114. Crown Prince Ceremony

It's almost a week since Jon arrive in Alabasta and train the Prince & Royal Guards. He never thought that these guys are very wimpy, they can't even handle a quarter of his training. It's okay for the prince, he is still a kid and this is his first time. But the guards need to be a lot stronger.

So for a week, he keep shaping the guards, and even the Commander, Chaka need to follow his training. Jon just forget that he has been trained by Dragon for half a year and got a lot stronger than before. His training is also very hard and if the old Jon do this, he will get wasted soon.

These guards are originally weaker than Jon in the past. Now Jon has grow a lot stronger and leave them in the dust. But Jon's training & diet plan really help them grow a lot. Even Chaka that can't handle half of Jon's training, now can do half of it after a week.

"See Chaka? You need to train a lot too, don't just stand with the King all the times."-Jon

"Eeh? But i am the one that need to guard the King all the time."-Chaka

"Then you need someone as strong as you too, then you can switch guard. Or better, the King need to get stronger too. He really need to join our training."-Jon

"That's a little..."-Chaka

The King shivered in his study room and have cold sweats. Jon has gave him training menu for someone his age, but joining Jon's training is too much.

"What happen my King?"-Pel

"N-no, i just feel someone want to make me suffer."-King Cobra

"Who is it? Let's get him."-Pel get ready

"Nono, it's just my feeling."-King Cobra

Back with Jon, he keep training the guards and the prince. They have started to finished a quarter of his training menu with Dragon. It's a good progress, they can't even did it a week ago.

These guys are not that weak, but they are resting too much. Just standing all day and not training their body. This training just waking their dormant power that haven't been used for a long time.



After everyone leave, Jon continue his training alone. The previous training can only make him sweat, it's just a warm up. Jon also keep his Haki training & ninjutsu training like usual. Now he can heal himself faster and train more ninjutsu.

At evening, Jon train Vivi to fight with staff like Nami. Vivi use that little spinning ring in the past, but that is not too effective. So Jon give her a 3 section staff, that have chains connecting it. It also can be combined to be a long staff.

Jon also open Vivi's chakra, and all of his students here. With their chakra circulate better, they will have more energy & power. Altough they can't really manipulate it, but it give a little boost for their power.

"Jon, i haven't asked but, what is that skill when you turn your hand into a black colour?"-Vivi

"That is Armament Haki: Hardening. It's a skill that i just learned, but it's difficult. It's similar to chakra but also different, that's what makes me struggle. But now i have started to understand it and can use it easier. Altough i can only cover my hands right now."-Jon

Jon then explain Haki to Vivi, and she is very impressed by this. She ask Jon to train her this Haki, but when Jon remember his Haki training, he can't do it to Vivi. Jon then explain the training, and Vivi got scared and didn't ask again.

Actually Jon want to teach her Rokushiki that less painfull, but it will make WG suspect Alabasta's Royal Family. Rokushiki is a secret technique afterall, and being kept by the WG. If Alabasta's Princess have it, WG will suspect that it was stolen from them and something bad can happen to Vivi.

Jon can't give the training to Vivi, but he explain the concept of Haki to her. This world's people can't use chakra, but they can use Haki. Dragon has explain that some people can awaken Haki coincidentally at some situation. So Jon explain the concept to Vivi and hope she can understand it and awaken it herself.

"Vivi, how's the diet plan that i gave you?"-Jon

"I-it's good, i do as you suggest."-Vivi

Vivi say that, but her eyes are squirming around, make Jon suspicious.

"You're not reducing the amount right?"-Jon

Vivi jolted and look away, she have cold sweats on her back. Jon know she's lying and reduce her diet food amount.

"Sigh, why'd you reduce it?"-Jon

"Because it's too much, especially the meat and milk. How if i get fat?"-Vivi pout

"Fat? Vivi, you realize that we're working out everyday right? That meat & milk will turn into muscle mass, so you won't get fat."-Jon

"But i will become muscled woman, then got very big like Ms. Monday."-Vivi

"Huuh? I have saw her picture, and you don't need to worry, you will not be like her. You will get muscle, but won't be buffed like that. That woman must've had high testosteron in her body."-Jon


"You know Sichibukai Boa Hancock right?"-Jon

Vivi try to remember, and then she nod.

"She has strong body, i saw her fought once, but she's not buffed right?"-Jon

"Hmm, you're right, she's still beautiful and yet she's strong enough to be a Sichibukai."-Vivi

"That's why don't worry about it, someone's body will not get buffed that easily. Look at me, i can easily overpower Chaka, but he is bigger than me."-Jon

Jon ruffle Vivi's hair and she's happy, now she will not reduce her food diet plan anymore. They continue to train and bonding while training. There's never a dull moment for Jon when he's with Vivi. Even if they're just sit together and stay silent. It's always a happy moment with Vivi.

They finished their training when the sky started to get dark. They go to take a shower to wash their sweat before dinner. After they wash themselves and change clothes, they go to dining room. Everyone there are very stiff with etiquette like usual. Only Jon didn't care of such a thing and eat like normal people.

"Ah, that's right, tomorrow is the kid's birthday right?"-Jon

"YES INSTRUCTOR!"-Sinbad suddenly stand and answer Jon like in training field.

Everyone got surprised and dumbfounded by this, even Jon. It seem his training really got inside this kid's heart. Sinbad also realize his blunder and sit down again with red face.

"It seem you really like my training kid, maybe i will increase it after your birthday."-Jon grin evilly

Sinbad got shocked & depressed, while the guards giggling among themselves.

"Ooh, it seem you guys also want it. Alright, i will grant it, it's good that everyone really want to get stronger, hahaha."-Jon

Now the guards also got depressed and have despaired look. The King can only sweatdrop at this, while the Queen and Vivi giggling by themselves.They know Jon like to mess with the guards and prince, so they just observe it.

"We-well, that matter aside, tomorrow we will announce Sinbad as Crown Prince, so everyone must get ready. Jon, i hope you can help to guard the procession."-King

"I know, i will disguise as his guard right? Just prepare a good clothes for me, that guard armor is not to my taste."-Jon

"Don't worry, i have prepare a good clothes for you."-Vivi

"Ooh, that's good."-Jon

Then after the dinner finished, Jon go to his room. He always study at this time, to raise his understanding of everything that he has learned and want to learn. Chakra, ninjutsu, haki, fuinjutsu, and other knowledge that he need to learn. No matter how many times he read, he can always come to different answer that he's not sure which one is the correct answer.

"There is no correct answer, there is only different understanding. I guess that's the only explanation for this problem. The more i find problems and answers, the deeper i understand and get another answer."-Jon

He's never get bored of learning these powers. How can he get bored when all of these powers was just his fantasy as a kid, and now he can really did it. Jon keep studying until he fall asleep on his desk.

He wake up the next morning and did his usual workout while the castle workers prepare for the ceremony that will be held this afternoon. Then he eat his breakfast with the others and they finish it fast to finish their preparation. Jon then go to his room and find the clothes that he need to wear today.

He wear it and it looks similar to kid Sinbad's clothes in Magi. The main colour is white and blue, not purple and without that bandages on his arm. He also transform into Sinbad himself as disguise. Jon get out and see Vivi there, she look confused while looking at him.

"It's me, i just change my appearance."-Jon

"Oh, you can't do that, the others didn't know you can transform. Just use this cloth mask to cover your face, at least they will not mistaken you as someone else and think you're an intruder."-Vivi lecture Jon

"Is that so?"-Jon

"That's right."-Vivi

Jon change back, and then use the blue cloth mask that Vivi bring for him. It's similar to Kakashi's mask and cover half of his face and his neck. Then a guard give him a saber, so he will look like a real Prince's Guard.

"Hmm, you look handsome."-Vivi smile

"But my face is covered."-Jon

"I have saw it before it get covered, hehe. And you have this mysterious charm with mask, so you still look handsome."-Vivi

"Glad you like it."-Jon smile and pat Vivi's head.

Then they go to the Prince's room and check on him. Jon will be a Prince guard, so he need to be with the Prince. They arrive there and see the Prince has change to his ceremonial attire. He looks gold but he is very nervous and shaking. Well, he's just a normal kid last year, and suddenly he found out his dad is the King and he will be the Crown Prince, so it's normal to be nervous.

Vivi try to calm him down, but he's still nervous. Jon sigh and approach him, then Jon flow a little lightning chakra to zap him. Sinbad jolted and scream like a girl, then look at Jon.

"Have you relaxed now?"-Jon


He's not shaking that much again and relax a bit. He calm himself and got ready, then they go to meet the King & Queen. His parents also encourage Sinbad and finally he can be more relax.

Sometime later, the ceremony finally started and soon, the King will grant the crown Prince title to Sinbad. Sinbad then go up to the stage and Jon follow him from behind. It went smoothly, and the crowd cheer for the Crown Prince.

Now Sinbad need to make his speech, so the crowd get silent. This just make the kid nervous again, so Vivi approach him and tap his shoulder. She stand beside him and Jon also stand on the other side.

Sinbad relaxed and then he make his speech. He is stuttered at first, but the crowd didn't laugh at him. Then he got better and finally end his speech excelently. The crowd cheer again and everyone smile, the ceremony finally finished without accident.

Alabasta Kingdom finally have a Crown Prince now. Jon also got happy for different reason than this. His engagement with Vivi will happen soon, officially.