144. Corrida Colosseum

The day after Doflamingo's resignation, the Straw Hats and their allies arrive on Dressrosa. They dock on a hidden place, and get ready to go. Luffy is fighting with Momo over some childish thing, their mental age is the same it seem.

Law give the ship protection team a Vivre Card. He say it will show a way to Zou, and they need to run away with Caesar if something happen. The team consist of Nami, Sanji, Brook, Chopper, and Momonosuke.

There are other teams too, one is the Green Bit team which consist of Law, Robin, and Usopp. Then Jon, Luffy, Zoro, Franky, and Kin'emon will go to destroy the Factory and find the samurai. Altough Sanji suddenly join the factory team after smelling good food and woman's parfume.

They go to the town and sniff a good smell. The food here must be very delicious and fagrant. They want to move but suddenly stop when they see many toys walking and talking like humans. There were passionate dancers that romance mens before stabbing them too.

"This kingdom is really strange, and unique."-Jon

Jon look around and see this place is like the counterpart of Spain. Dancers, singers, artists everywhere, just like what he would think of Spain from what he watched on TV. He don't really know the real Spain because he never went there though.

Jon then send the Zetsus, and even his wood clones to gather information. 6 Zetsus won't cover information from the whole Kingdom in a day. So he also use his wood clones, which can hide their presence better than shadow clones, and move underground like Zetsu.

Jon decide to separate with his team and move alone. This is his usual way to work, and he know his teammates won't even try to search for information. Maybe they will, but their work are not that good and he doubt they will find anything good.

Jon then transform into his Bounty Hunter self, Deadpool. The costume is not only for disguise, but also hide his sharingan that he can't hide when he use normal transformation. Then Jon walk around the town and blend in like a tourist.

Suddenly, he stumble upon a Colosseum like building. He check it and it's really a colosseum, an Romanian building in Spain. Maybe this place is Italy, he's not European in the past, so he don't really know.

Jon check the place, and it really have a gladiator fight. He is surprised when he find out about the reward. The reward is Mera Mera no Mi (Flame Flame Fruit), Ace's devil fruit. Then he remember Doflamingo said he have something that Luffy really wanted.

"He want to distract and separate Law & Luffy. Maybe he don't want to fight both of them at the same time, who knows. But still, i've find Ace's fruit, so i will try to get it. I don't know if Luffy know this too, so i will go, in case he don't know."-Jon

Jon register to fight in the Colosseum with his identity as Deadpool. He want to help Luffy, he's not interested in the fight, definitely. I told you he's not interested in the prospect of fighting some strong opponent at all, surely.

Jon will fight in Block A, not really matter as long as he win. Then he get inside and see many contestants. He read the rules at the paper that he asked earlier. It's not really complicated, and it's like free battle in an arena.

"There are a lot of original gladiator from this place. And there are many people who join after hearing news about the fruit. Logia is very demanded afterall. Wait, maybe they have more fruits in their storage. I need to get them."-Jon

Jon go to a corner, then send command to his clones & Zetsus to find devil fruits & storages after finding the factory. He won't let the Revolutionaries take everything. His 'crew' need payment too for taking down Joker.

"Master, we've find the factory."-Zetsu #1

"Ooh, where?"-Jon

"It's underground, near the colosseum, and the underground room is big and also became a hidden port. We find many weapons and those SMILEs in wooden boxes."-Zetsu #1

"So it's their operation base and port. It's really an underworld. Find Franky & tell him about this! I can't trust a location to Zoro, and Sanji will keep fighting him. I will stay here, and keep gathering information about the factory. Structure, materials, layout, anything that will help."-Jon

"Understood. So, how about our pocket money?"-Zetsu #1

"Later, after we finish everything."-Jon

Zetsu go to do his job, and sometime later, the last contestant come in and Jon is surprised to see Luffy. It seem he find out about the fruit from somewhere. Well, it will be convenient for the final if both of them are here, but he will not reveal himself to Luffy yet, it's just not fun.

Then the call for Block A battle is announced. Jon go to the arena and see many fighters there. He walk nonchalantly while looking around to his opponents in this block.

The battle start, and Jon didn't want to waste time fighting many people. He just stay on the side and erase his presence. It is also a good time to copy many moves from many people. Maybe they will have interesting techniques that he like.

In the battle, Jon see there is a man that dominate the battle. The host say he is Mr. Store, because of his paper bag mask. Jon feel like he know this guy from somewhere, so he use his sharingan.

Jon widen his eyes when he see what's under that paper bag. It's Jesus Burgess, Blackbeard First Ship's captain. He certainly is a strong opponent that Jon want to fight, so he grin widely.

Jon didn't want to waste time, so he transform to his 1 tail Jinchuriki mode. This is what he always use when disguising as Deadpool. His chakra hands extend and he swat other contestants to the pool outside. Now the ones left are just him and Burgess.

"What's Blackbeard First Ship's captain doing here?"-Jon

"I've been found out, WIIHAAW."-Burgess

Burgess take off his mask and surprising everybody there. The host also seem to know Jon's fake identity, Deadpool the bounty hunter. Burgess didn't know him, but he is interested in Jon's 'devil fruit' that looks like a mythical Zoan.

Jon grin knowing he can try to fight someone which can be said as a Yonkou Commander. Burgess might not be the strongest in Blackbeard pirate, but he must be the most trusted. First Ship's captain show Teach's trust on him.

Jon know he can't play around so he immediately transform to 4 tails. Now he looks like when Naruto fight Orochimaru. But Jon didn't lose his mind like Naruto at that time.

"4 tails zoan transformation? What's that devil fruit?"-Burgess


Jon jump forward and send a claw attack at Burgess. Burgess coat his arm with haki and defend Jon's attack. Then Burgess send an elbow attack which he called 'Hado Elbow'. It send a shockwave from the vibration of his elbow.

Jon got attacked on his body, and got flunged behind. He spat some blood even though he is in 4 tails, which can't be pierced by Kusanagi. Jon grin and excited to know a Yonkou Commander level of power, and he have copied that vibrating attack.

Jon raise his power to 5 tails, then he jump very fast toward Burgess. Burgess also smile and he send an elbow attack again. Burgess coat his attack with haki, but Jon didn't need haki, 5 tails mode are very tough. Jon also copy the vibration of Burgess's attack by vibrating his chakra.

Their attack meet and it's shockwave vs shockwave. Burgess shockwave is strong because it's his own skill, but Jon's raw power in 5 tails make his shockwave just as strong. The clash stay in a stalemate for sometime, but then it create an explosion that push everything.

Jon & Burgess are pushed back by the explosion. Jon use his claw to hold onto the arena, and Burgess also try hard to hold on. The place where their attack meet get a big dent & cracks appear on the arena.

Jon & Burgess are still in the arena and they fight again. Now Jon use his abnormal speed to strike Burgess from every angle. Burgess is in defensive position because he can't compete with Jon's speed.

Jon decide to end this competition, his target is still the fruit, not defeating Burgess. So he create a super small tailed beast bomb. He run around on his four and stop in front of Burgess.

Jon is crouching, so he is in lower position than Burgess. Then he pull Burgess's belt down before he shoot his attack to Burgess, and make him flying away. The attack is not too strong that it will kill Burgess. Because if it's too strong, then the colosseum will get destroyed too, and the audience will get killed.

Burgess fly away from the colosseum to who knows where, without his belt and lower cloth, he just left with underwear. The host & audience are confused to what happen and what's the result is. Jon stop his jinchuriki mode & wait, but nothing comes from the host's mouth.

"Ahem, he's out from the arena, so it's my win right?"-Jon

"Eh? That's..."-Host

"You want to say he can fly here?"-Jon

Suddenly the host's denden mushi went off, and he pick it.

*Puru puru puru* *kacha*

\Gyats, announce that it's his win. Burgess is out of bounds.\-Caller

"Yes, understood."-Gyats

Then the host, Gyats announce Jon's win in Block A. Jon raise his hands and the audience are cheering at him. Jon also spin Burgess's belt before he throw it to the audience. Then he get back to the waiting room because the next block will start, and someone has wait him.

"You sure like to make a scene."-Sabo

"I am who i am. Have you meet him?"-Jon

"Not yet, i will meet him after he win his block, it's block C."-Sabo

"Do as you please. You want to eat that fruit right?"-Jon

"Yeah, it's Ace's, so it's either me or Luffy, but Luffy has his own fruit already."-Sabo

"Alright, but i also want devil fruit for my ninjas. That fruit is the best candidate you know. Wait, don't bring up our relationship, business is business."-Jon smirk

"What do you want?"-Sabo

"All the devil fruits you find in Dressrosa. That's a small price for your brother's fruit right?"-Jon smirk

"Sigh, alright."-Sabo

Jon walk away with happy mood, because now he will get all the devil fruit here. He know that his clones & Zetsus won't be able to get every single fruit here. They will miss some, and the Revolutionaries might find it, so it's better to have assurance.

Jon then go to the corridor where they can watch the battle arena. Jon see Luffy is near a window with someone that he know from a bounty poster, Cavendish. Jon go there too, he want to make sure Luffy didn't create problem or expose his identity.

Luffy see him and praise him for winning the battle before. He didn't realize that it's Jon at all, he never saw the 4 tails transformation afterall. Altough Jon doubt that Luffy will recognize him even if he use 3 tails transformation like in Fishman Island.

"Deadpool, did you target me for my bounty? Well, it must be for that, because i'm a star."-Cavendish

"No, i just bored lately."-Jon/Deadpool

"Guh, no need to lie, you must've feel scared after seeing this star and feel my power."-Cavendish

"Not at all, if i just want to hunt bounty, then i will go for Burgess. He has higher bounty than you. Or maybe i will even go for Doflamingo, he is not a Sichibukai anymore and he must have a lot of money here."-Jon

Cavendish pout and Jon smirk, because he know this guy has some kind of star syndrome. Luffy is still clueless about what happen, make Jon sigh. He let it go and watch the Block B that's about to start.