85. Main Mission

"So you have 2 different pattern of red eyes?"-Ivankov

"Eh? What do you mean? I only have this one shape you know."-Jon

"Huh? But it changed before, when you got angry at me."-Ivankov

"What?... Wait, don't tell me... Did you have a mirror?"-Jon

One of the okama coincidentally bring a mirror, so he lent it to Jon. The mirror is actually very girly, but Jon didn't mind it, as long as it's a mirror. Jon look at the mirror and he only see his normal sharingan. Then he close his eyes and flow more chakra to his eyes. He open it again, and it changed into another pattern.

"!! Mangekyou Sharingan."-Jon widen his eyes

Jon look at his Mangekyou and it is a red eyes with black outline, and the pattern is actually a black biohazard logo. He didn't know he has got a Mangekyou Sharingan, and it's not Madara's. He thought it will be Madara's as his power is based on Madara.

(a.n: just search for red black biohazard, i just lazy to search mengekyou design, lol)

[Sharingan is an eye that reflect the heart, as it was stated by Madara. Even if host have Madara's power, but host is not Madara, so host heart and Madara's heart are different. Thus, creating a different power and shape of Mangekyou Sharingan.]

'Then, what is my Mangekyou's power?'-Jon

[1. Left Eye: Space storing

Because of host strong feeling to be able to reach your loved ones & repel enemies , your left eye get the power to cut the space in your sight and store it. The stored space can be returned to the world to extend the space. Curent Limit: 10 m3

2. Right eye: Time Pause

Because of host unability to reach your loved ones at the right time and hope to have more time even for a second, your right eye get the ability to pause time for 2 second curently, and will be resumed automatically.]

Jon is speechless seeing his new power. He read it again and again, but he didn't find any mistake in his reading. Now he grin from ear to ear and laugh, then he start to laugh like a maniac.

'This is like 'The Hand' and 'The World' from JoJo. Maybe it's also affected by what i always imagine and what i like? It is the eye that reflect heart afterall. But this name is not right, system, change the name!'-Jon

[Ding! Left Eye: The Eye, Right Eye: The World]

'I can't name it The Hand because i don't use hands for it. Also, time manipulation seem to be very hard, as it can only stop time for 2 seconds.'-Jon

Even if it's only for 2 seconds, but each second is important. If he can use it at the right time, it can be a crucial turning point. If he can be faster, 2 seconds can be deadly. The space manipulation also have 10 m3 as the limit, but even 1 cm can change an attack trajectory to be not lethal.

Jon is happy, but then he heard Luffy's scream again, so he stop his laugh and become serious again. He stood there with a serious face, then sit down and crossed his legs while looking at the door. He told Ivankov that he will stay here until Luffy got healed.

Ivankov see Jon's serious face and leave him with the other okamas. Sometime later, some okama bring him food and drink, but he didn't touch any of it. He will not eat before Luffy eat and drink.

Some hours later, Bon-chan come and he see Jon still in his position. Bon-chan then peek inside the door and shocked too.

"Jo-chan, since when are you here?"-Bon

"Some hours ago, when i arrived, Luffy was poisoned already."-Jon

"Jo-chan, let's cheer at Mugi-chan!"-Bon

Bon then cheer Luffy and twirling around with his ballet dance. Jondidn't know anything else that can help Luffy, so he join Bon to cheer Luffy. But he won't twirl around like that, so he make clones and change them into the Straw Hats.


Jon & Bon keep shouting like that for some hours. Jon know it must be morning already, and Ace can be sent to Marineford already. But he care more about Luffy's condition. While he want to save Ace, but if he need to choose Luffy and Ace, he will choose Luffy of course.

The both of them keep doing this for about 10 hours, and it's already 18 hours since Jon come to Impel Down. So Ace's execution time is in 6 more hours. Jon's body also start to hurt, because he is not healed yet. But he keep up his cheers for Luffy. Some Okamas also come and cheer with them.


Suddenly the sound inside the room stopped, everyone think that it has stopped and Luffy failed and died. But Jon is the only one smiling widely and be happy.




Jon haven't finish his word when Luffy kick the door open and ask for food.


The okama's scatter around and take all the food they have, even the ones they save for ration. Jon also throw chakra pills to the food so it will make Luffy energized faster. Well, Jon also steal some food to eat, because Luffy has eat too.

The tableware keep getting thrown back by Luffy, he even ate the bones. Sometime later, he stopped eating and come out. His body look very strange because all of his body is skinny except his stomach that bulge so big. Then the bulge move and his body start to return to normal.

No matter how many times Jon see Luffy's digesting ability, he still can't get used to it. Luffy can almost immediately digest all of his food. That's why Luffy can always eat so many food and it's not only because of his rubber body, it must be his natural metabolism.

Luffy look around and he see Bon, he is glad that Bon is alright too. Then he see Jon and he got very happy that he immediately jump and hug Jon's head. He sit on Jon's shoulder and hug Jon's head, make Jon suffocated. Jon slap Luffy's body many times to get down but he didn't understand. Finally Ivankov take Luffy from Jon's head and Jon start to breath hastily.

"Bastard, Luffy, i'm still injured."-Jon

"Ah, sorry, sorry, ahahaha"-Luffy

Luffy want to ask how Jon can come here, when Bon suddenly collapsed. So they bring him to the bedroom.

"He must be very tired dancing and shouting for hours."-Jon

"Aren't you tired too?"-Okama A

"Huh? If you're tired and need energy, you just need to eat right?"-Jon

Jon said this while eating the food he save in inventory. Luffy want it too, but Jon didn't give him anything. Without Jon knowing, he is actually similar with Luffy at digesting the food. Altough not as extreme as Luffy, but he is rather fast to digest his food.

"So, what do you want to do now Luffy?"-Jon

"Let's go to save Ace!"-Luffy

"Alright, he is in level 6 right, Iva?"-Jon

"Eh? Level 6? It's not 5?"-Luffy

Jon then explain to Luffy about the leves here and the secret level 6. Luffy didn't really understand, but he know that he need to go down again. Jon then ask Iva to help them to save Ace.

"There's no choice, since my best friend, Revolutionary Dragon have ask me to help you, then i will help."-Ivankov

"Ah, my dad huh?"-Luffy

"That's right, your dad have ask me to help, and he told me it's time to leave this place."-Ivankov

"Oioi Luffy, you can't spread that info so easily."-Jon

"Ah, that's right."-Luffy

Ivankov and the okamas silent and blinked their eyes many times.


"DAD YOU SAY?"-Okamas

Jon see Ivankov literally fly back and hit the wall, then he fall forward. It's really comical if he have to say. Then Luffy explain it and Jon also help in explaining. The bean has been spilled already, so there's no use hiding it. They can even pull Ivankov to help them.

Finally Ivankov agree and they decide to go to level 6. The ones go there will be Jon, Luffy, Iva, and Inazuma. The others will wait here and prepare to go up together later.

The four of them come out and run to the door. Some wolves try to stop them, but Jon just throw paper bombs at them and they're defeated. They arrived at the door and see the hole that Jon has made before, but they can't use it because only Jon can walk on a wall, so they need stairs.

They move to another door and unlock it, then they enter the staircase. The staircase filled with denden mushi so the monitor room know they're going to Level 6. Jon want to run faster, but he has pushed himself too much when he run to level 5 before. It seem his adrenaline hormon have depleted, so he start to feel the pain.

Jon hold his pain with some painkiller and keep running with the other. There are some guards that try to block them, but they defeat them. They keep getting attacked on their way down, by guards or by traps. But they can pass trough all of it and eventually arrive in Level 6, so Luffy yell for Ace's name.

Jon also look around when he suddenly get a notification that really shocked him.

[Ding! Impel Down Mission, complete.

Reward: Main Mission target location.

Location detected: 100 meters]

Jon widen his eyes when he see the notification. He never thought that the reward is location of his main mission. Not to mention, it's just 100 meters and there is an arrow that pointing toward it. It's his chance to finish his task from God, after this, he can do anything he want, and free from his contract with God.

Jon look at Luffy that conversing with a big Fishman and it seem Ace has been escorted out. But he can still catch up if they're fast. So they need to move right now. But Jon need to do something first.

"Luffy, there is something i need to do in here. This is my chance to free my heart from any restrain. It will take some time, so go first, i will catch up later."-Jon

Luffy look at Jon for sometime and finally nod.

"No matter what happen, you need to catch up later. I will wait."-Luffy

"Aye sir."-Jon

Jon then move deeper to the level 6 and see many prisoners that didn't lost their spirit even tough they are detained here for a long time. Then he arrive at the cell where the arrow pointed at. Jon look inside and see it's a huge woman with cunning face.

"Really suitable for the cunning Nine tailed fox."-Jon

"Oho, you know me?"-Woman

"No, but i know you have something that i need."-Jon

Jon unlock the cell easily without key, surprising every prisoners there. They all shout and ask Jon to open their cell. Some are giving offers, some are threatening him, but Jon didn't care and just get near the woman.

'System, how did i take the fruit?'-Jon

[Host need to open your right palm in front of the target and the system will extract the fruit.]

"Murunfuffufu, i don't think you want to free me."-Woman

"Of course i want to free you."-Jon

Jon stretch his right hand and open his palm, then the system start the extraction.

"I will free you from your swimming curse."-Jon

[Extracting 1%, 2% ...20%....]


Jon didn't hesitate in the slightest even if she is screaming. To be jailed here, she must be a pirate with very high bounty. He don't know just how many civilians have been hurt or killed by her, and other prisoners here.

[Ding! Extracting.....100%

Extraction succeed.]