76. Mermaid

Some hours after Vivi confirmed that Jon is dating with her, everything starts to become normal. Well, except Sanji that always look at Jon with angry and jealous eyes. Jon just ask Nami to tell Vivi that he's fine, so she won't be worried too much.

In the afternoon, the crew decide to sail again and Jon can finally stand and walk after he drank some bottle of milk, but he can't train or fight yet. Even Jon can't believe that his body can heal this fast. It's very abnormal on earth, but maybe it's normal in this world. He even healed from being freezed in 2 days, so maybe getting his bones healed by drinking milk is normal.

"Woah, i don't know that i just need to drink milk when my bones are broke."-Jon

"Right? I told you it will work."-Luffy

"That's right, i have done it many times, yohohoho."-Brook

"Nonono, it shouldn't be like that"-Nami

They walk to the ship, and it seem Nami know Lola and they talk like they're very close friends.

"Ah, Jon, were you the one that take all of treasures in Thriller Bark?"-Nami

"Hmm? I guess so, i found many in the castle before."-Jon

"As i thought, can you take them out?"-Nami


Jon take out all the treasures he took from Moria's castle on the deck. Nami then take some and give it to Lola, this make everybody surprised.




"You're exagerating"-Sanji

They all then look at the treasures for something they like. They have done it too with what they found before in Rainbow Mist. But nothing attracted their eyes before. But now it seems something attract Luffy's attention. It's an arm band with glass ornaments, and he immediately take it.

Nami is not so stingy because they have so many treasures and money. They didn't sell everything yet, and only sold some. After they finished looking at the treasures, they want to continue sailing and Lola give a piece of paper called Vivre Card. Luffy then remember that Ace gave him something similar and take it out, but it's burned.

"That's bad, if a vivre card is burned, it means the owner life is in danger."-Lola

They all surprised and look at Luffy. If Luffy want to save Ace, then they will follow him even if it's dangerous.

"It's okay, we have our own adventure, Ace has his own adventure. He will not like it if i come and meddle in his adventure. I believe that he will be fine too."-Luffy

"Are you sure Luffy?"-Zoro


Then they continue to sail toward Fishman Island. Jon just resting to recover himself, he focused on learning the books about chakra, hand seals, fuinjutsu, and many more theoritical knowledge, including medical ninjutsu.

He want to learn medical ninjutsu after he got injured badly this time and need to rest for some days. At least he want to be able to heal himself from injury. Altough Chopper can give them treatment but it stil take time to heal. At least with learning medical ninjutsu, he can help them heal wounds faster.

Of course Jon still use his shadow clone to learn many lesson at once. But he and his clones just laying around lazily and read their books. He also keep storing chakra in his Yin Seal because it's very usefull, and now he have more chakra.

While Jon lazying around, the crew also do as they please. Sanji also finally accept the fact that Jon & Vivi is dating, even tough he is still jealous of Jon. Luffy, Chopper & Usopp play around like usual. Franky try to make some new tools. Nami is relaxing with Robin and being served by their servant, Sanji. Zoro has started his training again even when Chopper forbid him, so Jon talk with him.

"Stop it Zoro, you haven't recovered fully, training now will only break your body, not make it stronger."-Jon

"But i'm still weak, i can only scratch him coincidentally."-Zoro

"So do i, but what if we meet someone strong in the next island? If your body haven't healed at that time, you will only hinder us, so rest and heal yourself first! You can train your mind & chakra rather than hurting your body like this. I didn't open your chakra pathway so you can hurt your body."-Jon

Jon leave Zoro and go back to read his books. He know Zoro's feeling of weakness, but breaking your body is not an answer to be strong. Zoro also think of Jon's word and finally stop his training for now and focused to heal his body. Zoro decide to meditate to train his mind and chakra like Jon's suggestion.

The next day, Jon decide to ask Brook to teach him how to play music. He want to play some earth music, and play it for Vivi too. He never had a chance to learn music, at most he sang some song with his low musical sense. He want to play a good romantic music for his love of life, at least once.

Brook gladly teach him, and he start with notes of course. Brook even write the notes and give it to Jon. Jon learn it happily, it is his refreshment after learning all that ninja stuff all day. Brook also let him try the notes on his piano. Jon keep playing with the piano for days until one day, they meet a trouble.

They encounter a strange phenomena where the sea water become like snakes. The currents shot from the sea and jump around the area. Nami try to find a way, while the other defend the ship from the water snakes. Jon just use senbons and paper bombs while sitting on chair. He can't run around before he got healed.

Sometime later, Nami find a way out and they climb a water snake. Then Franky use Coup de Burst to fly away from this place. After landing, they continue their journey. Nothing happen again for some hours until they see a tall red wall.

"This is, the red line."-Sanji

"Heeh, it's so nostalgic."-Luffy

"Red line, the wall that separate the grandline into two part. Damn, i want to see the reverse mountain too."-Jon

"The log is pointing straight down, the Fishman Island must be right below us. But we don't know how to get there."-Nami

They look around for a way to reach Fishman Island, but there's no clue at all. Franky then told them that they have a submarine and can use it to search for clue underwater. Luffy, Robin, and Brook decide to use the submarine even with everyone's objection. The 3 of them are devil fruit users, if something happen, then they will not be safe.

But no one can stop Luffy's stubborness and they can only give up. Then the submarine dive to look for clues of Fishman Island, and keep reporting the situation to the ones on the ship. They didn't find anything even until 5000 meters below the sea level. But the submarine can't hold the pressure anymore, so they need to go back.

When they go back, suddenly they see a seaking following them and try to eat them. They move up fast and finally go out from the sea. They go back to Sunny and suddenly the seaking that follow them come out. It has appearance like rabbit, but Luffy didn't care and attack it with his Rifle in the stomach.

The seaking spit something from it's mouth and it fall on the ship's deck. They all gathered to look at it, and they got surprised. It's a mermaid, and a young one at that. Sanji immediately become happy and even stating it's his first time seeing mermaid. But Usopp slap him with reality when he remind Sanji of Grandma Kokoro.

"Thriller Bark? That's not scary at all, what scary is-"-Sanji

"Alright alright, it's your first time seeing mermaid, right Sanji?"-Usopp

"Eh, Grandma Kokoro is a mermaid?"-Luffy


"Imagining Grandma Kokoro as a mermaid is very gross."-Luffy have a 'gross' expression on his face.


"Why did they think mermaid is always a young girl, how would they have children if they keep being young, yare yare daze."-Jon

The mermaid suddenly screamed and she seem to be afraid of humans. But at a short time she forgot about it and interract like usual with them. Then she freaked out when she see Brook, but she recover fast like before.

"Either her willpower is strong or she's just an easy going type"-Jon

The mermaid's name is Caimie and she is almost eaten by the seaking. She also introduce a starfish named Pappag. It is her pet but also her teacher, so strange. Well it's even strange when a normal starfish can talk like human. But they have seen many strange things so it's not that surprising anymore.

"Hey Pappag, did you have a sponge friend?"-Jon

"Huh? No, why?"-Pappag

"No, nothing."-Jon

Jon immediately got dejected and sit back. The crew talk with Caimie and Pappag for sometime until Caimie say she want to repay their help with Takoyaki, but she ask for payment, and Pappag retort at her. Jon laugh a lot seeing this girl, she's just a clumsy young girl.

"Then i will call my friend that have the Takoyaki stall, Hachin."-Caimie

Caimie called Hatchin but the one that pick up the denden mushi is not Hachin. It's someone called Makuro and he have catch Hachin, and he will sell him. Makuro said if Caimie want to save Hachin, she need to take him in Flying Fish Rider's base.

'Sell him? Is it human, no, fishman traficking?'-Jon

Pappag then take out a map from Caimie's backpack. This is a map of Shabaody Archipelago, and he pointed a route from Shabaody to the rider's camp. Jon try to remember where did he read about Shabaody, but he can't remember, so he ask the system.

[Shabaody Archipelago, located near the Red line and below the Holy Land: Mary Geoise. Famous for it's legal human traficking because the World Nobles often buy their slaves in there.]

'Hmm, we need to be careful in that place. I think we need to go there first before going to Fishman Island. Just like when we need to go to Jaya before we go to Sky Island.'-Jon

The crew decide to help Hachin, mainly because Luffy want to eat the takoyaki and Nami want Caimie to tell how they can reach Fishman Island. They sail but sometime later there's 3 flying fishes that flying toward them. There are riders on those fishes, they're the Flying Fish Riders.

They try to attack the crew by dropping bombs, but it easily defended. But then the riders suddenly leave and not attacking again. So they continue sailing and sometime later, they arrive at the base. It's like a village being built on the sea. It shaped like a circle and surrounded by walls.

The place is very quiet with no one on sight, but there is a cage being hung at the front. In the cage, there is someone with black color being tied that look at them. Caimie ask something and confirm that he is Hachin. Nami feel familiar with that voice and Sanji ask something to confirm it.

"Hey, is Arlong fine?"

"Arlong? He and the others are captured by marines and put in prison. But i can escape and now become takoyaki chef."-Hachin

Nami finally confirm that he is Hachi that attack her village with Arlong's pirate crew. They won't help him because he is Nami's enemy. But Caimie and Pappag still want to save him. They jump to the sea without plan and instantly being captured. Hachi try to save them and desperately hitting the cage. Seeing Hachi like that, Nami finally decide to help.

"It's okay, let's help him, Hachi actually not a bad guy. Beside, we have promised Caimie."-Nami

Then the crew finally decide to help them.