93. The Great War 4

Golden skeletal ribs & right arm appear on Jon's body. Jon use the skeletal arm to punch the Pacifista, and it flung away. The Pacifista flung and hit many marine soldiers and pirates that are on it's way. But it is very durable, that it can back up immediately.

Jon didn't care about the pacifista and look at the skeletal frame. It's his first time activating his Susanoo. He just know how to make it appear a moment ago when he want to attack the Pacifista.

It is only right ribs and right arm that appear. Jon ponder about it and he know that this is his limit now. He need to be more familiar with his mangekyou to make more than this.

'It's still weak, but i feel that my susanoo will grow stronger with me. System, is it true?'-Jon

[Yes host, all your power are upgradeable. Even mangekyou power, you can upgrade your space & time ability. As you grow stronger, your ability will grow with you. This is the rule of this world, and also God's setting for your power. So even if you can have perfect Susanoo right now, it will not be as strong as Madara's perfect Susanoo. You need to be as strong as him too if you want to have that level of power.]

'As i thought, there's no way that mangekyou abilities are set on stone, it can be raise, at least in my case.'-Jon

Jon look around and see that Hancock has stand in front of the other Pacifistas. They stopped because Hancock is a Sichibukai, an ally. Jon now got really curious to why this woman is helping them. Luffy thank her and go to the platform with Iva and Jon.

On the other side, Marco is fighting with Kizaru and they seem to be even. But suddenly, Onigumo appear behind Marco and put seastone cuff on him. Marco's power instantly cut off and Kizaru use this chance to make more hole in Maro's body using his beams.

Jozu also fight with Aokiji, but Aokiji has freeze Jozu's arm before. So now the fight is in Aokiji's favour, and soon after that, Jozu is frozen completely. The Whitebeard pirates can't believe that two of top commander are taken out by the marines.

Opposite to the shocked pirates, the marines are happy because their admirals can defeat the commanders rather easily. Sengoku yell at them and tell them that it's not over yet before Whitebeard is defeated. Then he order the marines to take Whitebeard's head.

The Marine officers immediately go and attack Whitebeard that is still can't move properly because of Akainu's attack. The officers attack him with their best attack, but Whitebeard didn't fall and only tilting backwards. The commanders and pirates are trying to help Whitebeard. But the old man stop them and say he didn't need their help yet.

"Did you think something like this can take me down? I AM WHITEBEARD!"-Whitebeard

Whitebeard stand again and brush off the marines with his power and swing his bisento around. The marines around him are flying away from his attack. Even with his age, disease, and injuries, Whitebeard still can make such a strong attack. Many marines are terrified with his show of power.

"H-he's a monster"-Marine A

"Run away from him!"-Marine B

Many marines around Whitebeard fled for their safety. There are only some stronger ones like vice admirals that can hold his rampage. Sometime later, Whitebeard stop to catch a breath and look at the marines.

"I know the significance and consequences of my death to the future of this world. But i will not die until i can secure the future of my sons!"-Whitebeard

"Pops, we will go with you."-Jinbe

"We will watch your back and defend your honor."-Vista

"Gurararara, you all are foolish sons."-Whitebeard

The other division commanders and many Whitebeard pirates are standing behind him and guard his back. They will not let an attack to get onto his back. A wound on the back is a prove of running away from the enemy, and Whitebeard never did that, so they will protect it.

While this happen, Jon, Luffy, & Iva are still running to the execution platform. Sengoku call another executioners to start the execution. Jon wondering if the broadcast strategy is failed, so he contact his clones.

'Damn, what happen with the broadcast? Why is Sengoku did not change his plan at all?'-Jon

'We don't know boss, the broadcast is on, the denden mushi is working just well.'-Clone B

~A while ago with the clones~

The clones set the denden mushi to capture the image of the entire battlefield. Suddenly, the wall that surround the battlefield raise and all the pirates are trapped inside. Clone A look at clone B and he nod, they still in their marine disguise.

"Oi, what happen?"-Clone B

"I don't know, maybe it's Fleet Admiral's plan.'-Clone A

"Is it to trap the pirates?"-Clone B

"I think so, well, who cares, as long as we win, everything we did will be justified."-Clone A

"Yeah, justice can do anything to the evil like those pirates."-Clone B

"That's right, the winner is the one that is right."-Clone A

The clones have made a plan to have a little conversation that will describe the war. But of course, their conversation will side with the pirates. Jon didn't have a grudge with marine, he know marine is needed in this world. But he need to do this, so they will have more time.

Suddenly, Akainu make his attack and create a magma balls rain. Clone B is on guard, and even Clone C come out from the weapon control room to stay on guard. The magma also come to them, so they run far away to the sea that is not being targetted.

"WHAT THE F*CK, MAN?!"-Clone C

"Shit, did they want to kill us too? We're marine soldiers like them."-Clone A

"I guess they don't care if we die, as long as they can kill Whitebeard and his crew members. You know that those higher ups will do anything to win."-Clone B

"Yeah, i know, i even remember that 20 years ago, the World Goverment call a Buster Call to destroy an island in West Blue."-Clone C

"Ah, Ohara right? Damn, i still feel guilty about that incident. I don't know just how many civilians, elderly, womans, and children that die at that day. I can't even sleep and eat for a week, and i still have nightmares till today."-Clone B

"That's right, i don't know why they command us to do it. They even make a bounty for a little girl that survived that incident."-Clone C

"Nico Robin right? I haven't join marine at that time, but what happen actually?"-Clone A

"Hmph, they said that she destroyed Buster Call which is composed of 10 battleships, and 10.000 marines, can you believe that?"-Clone B

"Woah, just how strong is she?"-Clone A

"Fool, that is a lie. It's because we let someone survive, when we are commanded to kill every citizens in that place and destroy their island."-Clone C

The clone keep talking like that, and put the blame on World Goverment and Marines. While conversing, they move far behind the battlefield, where the pirate ships stayed. It is the most secure place right now, and they hide on a pirate ship that survived the magma rain.

The crew keep talking bad about marines, and even bringing up Crocodile's incident. They also didn't forget to bring up Iceburg's assassination by CP9. Then they bring up about slaves and their disgust toward Tenryubito. They say everything they know or speculate about World Goverment and Marine's bad deed.

They keep talking like that, but it didn't change Sengoku's plan at all. They still go with their plan and about to execute Ace faster. They keep trashtalking, but the war seem to be unstoppable already. They keep what they're doing until Jon contact them.

'Damn, what happen with the broadcast? Why is Sengoku did not change his plan at all?'-Jon

'We don't know boss, the broadcast is on, and the denden mushi is working just well.'-Clone B

'Shit, did they ignore it because it's too late already?'-Jon

'I think so too boss. Their plan is running already, and they can't stop it now. I guess they only need to win.'-Clone B

'Dammit, keep doing our plan, it will hit the Marines and WG hard after this. I will mess with them if they mess with me.'-Jon

'Alright boss'-Clone B

The clones keep trashtalking like some toxic Youtubers. Well, maybe streamers, because they do a live stream now. They also narrate what happen in battlefield while purposely blaming the marines and World Goverment. They trashtalk the World Goverment more, because they really hate those egocentric guys.

~Back with Jon~

Jon keep running with Luffy & Iva while fighting marines. Jon didn't use his susanoo again, it really put burden in his eyes. He is still not used to his new mangekyou, so it's rather difficult. Jon look at Luffy, but it seem the pill effect is lessened on him.

'System, why is the military pill didn't work that well on Luffy?'-Jon

[Because he is not a chakra user like you. Even if he have chakra, this world's law is different from Naruto's world, so the chakra is different too. Altough chakra pill can help him, but the effect will lessened. Beside, he is not a chakra practitioner, so his chakra is much less than yours.]

'Then why the normal chakra pills work just well?'-Jon

[It did not, but the difference is very small because normal pills only give a little chakra boost.]

'So it become more apparent now with higher boost. It seem this world's people really can't use chakra like i did. Maybe it's because of devil fruit and physical strength are their main power. Maybe there are more kind of power than what i have seen & know, i need to find it later if i can survive this war.'-Jon

Jon keep fighting the marines with Luffy & Iva. They cover each other's back and it make their fight easier. They keep moving forward, when suddenly Sengoku command the new executioners that have arrived, to start the execution.

"Damn, we're still far from there."-Jon

Shirohige also see this and try to go and stop the execution. He step forward, but then he suddenly collapsed. His body is not in good condition anymore. Luffy also see this, and shout at the executioners to stop what they're doing. But of course they won't stop just because he ask them to stop. Suddenly Luffy seem to snap and shout them to stop with all he got.


Jon is right beside Luffy, and he feel a strange pressure come from Luffy. Jon then see many people suddenly lose consciousness and fall. Jon know that they're losing consciousness because of the pressure that come from Luffy before.

"Oi Luffy, what was that? I don't know you can do something like that."-Jon

"Huh? What are you talking about?"-

"Eh, you don't realize it?"-Jon

Jon think that it's maybe a hidden power that Luffy had, but he need stimulant to awaken the power, just like those anime or manga characters. Jon ponder if he also have a hidden power, most likely not, but he want to have it too.

Jon look around and it seems many people also surprised seeing this, this is their chance. Iva call Inazuma that hide in Iva's hair, then Inazuma come out and cut the ground. He make it into a stair to go up the execution platform.

Luffy immediately go up, and Jon stay on the bottom. Jon take out his Kusanagi and look at the marines that want to go up too. Jon make some hand seals and lightning stream flow to his sword. Then he stab the sword to the ground, and the lightning spread and attack many people. He use Chidori Stream through the sword, while saying,