69. Bounty & New Ship

Jon has took his ordered weapons yesterday and he's really satisfied. He also met with the two giants that became a gate keeper in Enies Lobby. He has saw them when he's a prisoner before and think they're just normal giants that work in Goverment. He never thought that they were actually Dorry's and Broggy's crew.

Today, their new ship is finished and finally they can sail again. Grandma Kokoro has come and told them the news with the square sisters. They're ready to sail with the log charged already.

"I can't believe those guys can finished the ship as scheduled, even when they need to coat it with seastones too."-Nami

"Yeah, and it's also their first time handling seastone."-Jon

"You guys, did you know where that log pose point at?"-Kokoro

They all shake their heads and Grandma Kokoro tell them that it's Fishman Island. Sanji got very excited because he can see mermaids. But he got depressed when he see Grandma Kokoro.

"Sanji, mermaids are living beings too. It's normal for them to get old, so don't worry and find the young ones. Even you won't flirt with old woman right?"-Jon

Sanji got cheered up a bit, and Grandma Kokoro seem to not mind this. She continue to told them that to reach the Fishman Island, they will passed by a mysterious sea, Florian Triangle. It's a mysterious sea that filled with darkness where many ships disappeared and there are many ghosts of sailor.

'Is it like Bermuda Triangle? I always want to go there and see the mystery for myself, so it's good that it has a sibling here. Also ghosts? I want to see how this world's ghosts look like. I must prepare my camera.'-Jon

When they continue their talk with Grandma Kokoro, suddenly they heard someone calling them from outside. They go out and see that it's the Franky Family guys. They told them that they have new bounty. They don't know this and got excited, except Nami. Jon has only train in these few days, so he didn't get this new information.

They look at their new bounty:

1. 'Strawhat' Monkey D. Luffy: 330 million

2. 'Demon Eyes' Van D. Jon: 180 million

3. 'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro: 130 million

4. 'Black Leg' Sanji: 99 million

5. 'Devil Child' Nico Robin: 80 million

6. 'Cat Burglar' Nami: 16 million

7. 'Cotton Candy Lover' (Pet) Tony Tony Chopper: 50 Berri

8. 'King of Sniper' Sogeking: 30 million

"Wha- Jon, you, why is your bounty higher than me?"-Zoro

"Hahaha, maybe because i'm more handsome than you, 3rd place?"-Jon

Jon & Zoro have a brawl but the other didn't care. Luffy is happy with his own bounty, Robin also didn't seem to care with her raise, it's just 1 million afterall. On the other hand, Sanji, Nami & Chopper are in despair.

Sanji is the only one without a real photo of him, the drawing picture is so bad and it looks funny. Nami didn't want a bounty and she's a little scared with her bounty, but at least she think the photo is cute. Chopper is so shocked with his very very low bounty.

Zoro & Jon stop their brawl and Jon look at the information on the bounty paper.

"Ooh, it seems our bounty is made higher than their initial thoughts. I think it's because we destroy the Buster Call and all CP9 agents. My bounty is higher than yours because i destroy the Buster Call alone and my power is said to have dangerous potential. They thought i have devil fruit with multiple power, so they deem it dangerous."-Jon

"They thought that your captain make a brilliant strategy that allow you to destroy Enies Lobby and Buster Call."-Zambai

""Captain's brilliant strategy?""-Crew

They all look at Luffy that is still too immersed and laughing at his new bounty, and shake their heads.

"So they really put high importance in intelligence. Well, i don't stand a chance to defeat the vice admirals, but i can destroy their ships with my strategy. Good strategy is a dangerous weapon afterall."-Jon

"But a crew with more than 800 millions worth bounty, we will certainly be a target of many people."-Robin

"But it seem to be less than what i thought. Shaming the Marines and World Goverment while also destroying Buster Call. It should be priced more than this. Hmm...Wait! Maybe it's because of Luffy's grandpa."-Jon

"Ah, maybe they don't want to make an enemy of Marine Hero."-Robin

Jon take his bounty poster, his photo looks good and he's satisfied. It's when he stand on the figure head and looking down at the marines. His sharingan is active and his Yin Seal is closed so his face didn't covered with black marks. He also have this evil smirk that really make him look like a demon. Overall, he look badass with some blood on his face and clothes.

'Did Vivi know this news too? I will ask her later. But it's really crazy, getting 180 million as my first bounty. So the flashier it seem, the higher my bounty will raised huh? Or maybe those 5 vice admirals got very angry and raise my bounty? Hahaha'-Jon smile at this thought.

Suddenly Zambai ask them something, he have a request for them. He take out another bounty poster.

'Cyborg' Franky: 44 million

"Please take Aniki with you, he have a bounty now, and it's dangerous for him to stay here."-Zambai

"Sure, i also has decide to make him our shipwright already."-Luffy

The Franky family become very happy and they thank Luffy. Then they go away and seem to have something to do. They even told the sisters to stay here and not follow them leave.

After that, the crew pack their things and got ready to leave. They will sail immediately after they got the ship. Usopp hasn't come in these few days, so they have no choice but to leave without him if he still didn't come later. They put their belonging in Jon's scroll and ask some people to help them bring Nami's Orange tree.

Sometime later, they arrive and see the ship that is covered by cloth. Franky is not here, so Iceburg will reveal their new ship. He pull the cover and they all finally see the ship. It's about 2 times bigger than Merry, and it has more features.

The crew immediately go inside and check the ship. Jon look at the bottom and see the seastone coating. Then he go up the crow's nest and see it filled with training equipment. He called Zoro to check it and they are very happy they can train in the ship. It seem the ship can hold heavy weight and high intensity training.

Luffy ask Iceburg where Franky is, and Iceburg say that he has go back to his house. He know Luffy will try to recruit him, but he still feel to have responsibility here so he run way, because if he heard Luffy ask him to join, he won't be able to refuse. Iceburg say that Luffy need to use force to get Franky.

The boys decide to go to Franky house and get him. But they meet with strange situation in the town. The Franky family run away from Franky. They have taken his underwear and run to the Strawhat's ship.

The crew decide to help and Luffy take the underwear. Franky almost got Luffy fall from the building, but Luffy throw it to Chopper. Chopper almost bite the underwear because he change into his reindeer form. Luckily Jon take the underwear so Chopper didn't bite it.

"You can't bite this Chopper, it's dirty!"-Jon


Jon didn't listen and bring it by pinching it a little. He can't believe he touch someone's unwashed underwear. He immediately use a tissue to hold it. Franky try to attack him but he easily dodge. Then Zoro & Sanji catch Franky and put him inside a canon that has been prepared by Franky Family. They shoot Franky to the ship's direction.

"Eh, he go there before his underwear?"-Chopper

Suddenly Luffy call Jon & Chopper and he use Gomu Gomu Rocket and fly to the ship with them. They landed, no, crashed on the rubble near the ship. Jon immediately coat his hand with chakra and punch Luffy's head. Luffy always do this kind of things just because he will not be hurt.

After that Luffy thank Franky for the ship and ask him to join if he want his underwear. Of course Franky refuse but then Robin has an idea. Luffy agreed but it's Robin, her ideas are always dark. Suddenly two hands sprout on Franky's tigh and then it grab his 'little brother'.


All the man there feel cold in their crotch and Jon immediately cover his crotch and got away from Robin. Franky's scream is filled with so much agony. Everyone feel pity towards him and Luffy ask Robin to not make Franky turned into a woman.

Despite all of this, Franky still refuse but then Iceburg have some talk with him and make him silent. Then the Franky family also come and ask Franky to go for his dream. Franky got angry at them but they said that they just want Franky to be happy. Franky is crying now and he blame Robin, but she have stopped. Franky just want to cry but he's embarassed.

Finally Franky agreed to be their shipwright, and the crew become happy. But then Zoro & Sanji come with bad news. Garp decide to come back and want to capture them. Luffy decide it's time for them to leave.

Jon said his farewell to Chimney and Gonbe. He also give them some gift before leaving and he give the crew's denden mushi number to Grandma Kokoro if they need to call. Right at that time, the marine ship appear and Garp make an announcement.

"LUFFY, DID YOU HEAR ME? Here is Grandpa, here is grandpa. I'm sorry but it seem you need to die in this sea."-Garp

The crew finally set sail without waiting for Usopp again. Garp also attack them by throwing canon balls with his barehand.


They all defend the ship and have no time to steer it. The canon balls keep coming so they need to defend first. Jon then make a water dragon and defend the ship. It give them time to set the sail and control.

'Damn you Usopp, are you really not coming?'-Jon

The water dragon can hold the attacks at first, but then Garp throw many balls at faster rate. The dragon can't hold it and it finally got destroyed. Jon then decide to use his newly trained wind ninjutsus to change the balls trajectory. Jon hold the attacks on higher place and the other crew on the lower place.

Sometime later Usopp finally come, but he keep rambling about he will come back or he will be the vice captain. He hasn't say sorry at all, so they didn't respond. Only Chopper got excited and told them about this. But they only say they didn't hear it, the apology.

After sometime, Usopp slumped down and it seem he finally realize what he should do. With tears in his eyes, he look at the crew while kneeling.


The crew finally hear it, the words that they have waited for these few days, Usopp's apology. They all smile and Luffy stretch his hand to Usopp. He also cried and Usopp cried harder then grab Luffy's hand.

Then Luffy told them to escape faster, and Franky told them that this ship has great power and they must believe in it. Franky told them to roll the sail, so Jon make some clone to roll it. But Franky didn't immediaty sail the ship away.

"We need a name for the ship, a ship without name can't sail."-Franky

Luffy give his ideas but always rejected. He is correct to use the lion head figure though. Franky also told them about the Galley-la guys that mistake it as a sunflower. Then he also told them name that Iceburg suggest when he thought that it was a sun,


"A ship that can sail in thousands of seas, there's a fitting name for it. How about this Franky, Pirate ship: THOUSAND SUNNY!"-Iceburg