141. Jon vs Vergo

Jon come out from the underground tunnel and see the Marines and his friends are fighting. Then they all stop and look at him, make him feel like he come at the wrong time.

"Uhh, hi?"-Jon say awkwardly

Everyone come to their sense, and some marines try to attack Jon. Jon just kick & punch them away easily. Then the kids start to get out from the tunnel, and make all the fight stop.

"Jon-ya, is that explosiom your doing?"-Law

"Yes and no, it's from that big Axolotl slime. I try to destroy it, but it didn't go as planned and it explode. Luckily i can reduce the explosion power a little."-Jon

"What is that thing actually?"-Sanji

"I don't know, it can be an Axolotl with devil fruit, or a tool with devil fruit. But what i know is Caesar control that thing. I hear him give command to that thing earlier."-Jon

"No matter what that thing is, we need to get Caesar. We will split up, and you guys need to look for Building R, Gate #66 (R66) to leave this lab."-Law

"Tashigi, you are in command now. Go to the R66 with the others and seize the tanker there. Protect the kids!"-Smoker

Before they split up, Law switch back Nami & Sanji to their body. Luffy go alone, Law go with Robin to look for the door, and Smoker go to find someone named Vergo. The samurai, Kin'emon want to rescue his son, so Zoro, Sanji, Brook, Usopp, and Brownbeard go with him.

Jon & Nami stay with the kids, and the marines to look for the tanker. The marine soldiers though, didn't seem to accept working with pirates. They suddenly attack, so Jon tell Nami to back off, and he make some hand seals.

"Shadow Imitation Jutsu"-Jon

Jon's shadow move forward and split to many branches. He capture all the marines and make them stop. Jon won't fight and act violent in front of the kids.

"Now, what should i do to you?"-Jon

Jon use his Conqueror haki a little to intimidate them. He can control his Conqueror haki just to intimidate his opponents.

"WAIT! I will talk with them, so please don't do anything."-Tashigi

"Sure, but hurry up."-Jon

Tashigi talk with them and say that they have another priority at hand. They need to save the children and they need to work together. Holding to their pride won't save anybody right now.

Jon is a little surprised, it seem he's wrong about this girl. She might be hot headed, but she's more rational than he thought. Or maybe she trust the Straw Hats after what happen in Alabasta.

Jon release the marines after they agree, and they go to R66. The marines are still feeling bitter about this, but they understand Tashigi's point. They will suppressed their hatred for pirates and work together.

After Jon release them, they all move to R66. Jon, Nami, Tashigi & the kids walk in front, while the soldiers walk behind. They walk unhindered, but the tension is rather high.

Suddenly they're attacked by a dragon, altough it's smaller than the one that Jon meet before. This dragon is the one that Zoro & co use to run from the slime. It was sedated and sleep, but suddenly wake up and attack them.

The Marines try to shoot at it, but it's not working. The dragon scales are too tough for their weapons. Jon take out his Inari and use it to attack the dragon with chidori sharp spear. It injured the dragon, but didn't kill it, then it run away.

"Tch, it run away. That thing can be sold for high price, my luck is bad right now."-Jon


"OUCH!? What are you doing? I'm just thinking of getting money for our crew."-Jon

"At least be glad that it run away. You might be able to survive from that thing, but the others can't. If you fight that thing, the damage will not be small."-Nami

Jon think about it and it's possible, because they're in a closed space. The dragon is big and have high attack power, so it can cause big damage. The tough scales also make him need to use high power attacks, so the damage will get bigger.

Jon sigh and they continue their walk, but suddenly they see someone in front of them. Jon get on his guard, while the soldiers are cheering. This guy is Vice Admiral Vergo, and the marines think that he want to help them.

Vergo & Smoker are vice admirals, but their power is far apart. Jon can feel this, so he is on his guard. Even if they'll work together, Pirates & Marines are enemies. Beside, he has bad premonition about this guy.

Some soldiers approach Vergo, but Tashigi tell them to move back. Everyone else get confused, because they're on the same side as marines. Suddenly, Vergo attack the marines with his Shigan, surprising everyone there.

"He is not the Vice Admiral Vergo that you know. From the start, he is a spy."-Tashigi


Tashigi move to attack Vergo, but he can easily defend. Vergo is just about to attack Tashigi back with his haki covered fist, but Jon suddenly appeared and stop his attack. Jon grab Vergo's hand and kick him back, so Vergo need to release Tashigi & defend Jon's kick.

"Heeh, a traitor, no it's wrong, you're never in their side, so it can be said that you are an impostor."-Jon


"Go! Leave with your mens, they seem to be shocked by what happen. Nami, go with the kids and the marines! I will hold this guy here, i hope he can give me a good fight."-Jon grin

"Alright, be careful."-Nami

Tashigi talk with the marines about Vergo and that they need to leave. Nami & the kids have move first to a safe distance. Vergo want to attack the marines, but Jon stop him.

Now Vergo is focused on Jon, and need to defeat him first. Jon grin and get into his fighting stance without weapons. Jon know this guy is strong, so he can fight to the fullest.

"By helping Caesar, i assume you work for Joker. They are business partner afterall, and it must be you who made him got out from prison."-Jon

Vergo just stay silent, make Jon believe that his assumption is correct. Jon know about Caesar's relationship with Joker, because the RA has been keeping tabs on them. So with Vergo here protecting Caesar, it's easy to know their relationship.

Jon cover his hands and feets with haki then he start to strike. Jon want to test his raw power to fight someone at Vice Admiral level. But he realize that this guy is very strong and tough. His haki is very hard, so Jon know that Vergo has train his haki for many years.

Jon is at disadvantage in close combat, because Vergo has more power and experience. Jon then take off his gravity clothes and feel a lot better. Now he has more speed and power to use. Then Jon also activate his lightning chakra mode.

"Hell Stab: Four Finger Nukite"-Jon

Jon's hands are covered in Haki and he use 3rd Raikage's signature move. Now he has confidence in his fingers to use this jutsu after he learnt armament. His fingers are strong enough to withstand the effect of hit & pierce something tough.

Jon jump forward and stab Vergo with his right hand. Vergo defend by crossing his arms and cover them with haki. Then Jon swipe down diagonally with his left hand. Vergo cover his body with haki, and he didn't get any damage.

Jon clicked his tongue at Vergo's haki toughness. Even his Hell Stab can't pierce it easily, altough it's still 4 fingers. Vergo also take of his clothes and cover his whole body with haki.

Jon then change his left hand Nukite with sharpened wind chakra. He want to test which one is more effective to damage Vergo's haki. They continue their close combat and none have the advantage.

Jon & Vergo are exchanging blows by blows, and got injured. Jon also keep reducing his fingers until 2 fingers nukite. Jon's wind Nukite can wound Vergo, but it's only outside wounds. His lighting nukite, albeit slowly can injure Vergo's internal organs by electrocuting them.

Even so, Jon also get injuries from Vergo's attacks. His sharingan let him avoid many attacks, but when he got attacked, the power behind it is so strong, and give him a lot of damage. Jon is faster, but Vergo is stronger.

Vergo then also start to use his Rokushiki techniques. But Jon know it too, so he know how to defend against it. Jon also start to use his Rokishiki technique to counter Vergo's.

"!!? Rokushiki?"-Vergo

"Oh, it seem you want to talk, 'Demon Bamboo' Vergo. Where's that favourite bamboo of yours?"-Jon

"It seems i can't really fight you barehanded. You haven't even draw your swords."-Vergo

Vergo go to a corner and take his bamboo stick. It seem he doesn't need it to defeat the marines before. Jon then also draw his swords, and both of them use armament haki on their weapons.

"Bankai: Tensa Zangetsu!"-Jon

Vergo then move with Soru to attack Jon, and Jon defend with both of his swords. Vergo swing down his bamboo stick, this is the technique that make him get his moniker, Demon Bamboo. Jon try to defend, but this attack's power is really live up to it's name.

Jon slide to the side and let the bamboo attack hit the ground. It will be dangerous if he stubbornly take that attack head on. Now Jon know he can't keep taking Vergo's attack head on. Even though he want a direct combat but it's not possible right now.

Jon relax his muscle and wield his left ninjato with reverse grip. He will use his speed and agility to get advantage. He will fight like what he used to be, his original style of fighting.

Jon & Vergo move, and Vergo swing his bamboo from above again. Jon parry it with his left sword, then use his right sword to attack Vergo. Jon is spinning mid air and send his kicks too.

Vergo try to attack Jon again, but Jon move around with his speed and agility. Jon attack Vergo from many angles, but Vergo can sense him with his Observation Haki. Jon keep attacking, and then he make some hand seals with one hand.

"Suiton: Great Waterfall Jutsu!"-Jon

Jon spew out a big mass of water vortex from his mouth. Vergo got hit, but his haki reduce the damage. Vergo look at Jon, and Jon is crouching on the ground with his hands on it.

"Chidori Stream!"-Jon

Lightning current spread, and the water spread it everywhere like a short circuit. The wet Vergo also got electrocuted, and Jon keep raising the power. When the lightning current stopped, the room is filled with mist.

Jon look at the mist and suddenly he jump to the side. Vergo is still there, and he attack Jon immediately. This guy's durability sure is very high, but it seem the lightning current gave big damage. There are blood traces around his mouth, so his internal organs must've been damaged.

Jon & Vergo clash again, and with the damage in his body, Vergo got weakened a bit. Jon keep pressing with his speed and agility. But he got careless and fall to Vergo's trap.

Vergo suddenly use high powered attack and hit Jon from the side. Jon cover his body with haki hurriedly and he got flung to the wall. Jon break to the other room and spat some blood.

"Shit, i'm too careless."-Jon

'Won't you use my power?'-Kurama

"No, it can destroy this whole building. Your power is not suitable for closed space."-Jon

"Who're you talking to?"-Vergo

"None of your business, but i think this is the time to end this. Mokuton: Multiple Wood Clones Jutsu!"-Jon

Jon create 5 wood clones, and then activate his mangekyou and spread his hands.

"THE WORLD!"-Jon grin