73. Returning the Shadow

When Jon lose his consciousness, all the salt he stored in inventory come out and spread. Jon ask the system to take it out as messy as possible. The salt immediately causing Luffy's shadow to be unstable and it leave Oars body and come back to Luffy.


The crew outside see Oars body fall and they know Jon has succeed, so they're elated. But then Moria come out and he held Jon's neck in front of him. He throw Jon to the crew and laugh.

"SHASHASHA, even if he's succeed releasing Straw Hat's shadow, but i have his shadow now and can put it inside Oars again."-Moria

Then Moria remove all the salt and put Jon's shadow inside Oars body. The shadow come inside and Oars stand up again. It look around and suddenly put it's hand on the head like it just hold a hat.

"Yare yare daze"-Oars

They all become surprised and sure that this is Jon. They have succeed in removing Luffy's shadow, but now Jon's shadow is being used for it. There's no end to this.

"SHASHASHA, Oars, crush them!"-Moria

"Huh? Who are you?"-Oars

"I am your master, now follow my order."-Moria

"My master? So i need to follow your order?"-Oars

"That's right."-Moria

"But i refuse."-Oars


"My most absolute favourite thing, is to say 'NO' to a strong person."-Oars

Moria become dumbfounded, he didn't think that Jon's shadow will not listen to him, just like Luffy. He's enrage and start ranting at Oars, the crew just stay there and look for chance to put salt in Oars mouth. While Oars finally got enough of Moria's ranting.


Now everyone is dumbfounded, not only it didn't follow Moria's command, it even mad at him. Moria, of course become angry and decide to take back Jon's shadow and tame it first. But Oars have another idea, it got into stance and look at Moria.




Oars attack Moria with rapid punch and the ground start to break. The crew decide to run away from there, because the Oars punch is no joke. Franky bring Jon's body and the move far away but still felt the quake.

"He attack his master?"-Chopper

"Well, maybe the shadow still have it's own will, like what we see with Luffy at first."-Sanji

"But who is Dio?"-Usopp

"Who knows, maybe Jon's enemy in the past. More importantly, we have to wake him up."-Zoro

They try many method like shaking or even punching him, but Jon still didn't wake up.


They know Jon like treasures and they hope this will wake him up, but he didn't.

"Hmm, what did he like more than treasures?"-Usopp

Zoro seem to realize and ask Nami to do it. Nami think for a while and decide to do it, even if Jon will be angry later.

"Sorry about this Jon. AH, VIVI, LONG TIME NO SEE."-Nami


Jon immediately wake up and look around, but he didn't see Vivi. He look at his friends that have different expression. Robin seem to just feel relief and giggling, Zoro & Nami seem guilty, Chopper & Usopp seem confused, Franky seem to not understand and just smile, and Sanji seem to be angry.

"Bastard, why are you wake up when hearing Vivi-chan name?"-Sanji

Sanji pull Jon's collar, and Jon that still half asleep, answer it honestly.

"Why won't i wake up if my girlfriend come?"-Jon

Jon raise an eyebrow and have confused expression. He look at Sanji that stay silent and didn't move at all. Zoro & Nami slap their forehead, and Robin giggling. Usopp and Chopper stunned, and Franky just smiling as he didn't know Vivi. Jon finally come to his sense, and it was at this moment that he knew, he fucked up.

"Aah, well, where's the enemy?"-Jon

Jon stand up and look around the place. He see Oars still standing and punching at something.

"Shit, have i failed to freed Luffy's shadow?"-Jon


Sanji shake Jon's collar and have some tears in his eyes. Jon look at Zoro & Nami that divert their eyes somewhere and sigh.

"Sigh, we'll talk about that later, there's something more urgent now."-Jon

"He's right Sanji, it's almost morning and we start to get out from the mist area."-Usopp

Sanji finally let go of Jon and they explain the situation.

"So it's my shadow in there. Well, at least he fight with Moria, there's no way my shadow will like to be called a servant."-Jon

After that, they all come close to the Oars and need to take Moria and ask (force) him to release all the shadow. When they come close, the Oars have stop punching Moria and it seem Moria has been escaped from there. They all look for his whereabout and he is on top of the castle.

The Oars want to attack Moria but suddenly something big and blue attack the Oars leg and break it, make the Oars fall. The crew look at the one that attack Oars and thought it's a new enemy. But it's actually Luffy but he become bigger and blue. He even have a katana on his back.

"Oi Luffy, what happen to you?"-Usopp

"I am Nightmare Luffy."-Luffy

"A-alright, so what happen?"-Jon

"Let me explain what happen to you."-???

The crew look back and they see some people come. The one that talk to them is a big woman with pink hair, her name is Lola. They explain that they have inserted 100 shadows that they have collected for a long time. The shadows make Luffy stronger and get their ability. That's why he can use katana too.

"So it will help Luffy fight Oars and Moria?"-Jon

"That's right"-Lola

Nami then explain what has happen with them before to Luffy. Only now did he realize his shadow has come back already.

"Luffy, just focus on Moria, we can handle Oars."-Jon

"We can?"-Chopper


Luffy run to chase Moria that go away from the rooftop. The crew ask Jon how will they take down the Oars, and the Oars now is standing up again, so they don't have time to discuss. Jon just run and flickered near the Oars leg.

"Doton: Swamp of the Underworld."-Jon

Jon make a big swamp at the ground where Oars stand. He pour more chakra to make it deeper and bigger. He even need to activate his Yin Seal to supply his chakra. Oars size is very big that he need a lot of chakra to sink it in swamp.

The Oars try to get out and struggled hard, but it can't get out at all. It tried to attack Jon but the other defend it. A lot of time & clashes later, half of it's body is finally trapped and it can't move. Usopp immediately shoot a lot of salt into Oars mouth and the shadow come out and back to Jon.

"Alright, now we need to find the other shadow."-Jon

Just when they're about to move, Luffy & Moria come and continue their battle near their place. Luffy seem to have the upper hand and Moria got some wounds. Luffy really use katana to fight and he can do it well.

"That katana look good, maybe i can train using katana with that."-Jon

"Yeah, it's not like Luffy will use it again."-Zoro

Jon look at the people that give Luffy the shadows and ask if he can have the katana later. They all didn't mind as long as they can get their shadow again.

Suddenly the fight stop and Moria seem to do something with his shadow. Then, many shadow come flying toward Moria and enter his body.

"SHASHASHA, i'll show you the true power of shadow."-Moria

Moria absorb the shadows he called until he have 1000 shadows in his body. Moria and Luffy continue their fight and now Moria seem to have the upper hand. Luffy seem to reach his limit with those shadows too so he start to lose focus. Finally all the shadows in Luffy's body come out and he fall.

Luffy is weakened after holding so many shadows in his body. Shadow is not his power, so it took a toll in his body. Beside, with 100 shadows it's like he work 100 times more than usual, so his energy also depleted 100 times faster.

Luffy wake up and got ready again, Jon throw some pills that Chopper has made. He finally succeed in his experiment and make some pills like this chakra pill v2. This pill is not as potent as the original, but it replenish physical energy too, not only chakra. So it's more suitable with this world people. But it still can't be consumed exessively.

All the Strawhats got ready to fight again and they attack Moria together. Morning has come, and sun start to shine on them. Thriller Bark start to leave the Florian Triangle, so their time is limited. They need to get Zoro, Sanji, and Robin's shadow, so they need to defeat Moria fast.

They start to attack Moria together. But Moria can defend their attack by controlling his own shadow to make many things like shield or trap. Jon then think of something and it seem plausible, so he make some hand seals.

"Shadow Imitation Jutsu!"-Jon

Jon shadow move and bind Moria's shadow. Now Moria can't move his shadow freely and it come back to his body. Jon immediately hold Moria so he won't move while his friends will attack him. But Moria struggle very hard and Jon start to lose his control.

Moria is a shadow controller himself for who knows how long, while Jon just start to learn this jutsu. That's why their control over shadow is very far apart. Jon activate his Yin Seal to make his jutsu stronger, but Moria still have better control over shadow.

"I can't hold it long, hurry up and beat him! Put salt in his mouth or use your seastone, whatever!"-Jon

The crew see Moria didn't move and his shadow connect to Jon. They know Jon bind him, and now they just need to beat him up. They immediately attack Moria with their seastone weapons. Usopp also shot salt to Moria's mouth. Jon try hard to make Moria's mouth open, but it only open slightly. But it's enough for Usopp.

When the salt enter his mouth, Moria start to lose control of his shadow. He seem like he's about to vomit, but he held it. But then, Sanji kick his chin up, Zoro & Franky punch his stomach. Moria's mouth bulge and really about to puke. Now Jon didn't feel much struggle as Moria concentrate on holding the shadows.

"It seem too many shadows are hard to control, even for the power holder."-Jon

Now Luffy has finished his preparation. He's in his gear 2nd and he stretch both his arms back. After Zoro & Franky move away, Luffy flashed in front of Moria and pull both his hands to hit Moria's stomach. Moria still held on, so. Luffy use gear 2nd and 3rd at the same time, burdening his body more than it already is.

Finally Moria can't hold it again and the shadows come out from his mouth as he fall on his back. All the shadows fly away and most likely go back to their owner. Jon ask Sanji to stand on Moria's body, so the seastone in his shoes will stop Moria's power.

After sometime, everyone's shadow come back just when the sunlight shone at them. Luffy seem to lost all his power, and he faint immediately, but he'll be fine. The crew feel relief and the people there celebrated their shadow that has come back. But then,

"I understand, i will kill all eye witnesses."-???

They all heard someone talk and look at that person. He sit on a big rubble and talk to someone with his denden mushi. Some of them recognize him, including Jon that look at him with wide eyes.

"Bartholomew Kuma"-Jon