78. Sabaody Archipelago

The crew sail to Sabaody, and Jon decide to talk with them about something. He gather everyone in the deck.

"Alright, hear me, i will tell you something important. Sabaody is not a good place and i will tell you why. This place is frequently visited by Tenryubito, the World Nobles. Because the World Nobles are there, there's a crazy thing allowed there. Human traficking, well, not only humans, every species are legal to be sold there as slaves."-Jon

The crew are surprised hearing this, they never thought that slavery is legal in this place.

"Tenryubito have so many privileges that i can't even count, but basically they can do anything they want."-Jon

"Why are they so special?"-Nami

"Because they are the descendant of this world's creator."-Hachi

"World's creator?"-Luffy

"They're not really create the world, but what they do is creating the world goverment. There are 20 creator, or kings from 20 country. Alabasta is one of them, but Nefertari family refuse to live in Mary Geoise, so there are only 19 tenryubito family."-Jon

Jon then proceed to tell them about the World Nobles, and ask them to be carefull if they meet one. Hachi also tell them that Tenryubito can call an admiral if they want. Of course, the crew are surprised, including Jon. He didn't get this information, altough it's understandable if Tenryubito can ask an admiral's help at whim.

'I need to raise my information gathering skill. I don't even know we need to go to Sabaody first before Fishman Island. If we didn't met Caimie, we will never know the way to Fishman Island.'-Jon

Jon then tell them another information that they need to be wary. Fishman and mermaid are top quality goods for slavery. This shocked the crew, while Hachi, Caimie and Pappag have a sad face.

"That's why i want you to be careful at that place. I don't care if we need to fight an admiral, we are pirates. But Caimie is not a criminal like us. So be careful because your action can affect others. If you meet those Tenryubito, it's better to leave rather than stay there. Because the ones stay there, need to kneel. I will never kneel to those scum and i know you won't too."-Jon

The crew have a deep thought about this, it's their first time knowing something like this. They know they need to be careful in Sabaody, or they will endanger Caimie and Hachi.

"Nyuu, also, no matter what happen, even if someone is killed in front of you by a Tenryubito, don't do anything. It will only lead to a worse situation."-Hachi

"Are you understand? What i mean is to be careful and not creating trouble. But if they create trouble with us, then don't hesitate! Just kick their ass, who cares about admirals if they messed with us."-Jon


"Huh? It's not the opposite. I just want them to avoid trouble by telling them this. But if trouble come by itself, why should we stay silent and not fight back?"-Jon

"Hahaha, we have made trouble in Enies Lobby, more trouble with WG is not a problem. AW, SUPERR."-Franky

They all think about this and Jon's words are reasonable. Well, for the crew, the fishmans didn't think that's a good idea though. But they also know they won't let their friend being caught and sold as slave.

Sometime later, they arrive at Sabaody. This place is not made from soil because it's not an island. Shabaody is made from 79 Yarukiman Mangrove that grow so tall and big that it become like and Archipelago. They docked at Grove 41 and see many bubbles flying everywhere.

The bubbles are made from the Magrove's sap and the air that come out from it. Jon try to touch the ground and it really full of sap. Then they all move separately. Luffy, Brook, Nami, Chopper, and Robin will go with Hachi, Caimie, and Pappag. Franky, Sanji, & Usopp will stay on the ship. Zoro move alone, make them worried if he can't come back alone, but he said a smart answer.

"There is a number on each tree right? I just need to find the right number. Even kids won't lost at this place."-Zoro

They are surprised by this and allow Zoro to move alone. Jon want to move alone too, but his body is still hurt. But he remember someone with back problem that is still active as a shinobi. The 3rd Tsuchikage, so Jon use the jutsu he used to ease his body.

"Doton: Light Weight Rock Jutsu."-Jon

Jon use the jutsu multiple times until his body didn't feel hurt anymore. But he didn't fly, because he never done it and didn't know how to do it. Like usual, Jon make some clones before spreading to gather information. The clone didn't have injury problem like him and they can't feel it anyway because they're shadows, so they can move fast.

Jon himself wear casual clothes, light blue t-shirt, short black pants, and a black hat. He also wear slippers and sunglasses, just like a tourists. He want to move with the other but he know they will walk fast or do reckless things. It will only hurt his body more than it is now, so he move alone.

Jon walk with his own pace and see many shops there. He also find a bubble vehicle shop and rent one. He want to buy it, but a nice man told him to rent instead. After he rent it and get away from the shop, the nice man tell him that the bubbles won't survive outside Sabaody, so he will just waste money.

After thanking the man with some takoyaki he saved secretly before, Jon continue his walk. He buy many things, and he's sure the other also buy a lot of things. Nami always distribute their allowance everytime they are in an island. Even tough Jon bring all the money, he never use more than his allowance. But he still use his own savings, it's his own money afterall.

Sometime later, he see a crowd far in front of him. He see the people are kneeling beside the road, so he know there must be Tenryuubito coming. He decide to take a look and climb a building. He look from the rooftop and he see a man with a girl wearing astronout like clothes.

'They wear bubbles because they don't want to breath the same air with normal people? Don't they know that air is same everywhere? Or maybe they breath CO2 instead of O2, just like plants. Now that i look at it, that bubbles looks like a terarium, pfft.'-Jon

Jon hold his laughter because he don't want to create problems for people here. Then he hear an explosion from far. He go to look at it, and he find a man that most likely slave is injured and almost dead. He also see Luffy and co so he go down and pull them away from the road.

"Jon? What are you doing?"-Luffy

"Tenryubitos are coming here, let's hide in a building first. We don't want to get their attention."-Jon

"But that man-"-Chopper

"Caimie or that man? Choose it for yourself!"-Jon

They go inside a building and look at the crowd from 2nd floor. They peek from the windows and stay silent. They see the man being kicked and shot even when he can't move. Jon hold Luffy and close his mouth because Luffy got angry and want to go there.

The Straw Hats may have killed their enemies, but they never fight someone that can't fight back. Also, Luffy is someone that always did a fair fight, so he got angry seeing this unfair situation. They are not heroes, but they still have humanity.

"Luffy, if you go there now, it will create more problems for the people here. You will also expose Caimie and Hachi, do you want to see them captured?"-Jon

Luffy finally calmed down and the Tenryubitos walk away from there. After they left, some marines come and take the dying slave to the hospital. Jon and co also get out from the building. Jon then move alone again after warning Luffy to stay out of trouble. Altough he's not sure if Luffy can do it.

Jon then continue cycling around the place with his rented vehicle. After sometime, he got an interesting info. Many rookie pirates are gathering in Shabaody. Also, there are 12 people with bounty more than 100 million, including him.

"Heeh, i always see them in newspaper, but never think we will gathering here at the same time."-Jon

There are 12 rookie pirates with bounty of more than. 100 millions. People call them Super Rookie or Supernova. They are said to be the best of their generation and can inspired some people to enter piracy.

1. 'Straw Hat' Monkey D. Luffy: 330 Million

2. Eustass 'Captain' Kid: 315 Million

3. 'The Magician' Basil Hawkins: 249 Million

4. 'Red Flag' X Drake: 222 Million

5. 'Surgeon of Death' Trafalgar Law: 200 Million

6. 'Roar of the Sea' Scratchmen Apoo: 198 Million

7. 'Demon Eyes' Van D. Jon: 180 Million

8. 'Massacre Soldier' Killer: 162 Million

9. 'Big Eater' Jewelry Bonney: 140 Million

10. Capone 'Gang' Bege: 138 Million

11. 'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro: 130 Million

12. 'The Mad Monk' Urouge: 108 Million

There are 9 Captains and 3 crew members from 12 Supernovas. The Straw Hat crew alone have 3 supernovas, that is Luffy, Jon and Zoro. The other crew only have their captain as supernova, except Kid Pirates that have Eustass Kid, and Killer.

"Sanji just need 1 million more to be one of supernova. Hahaha, i can tease him with this later."-Jon

When looking around, Jon see another crowd kneeling on the road side.

"Again? Those guys sure like to blend with normal people when they won't even breath the same air."-Jon

Jon go to a rooftop again and look at the crowd below. He see a tenryubito sit on top of a human slave that walk on four. Jon gritted his teeth, but he calm himself again. He didn't like the concept of slave itself and won't ever agree with slavery. But he know he will make trouble for other people if he act impulsive. But then he widen his eyes when he look at the front of tenryubito.

"That idiot, he don't even look at the road while walking. No wonder he always lost."-Jon

Jon see Zoro walk toward the tenryubito from opposite way. So Jon immediately flickered and take Zoro away to enter an alley. He cover Zoro's mouth and Zoro almost attack him before calming down when Zoro see that it's Jon. Jon immediately take Zoro inside a building and go to the 2nd floor.

"Jon, what are you doing?"-Zoro

"Idiot, you almost make trouble for these people and our crew."-Jon

"What do you mean?"-Zoro

Suddenly they heard a gunshot, so they look out and see a man getting shot and a woman captured. Jon explain what happen to Zoro and he seem to understand. They want to help but Jon will do it, he have a good plan.

Jon make a clone and change it's appearance into that bitch, Enel. Then 'Enel' come out and throw a paper bomb to the sky. It attract everyone's attention, then Enel flickered and take the woman and the man away. He hide them somewhere far and ask the woman to stay silent and give some advice before he dispelled.

"Stay out of trouble huh?"-Zoro

"As long as they don't target us, it's okay, hahaha."-Jon

The tenryubito got angry and he command his subordinates to search for them. After the tenryubito leave, Jon and Zoro go out and want to walk around again when Jon's denden mushi went off. Jon pick it up, but sometime later he got very angry and shout.