66. Farewell, Friend.

Merry's hull suddenly break and it split into two. The crew can't believe what they saw and ask Iceburg and Galley-la people to help and fix Merry. But they can't, Merry has been damaged far beyond what they can fix.

"I have fixed as much as i can before. For this ship to even sail this far is a miracle already."-Iceburg

Iceburg told them that he have fixed Merry before it sailed to Enies Lobby to pick them up for their last adventure together. Iceburg also heard the voice from Merry's spirit that want to save her friends. Merry even sail when Aqua Laguna happen, so it's really a miracle for a ship that has break this much to sail this far.

The crew feel despaired and sad about this. Even Jon that has prepared himself can't hold his emotion. He cried silently and even start to think of solution. He can't just let Merry to die like this and he didn't try to save her.

Jon crouch near the broken part and put his palms on the floor. He mould his water and earth chakra together and attempt to create wood. Even tough his mind know that it's impossible, but his heart want to do it. He keep molding the chakra and then a green bump like a sprout grow.

It's very small like an ant, but Jon can see it with his sharingan. He became very excited seeing this progress. But then his chakra got chaotic, the molded chakra ruptured and he got the backlash. He cough some blood and fall to the floor.


Nami that stand near him since earlier while the other stay at the front, saw Jon try to do something. She know Jon try to fix Merry with some unknown method, so she also hoped he will succeed. When she saw Jon'e excited face, she became happy too. But then she saw Jon cough some blood and fall. She can't help but scream and call him.

The other heard Nami and saw Jon has some blood in his mouth while panting hard. Jon just close his eyes and cried silently. They know Jon must've tried to do something to fix Merry with his mysterious power, but he failed and got hurt instead. Luffy ask for Iceburg's help again but Iceburg just said,

"Then, let her rest already. She's suffering and hurt, so let her rest to ease her pain."-Iceburg

They all got silent and can't say anything, until Luffy answered.

"I understand."-Luffy

Everyone finally accept this, and they will part with Merry using Viking ceremony for their dead member. They will burn Merry and stay with her in her last journey. The crew stay on a boat that are sent from the Galley-la ship, and Luffy on a smller boat. Luffy hold a stick that has been burned and come closer to Merry.

"Merry, the bottom of the sea is dark and cold, so we will escort you there."-Luffy

Jon is weakened after what happen earlier, so Zoro & Sanji help him stand with their shoulder. Jon look at Merry and didn't have tears anymore. He will show Merry that he is strong and will part with her while smiling.

Luffy then put the fire on Merry and it start to burn. The fire spread very fast and soon, it cover all of Merry's body. They all try to be strong, but their eyes still got watery. Then Jon remember Naruto's word when Neji died.

"The real Merry live inside our heart. Someone has said, that the real self of someone that has died, live inside other's heart. As long as we don't forget them, then they will live in our heart. That's why, we won't forget you Merry. As long as we live, then Merry will live with us."-Jon

"Thank you"-Merry

They all widened their eyes, they're sure it's Merry's voice because it come from her direction. Merry then told them how happy she is to be with them. She said she is sorry because she can't sail and be with them again. She want to have adventure with them again, but she can't.

"MERRY, the ones that should say sorry is not you, it's us. We have broke you many times already. I break your mast, Zoro & Sanji fight many times and break you, Jon trained too hard and break you too. Even tough Jon & Usopp try to fix you, but they're bad at it and you still got broken. The ones that should say sorry..."-Luffy can't continue

"But i'm happy, you all love and cared for me. We have so many fun adventure, but we have to part here, good bye."-Merry


"Farewell, friend"-Jon

Jon have tears flowing from his eyes, and the other crew also have tears. Chopper, Nami, Usopp and Luffy can't hold their cry while Zoro, Sanji & Robin try to hold their tears. They're the oldest and they need to be strong in times like this.

Jon just cry silently because he need to be strong, but he can't hold his emotion. When he cry, a surge of chakra flow to his eyes. They're about to change but the chakra seem to be unable to break the barrier, so it didn't change. But Jon didn't realize this because he is too immersed in his emotion.

Sometime later, they saw Merry's last piece got burnt and the ashes got drift away by the wave. They all go up to the Galley-la's ship but when they arrived there, they all instantly fall. They're too tired and injured, they only stand with their sheer will.

The next morning, Jon wake up and look around. He is an an unknown room, and his friends are sleeping next to him. He see Robin has woken up and Sanji is not in the room. Most likely, he prepared some food already like usual. Usopp didn't sleep here, maybe he want to sleep in different room.

"How are you feeling now Robin?"-Jon

"I feel good, better than the last 20 years. Thank you, Jon, for everything."-Robin

"Don't mind it, and i see you have decide to call our names now."-Jon

"Hihihi, well, i can't act so distant again right?"-Robin

"Of course, you can't Ma'am. So, what are you doing with that trash?"-Jon

"Spandam? I break his spine and left him on that Bridge."-Robin

"You don't kill him?"-Jon

"It will create more trouble if i killed a CP9 leader. But i won't let him go unpunished."-Robin

"Well, whatever, i don't really care about that guy."-Jon

Sometime later, Nami also wake up and she look around. She saw Robin and immediately hug her, she must feel relieved seeing Robin here and not going anywhere. Then Sanji called them and they eat, leaving Luffy, Zoro, and Chopper that still sleeping.

After eating, Jon go outside to inspect where they are. Sanji & Robin also didn't know because they haven't go out and ask someone so Jon decide to find out. He go outside and see that they are inside a building of Galley-la because it has their logo. He see some people are sitting near their place and ask them where is this.

"This is dock 1, and we put you guys in this special lodging. All the citizens and reporter want to meet you guys so we hide you here. We are tasked to guard this place."-Guard A

"They want to meet us? Why?"-Jon

"Because you're this city savior. You have saved Mr. Iceburg from assassination and it is the same as saving this city. Mr. Iceburg and Galley-la is the heart of this city. Without them, this city will be destroyed every year by Aqua Laguna."-Guard B

Jon understand the gist of it and he let it go. As long as they can stay and recuperate peacefully, there's no problem with it. He go back inside and told them the situation. They decide to just rest for today and not doing anything. Jon also sleep all day to recover faster.

The next day, Jon wake up and remember that he has an order in the blacksmith. But he is too lazy to go, so he make a clone to go there. The clone come outside and change into Jotaro again.

He go to the blacksmith and ask the progress. The blacksmith has made a quarter of Jontaro's new weapons and his son has repaired half of the broken weapons. His order will finished in 4 days to make them good quality.

Jontaro try to make an order again because he forgot about the senbon. But the blacksmith can't take it because he's too full with his previous order. He even refused some customer that want to finished their order fast and only take the longer deadline. So the blacksmith recommend Jontaro to his blacksmith friend.

Jontaro go to the recomended blacksmith and it looks almost the same as the previous one, except this place only have men. Jontaro didn't think much and immediately order 300 senbon. It will be needed in larger quantity than kunai & shurikens as it can't be picked up and used again, like bullets. It will also finished in 4 days as the blacsmith can use it to train his 3 apprentices.

"They will not messed up right?"-Jontaro

"Don't worry, i always checked the items quality from my shop personally. So it will not be some damaged goods."-Blacksmith

"That's good then."-Jontaro

Jontaro leave the shop and he dispelled in an alley. Jon that got the information became happy again and he relaxed on his bed. Then he remember the reward from the mission. He checked the system and look at his reward.

[Mission succeed: 3

Mission failed: 0


1. Rescue Nico Robin: Orochimaru's Kusanagi Sword

2. Defend the Buster Call:

Defeated: 10 battleships, 7,916/10,000 soldiers, 32/50 lieutenant, 15/20 captains, 4/10 Rear Admirals, 0/5 vice admirals.

Total point:2500+79,160+640+750+400+0= 83,450.

3. Escape with all the crew alive: 20% chakra upgrade.]

Jon just look at the system with wide eyes and his mouth open slowly. Then his eyes become white and he faint on his bed. He is too shocked with the reward and his brain can't process it anymore. The other saw him sleep again but his eyes are open and only the white are visible. Nami got afraid of this, so she closed Jon's eyes.

"How can he sleep like that?"-Nami

"No, i think he faint. I don't know why tough."-Sanji

"Ugh, maybe he try to trained again with his body condition. He trained too much, like a maniac."-Nami

"Well, he said he want to be the best shinobi, so he must train a lot. I never met another shinobi tough, so i don't know how strong they are."-Sanji

After some hours Jon wake up and it's noon already. He saw Grandma Kokoro, Chimney and Gonbe are here. He try to check the system again and it's real, he is not dreaming. Finally he become crazy rich with SP, but he know the system will have something with crazy price too or he won't get this many SP at all.

So he just let it be and be happy with it. The sword is placed in his inventory, and he's really thankful to get this sword, because this sword can extend and fly. Now he just need Itachi's Sword of Totsuka, a variant of Kusanagi too. They're like body and soul because totsuka is a spirit weapon.

Then he saw his SP that almost got depleted after he bought so many paper bombs, Madara's armor and chakra blade, now skyrocketed. Previously, he have 2815 SP then it depleted until it become 15 SP. Madara's armor is 2000 SP. He bought so many paper bombs and it cost 300 SP. His chakra blade cost 150 each, so it cost 300 total. He also bought chakra pills before and cost 200 SP.

But now he has more than 80k SP, he's so fucking rich. Now he can buy many expensive items and Jutsu. But there are still many blocked items that he don't know what they are. He didn't think much and check his last reward.

He feel his chakra increase and it also got purer. Chakra upgrade didn't only increase his chakra by 20%, but it purified his chakra by 20% too, upgrading it's quality. Jon feel his body got healed and energized faster than before. It's really a good day.