43. Enel

Jon, Luffy and Aisa ride Pierre so they can get out from the snake stomach, but then Jon receive a memory from a clone outside.


~Sometime ago, outside the snake after Jon left~

Ohm's dog activate traps and make a dome of spiky wire around the battlefield. Then a shandian woman named Raki come from the forest and want to warn Wyper about Enel, but Enel suddenly appear behind her and electrocuted her before he left.

Zoro and Wyper fought with Ohm, his dog, and a lot of goats. Wyper defeat the goats and dog after sometime. Zoro also defeat Ohm with his new flying attack. But then a big lightning come from below and destroy their place, make them fall. The snake also fall and sometime later, Nami and Gan Fall got out of it.

They all fall below and there's Robin there too. Wyper recognize the place as Shandora, Shandian's original home. The snake also behave strangely, it even cried. Suddenly Enel come and tell them his prediction that there will only be 5 survivors including himself, so he will eliminate some.

There are Enel, Zoro, Wyper, Gan Fall, Robin, Nami, Chopper, Jon's clone which Enel didn't know it's a clone, and he even count the snake. There are 9 people that still standing here, so he will eliminate 4.

'He didn't know about my original, Luffy, Aisa, and Pierre. Is it blocked by the snake, or he count them dead because they got eaten?'-Jon clone

Then Enel strike the snake with a big lightning attack.

"Shit, Nami is still there"-Zoro


"Eh Zoro, you're here"-Nami get out from her hiding

"Since when are you here?"-Zoro

"Since earlier, but Luffy, Jon and Aisa is still there."-Nami

"Those idiots, why Luffy got there? And didn't Jon come to save you? Why'd he got trapped instead?"-Zoro

"Well, they will be fine, and Aisa will be protected by them too"-Nami

"Yahahaha, now only 3 left to be removed. Now who should we remove next?"-Enel

The Strawhats, Wyper and Gan Fall have the same answer, they all pointed at Enel.


"Yahahaha, then do it if you can"-Enel

Before striking, Gan Fall ask about the 'Shinta', God's servant. Enel said that he killed them all because they want to rebel. He also explain his plan to go to Fairy Vearth which actually is Moon, not this Upper Yard. This make Gan Fall angry and he strike with his javelin, but Enel didn't bother to move. His attack stab Enel but didn't give damage, instead, he got elctrocuted and faint.

Then Enel ask if they want to be his servant but they all refuse. Robin talk about something and Enel start rambling about his God complex and he will destroy the Skypiea. Then he strike Robin because she plainly refuse his proposal to follow him. But Jon's clone flickered and took Robin away, avoiding the lightning strike.

"Oho, you can safe her from my attack, looks like i need to remove you first."-Enel

But before he attack Jon, Wyper attack him with his burn bazooka. Enel easily avoid it and Wyper attack again. But now Enel counter it with his own attack and Wyper's attack lose. Then Wyper throw his bazooka and catch Enel with his legs. Enel can't get out even tough he is lightning.

Wyper actually use seastone on his shoes, so it weaken Enel's power. Now Wyper can touch Enel's real body and attack it normally. Then Wyper put his hands on Enel's chest and he attack with his dial.


Enel got defeated, he fall behind and seems dead. The other seem relieved, but then suddenly electricity run through Enel's body and they heard a thump.

"He shocked his heart with his lightning"-Nami

"So he has back up plan, hurry up and attack him again Wyper!"-Jon clone

Before Wyper can move, Enel got up again and wipe the blood on his mouth. Then he strike Wyper and make him faint. Zoro also seem to become hotheaded and strike.

"Stop it Zoro, you can't touch him"-Jon clone

But Zoro didn't listen and strike Enel, his strike passed through Enel's lightning body and Zoro got electrocuted instead and faint.

"Damn, you guys go back, i will handle this"-Jon clone

Jon's clone then activate lightning mode and Enel seem impressed.

"Lightning power like mine, but it seem to be paramecia, you will not win with that."-Enel

Jon's clone strike with Chidori senbon but it's not working, then Chidori spear also not working. Lightning based attack just didn't work on lightning body. So now Jon make big rasengan and he move fast toward Enel. Enel think it will passed again, but rasengan is not lightning, it's pure chakra rotation.

So Enel got hit by a big rasengan and flung back, spitting some blood. Jon's clone didn't want to take risk like before, so he make some hand signs and attack Enel again.

"Katon: Great Fire Annihilation"-Jon clone

A big fire attack strike Enel and he got hit. But he got away and only got small burn. So now Jon's clone make another hand signs.

"Water Prison Jutsu"-Jon clone

Enel now become more alerted and he 'hear' Jon's intention. Enel move away and in his original place, a big water ball appear.

"So you're not lightning devil fruit user. You have too many power, i will remove you fast."-Enel

Enel make a lightning dragon and it attack Jon's clone. He can avoid but then the dragon turn back and he got attacked. Jon's clone popped and now Jon receive his memory.

~Inside the snake~


"What happen Jon?"-Luffy

Jon told Luffy the summary of what happen outside, and Luffy got very angry.

"Hear me Luffy, you go and fight Enel, i will treat the other first. They're not dead yet, you are his natural enemy. When you strike him first, use your gattling gun. He will most likely still underestimate you. So hit him multiple times at once, you can weaken him with that. Don't let him run away, or he will really destroy Skypiea"-Jon


Sometime later they got out from the snake's mouth and they all look around. There's a tall building like altar so they got up to search their friends location. Jon saw them and run there, and the other follow him.

They saw Zoro, Wyper, Robin, and Gan Fall lay unconscious there. Enel has gone, Nami and Chopper also gone.

"Shit, where's Nami and Chopper?"-Jon

*Cough cough*

They hear someone coughing and it is Robin. She start to explain Enel plan and tell them that he take Nami and Chopper with him to his ship.

"I hope they're fine. Go Luffy! I will take care of things here. I will go there when i'm done here."-Jon

"Where did they go?"-Luffy

"I know where they are, i can hear them."-Aisa

"Yosh, show the way Aisa, i will beat him up for doing this to my friends"-Luffy

Luffy, Aisa and Pierre go to find Enel, while Jon start to heal the ones injured here. He don't know medical ninjutsu, so he use traditional method.

"Maybe i need to learn medical ninjutsu for emergency like this. Chopper won't always be there to help afterall."-Jon

Jon make some water bullet to cool their burnt, so he didn't use much power, he just make water. Then he wiped their body that become black so he can give them medicine. Robin has woke up, so he ask her to wipe herself. He can't wipe a woman's body that was not his wife afterall.

After it's done, he clean some wounds on Zoro and Wyper's body with alcohol and he also put ointment for burnt that he got from Chopper before he bandage the wound. He give Robin the oinment while he applied it on Gan Fall too.

Chopper has done many research on Jon's ninja medicine and he also can make more effective medicine to be used in this world. Most of the medicines are stored in Jon's inventory to make them safe and avoid them get deteriorated or even expired because time stopped inside the inventory. So Jon can be called everyone assistant too.

After Jon finished his treatment for them, he sat beside Robin and ask what happen after his clone popped. Nothing much happen, Enel ask them to go with him but Robin still refuse so he attack her. Most likely Nami and Chopper are very afraid and they follow Enel to his place.

Suddenly they heard a loud explosion from above. After sometime, black cloud start to fill the sky. They decide to check it so they climb the Giant Jack. He make clones to bring them all. After arrive at the cloud above Shandora, they put them down and saw a big ship flying above them. That ship has gold ornaments at some places.

The black clouds are produced by the ship. Then they saw a lightning come from the ship and suddenly a big lighting come down from the black cloud and strike Skypiea.

"Damn, it must be Enel. So he use the gold for his ship. It's the only metal here, so he can use his lightning to control it."-Jon

"That black cloud, maybe it used to destroy Skypiea. He can make very big lightning with that much cloud"-Robin

[Emergency mission issued!

Save Skypiea from destruction!]

'Huh? Did you think i will let him do it?'-Jon

Jon start to think of solution and he remember something. A jutsu that he hasn't learnt but it's suitable for cloudy weather like this. Kirin, an S-rank ninjutsu, a variation that Sasuke made from Chidori.

Jon immediately buy the scroll, he still has some thousands points and he had finished his Chidori training. He want to learn Raikiri first, but it seem he need to learn Kirin now to have a chance at defending Enel's attack. He can't attack Enel with lightning, but he can defend Enel's lightning attack.

He read the scroll fast with sharingan and make many simulations in his head. He try to understand the principles fast before Enel start his attack. He need to control the lightning on the sky so Enel can't attack with it.

Sometime later, he finished and he know the basic principle behind Kirin. He try it and a make hand signs then throw a lightning strike to the sky. He gather the lightning in the cloud but he fail. He try again a few times and still failed. Suddenly he heard Luffy's voice.

"Luffy, why're you here? And what's that gold ball?"-Jon

"He throw me from the ship, i must go there again and save Nami. Here, take care of them!"-Luffy

Luffy throw Chopper, Aisa, and Pierre to Robin and she catch them with her power, make Aisa open her mouth wide in shock. Today is a shocking day for this little kid, she saw many strange people with strange power. Chopper start to check on the other conditions and he fix Jon's messy treatment.

Luffy running up through Giant Jack and Jon follow him after he left a clone. He plan to use Kirin from higher ground so he can feel the lightning in the cloud better.

"Luffy, i will try a new jutsu to counter Enel's plan. So just focus on defeating him so it will be over fast."-Jon

"I know"-Luffy

"Don't forget to use your chakra so your attack will be more lethal"-Jon

"Ah, i forgot about that. Alright then, leave it to me"-Luffy

Meanwhile, Nami has arrived below the Giant Jack with Usopp and Sanji. She has got down from the flying ship and go to Giant Jack to meet the other. Chopper immediately treat Sanji and Usopp.

"Where's Luffy?"-Nami

"He go up, he thought you're still up there."-Robin

"We must go away from here quickly, Enel will destroy everything. I will go up and pick Luffy."-Nami

Nami then use her waver to climb Giant Jack vine.

"Let's move to that place with many rocks and soil. If something got wrong, i have a way to protect us all"-Jon's clone

They move to the ruins that made of rocks and soil. Sometime later Wyper and Zoro wake up and ask the details. Robin told them all what happen.

"We can't run anymore, it will be too late now. We will leave it to Luffy and Jon. Beside, Luffy has said it before, that he will ring the golden bell, and he will do it at all cost"-Zoro