the body?"-Jon

Jon then go to the direction that Robin pointed and found a body. He took all the dials and shoes then go back. When he got there, they discuss what they will do and decide to separated for a while. Robin want to learn the history from these ruins, and Jon want to look around for the golds or it's clues and forgot to give signals to the others.

When he walk around he saw a very tall plant that he can't even see it's top, so he go there. He's really curious how a plant could grow that tall. It also didn't look like a tree because it's trunks are spiral, like vines, so it is not a tree. He remember a story about Jack's bean that sprout to the sky, and this thing look like that.

When he arrived, the ground there is covered with cloud. He look around and he see Chopper. He want to call him but he saw a light move toward Chopper. Jon feel danger from that line so he flickered fast and take Chopper away just in time before that light arrived. The ruins that got passed by that light suddenly cutted in two pieces. Jon surprised, and Chopper also realize what just happen.

"Is this that flying attack that Zoro always train lately? Wait, it's his sword that can become very long, it's white so i mistake it as light. I need to activate my sharingan all the time in enemy's teritory."-Jon

"J-jon, w-what happened?"-Chopper

"He attack you from behind, luckily i'm fast enough. Remember this Chopper, never face your back on your enemy."-Jon

"A-alright, thanks Jon"-Chopper

"Who are you?"-Man A

"I'm his friend, who are you?"-Jon

"I'm Ohm, the priest from Ordeal of Iron. You got lucky avoiding my attack little racoon. But there are still many traps here so don't worry."-Ohm


"That's right, if you step on the wrong place, then you will get attacked by my ordeal."-Ohm

"Ooh, so there are traps here"-Jon

Jon activate his sharingan and look around. He can see those traps that Ohm talk about, and he know what are those traps. Jon then put Chopper on his shoulder so he wont step on traps. But then a shandian come from his left side and pointed bazooka at Jon and look at him and the priest. Then they heard a bird cry from above and it landed on a ruin at Jon's right side.

The new guys want to say something but a strange bird voice that Jon remember what it is also heard. Then someone fall in front of Jon, and Jon know that green hair. Zoro just fell down face first after he got dropped by a giant South Bird.

"Yo Zoro, nice day to fly and fall huh?"-Jon smirk

"Hmm? Jon & Chopper, you guys where'd you go? Did you lost?"-Zoro

"If we lost you will arrive here first"-Jon's mouth twitched hearing Zoro say that.

"Oi Gan Fall and blue sea people, get out from here. This is Shandora, Shandian's home"-Shandian B

"I will go after fighting Enel"-Gan Fall

"You guys just come here uninvited. Don't you know that this is God's holy land? But don't worry, you will never come out alive. This ordeal survival rate is 0%. Shandora is no more, this is God Enel's place."-Ohm

"Oi Zoro, did you want to fight him?"-Jon

"Yeah, he look strong, and he use sword"-Zoro

"Alright then, be careful. He fight like a coward and Sissy, he just attack Chopper from behind. "-Jon

"Want to attack mentally? It will not work. Hmm, wait, black hair, black clothes and red eyes. Are you the one that defeat Shura?"-Ohm

"Oh, how did you know?"-Jon

"There's nothing that God Enel didn't know"-Ohm

"Alright alright, i'm bored hearing you praised your God. Be careful Zoro, there are many traps here"-Jon

"Traps? Alright"-Zoro

Just when they all want to move, the giant snake from before had come.

"AGAIN?"-Jon, Zoro, Chopper