50. Trampling Foxy Pirates Pride

The second game will start and Jon make a strategy meeting with Zoro and Sanji.

"Alright listen, i will be the ball. I can slipped away easily if they want to catch me. I can make clones too and make them confuse. They will cheat and most likely they will use weapons. You guys just go and beat that ball, they will focus on me. Just hear my instruction if something happen later, i will make plan based on situation. We don't know their power afterall."-Jon

Zoro and Sanji nod and the Groggy Ring start. The three Groggy Monsters immediately attack but Sanji and Zoro leave and avoid the attack immediately. They didn't protect the ball at all because they don't need to.

Hamburg and Pickles attack Jon but Jon use body flicker everytime they're about to catch him. The two Groggy can't catch him at all and become tired, but after sometime they finally catch him.

"Hehehe, now what will you do?"-Pickles

"Well, i'll just popped"-Jon


Suddenly Jon popped and they seem confused. They look around and see Jon is sitting far at their side. They have chased Jon's clone since the beginning. Meanwhile Zoro and Sanji still can't defeat the Big Pan because his skin is very slippery, so their blunt attack is useless.

The Groggy Monsters are mad and they suddenly go back to their side. So Strawhat team also go back to their side.

"What will they do?"-Zoro

"Maybe it's about time for them to cheat. Also what are you two doing? Can't you just beat him?"-Jon

"His skin is very slippery and we can't touch him at all"-Sanji

"Hmm, alright, let's switch! I will incapacitate that giant while you guys defeat the other two."-Jon

"Alright, if you can attack him then do it"-Sanji

While they discuss this, the Groggy Monsters really took out their weapons. Hamburg have two iron clubs, Pickles have two swords, while Big Pan have two big pans, what a fitting weapon. The Strawhats look at the referee and he plainly turn his body back.

"Tsk, the referee is blatantly cheating"-Zoro

"What? Are you questioning the referee?"-Referee

"No, we just think that maybe you can see from your back since you turn around. We never met someone that have eyes on their back so we became curious."-Jon

"Y-you, insulting the referee-"-Referee

"Insulting? We just wondering if you can see from your back because you turn around. Then why did you turn around, dear 'fair' referee? Why don't you turn around then, huh?"-Jon

The referee just shut up and look back again while sweating and whistling. The two teams fight again, but now the strawhats did Jon's plan. Sanji fight Hamburg, Zoro fight Pickles, and Jon fight Big Pan.

"Oyaoya, what happen now? The balls fight with each other. The Strawhat's ball attack instead of defending. Can he touch Big Pan slippery skin? The other two will fight with Hamburg and Pickles now."-Host

Sanji fight Hamburg that use clubs and with Sanji speed, he can easily avoid the clubs. Jon has remind them to use chakra before, so now when Sanji kicked, it became stronger.


Sanji kick Hambur in his chin and he instantly faint, but Sanji keep giving barrage of kicks.

Zoro fight Pickles that spinning while holding two swords so he's like a beyblade. Zoro jump above Pickles and he use his new flying attack even if he didn't use swords.


Zoro made a twister flying attack and it counter Pickles rotation, and make him stop spinning. Zoro got down and immediately give a barrage of punch to Pickle and make him unconscious.

Meanwhile, Jon face off with Big Pan and he will stall time until the other two finished.

"You can't touch me"-Jon

"Come back here and fight me!"-Big Pan

Big Pan use his big pans and try to hit Jon, but Jon can avoid them easily. Jon keep avoiding while waiting the right moment to strike. Jon look at Sanji and Zoro first, and they seem to finished their fight. Jon jump and move beside Big Pan's feet. He make some hand seals and touch the feet.

"Chidori stream"-Jon

Lightning current spread on Big Pan's body, electrocuting him. With his wet, slippery skin, the lightning become more potent and he got electrocuted instantly and faint.

"Zoro, Sanji, take the ball down!"-Jon

Zoro and Sanji that heard him immediately move. Sanji run to the front while Zoro move back some meters. Then Zoro turn around and run toward Sanji. He jump and Sanji use his kick to boost Zoro's jump. Zoro grab Big Pan's teeth, drag him down and slam the ball inside the goal.

"G-goal! The Strawhats have defeated the Groggy monsters"-Host


"W-what? G-groggy monsters have been defeated?"-Foxy

The Strawhats are happy with this result, while the Foxy Pirates are depressed. They never lost twice in a row in their Davy Back Fight. Even the Groggy Monsters are defeated when they have cheated.

But this also led to a problem for Strawhats. They don't know who are they going to choose. They don't need anyone from Foxy Pirates. But the Foxy pirate crews also have a big head and think they will get chosen.

"How if we take their captain? That way we will win immediately."-Nami

"That's certainly a good plan, but that way he will become our crew member you know"-Robin


""Nonono, we don't need him""-Boys

Foxy that hear this immediately become depressed. He's really sensitive about something like this.

"Why don't we take their flag instead? Davy Back Fight can also used to get opponent flag."-Jon

"B-but we can't be pirates without flag."-Foxy

"Then we will make new flag for you."-Luffy

"That's good, we will go with that."-Nami

"Yosh, hey you guys. We will take your flag, we don't need your crew afterall"-Luffy


"Hoho, do you want to break the oath? You have make an oath to Davy Jone's locker. Well it's okay if you want to break it."-Jon

"W-who said we will break the oath? H-here, take our flag"-Foxy

Luffy then take the flag and make new Jolly Roger for their flag. But well, it's Luffy's drawing, so it became such monstrosity even when he want to make similar picture.

"Thank god we don't let Luffy's drawing become the Jolly Roger."-Jon

"Well, we almost have it you know"-Zoro

"What? Really?"-Chopper

"Yeah, luckily there's Usopp that time, so it can be fixed."-Nami

"Don't forget his drawing on Laboon's head. If people see that, no one will know if that's our Jolly Roger."-Usopp

"Well, let's leave it, next is Captain's fight. They will certainly cheat with the location and use a place that will give their Captain an advantage. Where do you think it is?"-Jon

They think for a while, but didn't see anywhere that seem to be a place with advantage on the island.

"How about their ship? It didn't have to be on the island right?"-Robin

"Ah, that's right. The place that they're most familiar is their ship. There must be many mechanism there, traps or secret weapon to use. They will certainly control the canon so it will target their ship. How about it Luffy? Do you want me to change the canon target if they point it to their ship?"-Jon

"No, i will defeat him even if he use many tricks."-Luffy

"Don't be stupid Luffy, their ship must be full of traps for you"-Nami

"It's okay"-Luffy

"Just let him do what he want, it's his fight. We never fight in our home ground, so it's not that different."-Zoro

"Luffy, don't forget to use your chakra to strengthen your self! It can also make you get used to it and not forget using it when fighting."-Jon

"Oh, that's right. Hahaha, i keep forgetting about it because i'm still not used to it."-Luffy

"Sigh, well you guys haven't trained in it that long. Beside i never saw any of you train in it if i don't remind you."-Jon

They all look away and sweating. They became rather lazy to train since Merry got damaged badly when getting out from Rainbow Mist. They can train their chakra but they choose to lazying around instead. So Jon need to remind them sometime but they keep forget about it. They just like to fight but not training.

'Maybe they need some motivation to give them a reason to be stronger that badly. Zoro has found it, that's why he always train. I have Vivi, and if i want to take her hand, i need to be stronger than anyone else. But the other haven't found their reason to be so strong.

Altough Luffy want to be Pirate King, but we don't know how strong the enemy that we will face. We always win so far and never lose, so our pride is still rather high. Even if i know this all, i can't help but feel that we are already strong now.

I haven't met someone so strong that i can't touch at all. Even when i met them, my crewmates can handle them. Just like Enel and Crocodile that got defeated by Luffy. All the enemy i fight always get defeated, so i'm not that worried.'-Jon

All the Strawhats crew is strong, but they still haven't met someone that very strong and they didn't have a chance when facing that someone. They always win in their fight so far even if it's hard. So they always think that the next opponent will be stronger than the one before, but not overly stronger.

Jon realize this, and most likely everyone realize this. But when they haven't arrive and face a wall, they will not think of climbing it. It's like you will face exam, and you're very confident facing it without knowing that exam is very hard. You will always think that you can pass it before you really face it.

Now their pride are very high and they think they can face and passed any challenge ahead. Altough Jon & Zoro always train but it's also their habit. Without strong reason, training will be slower.

When Jon think about that, the canon is being spin by both Luffy and Foxy. Just like what they predicted, the canon suddenly move and pointed toward Foxy's ship. So the fight will commence on their ship.

Luffy and Foxy got ready for their fight. They got inside different room in Foxy's ship, Sexy Foxy. Jon & Usopp follow Luffy and help him prepare. Usopp give him affro and draw a blue skull picture on his torso.

Jon wrap small chains on Luffy's knuckle and then put red boxing gloves. He told Luffy that Foxy had midified his gloves with spike, so it is allowed and Luffy believe it easily. Luffy gave his strawhat to Usopp.

"Listen Makunouchi!"-Jon


"Ah, no, forget it! Listen Luffy, you're a boxer now, so i will give you some tips as your coach."-Jon

"YES COACH!"-Luffy

"Don't attack first, we don't know his power. Find out his power first before attacking. Always lower your body and put you hands up and ready to defend or attack. Use you footwork, like this, don't stay silent or it will give him an opportunity.

Don't use big moves until you find opportunity, use jabs and feint to make an opening. I will also show you some great boxing move. You know some move like upper cut, hook, or liver and body blow. But i have two secret move, they're Gazelle Punch and Dempsey Roll."-Jon

Jon show Luffy Gazelle Punch and Dempsey Roll. He really like when Ippo use these two technique. He want to see it himself when someone use it at boxing. Even tough this is not a boxing match but their attire is similar so he want to see it.

"I understand, coach"-Luffy

Then they go out to meet Foxy and his team at the ship's figure head. They actually make some smoke for each contestant entrance and they need to cover themselves with a cloak. Foxy go out first as he is the champion, and Luffy next as he is challenger.

"Here it is the challenger, can he get the belt from the champion? With a bounty of 100 million berries, please welcome, 'Strawhat', Monkey D. Luffy."-Host

Luffy tossed his cloak to the air and raise both of his hands, showing his boxing attire, affro, and skull drawing.