151. Finally

Jon look down and see many people are pushing his Susanoo's foot. They can't push the strings directly, so they push the Susanoo instead.

"Great, now i can't move or i will crush them."-Jon

Jon cancel his plan to strike the strings with his swords. It will create too many movement and he might unconsciously step on the citizens. He also need to be careful to not make sudden movement or it will be bad.

"Wait, these strings connect to that Flamingo right? Hehehe boy, i have a good idea."-Jon smile evilly

Jon make some hand seals, and 2 of his Susanoo's hands copy his movement, while the other 2 keep pushing. Jon also ask Kurama to supply chakra for his jutsu. Jon finish his seals and slam Susanoo's hands on the strings again.

"Chidori Stream: Susanoo Version!"-Jon

Lightning current come out from Susanoo's hands and go up the strings. Jon try to control it toward the strings source, which is Doflamingo. Luckily it works, because Doflamingo attach many strings to the birdcage so he can move around.

Jon can see clearly from his high point of view that Doflamingo get electrocuted. He laugh and get very satisfied with his plan. Luffy also see this chance and give more damage to Doflamingo.

"HAHAHAHA, FEEL THE PAIN, FLAMINGO!"-Jon say with crazy tone & expression

'Sigh, here we go again.'-Kurama

~Meanwhile on the King Plateau~

"What's that lightning strike? There's no rain cloud on the sky."-Kin'emon

"That's Demon Eyes, he use the Birdcage to flow his lightning attack toward Doflamingo. B-but, he start to act strange..."-Viola

"!? WHAT HAPPEN?"-Usopp

"H-he laugh and act like a maniac while spamming his lightning attacks."-Viola say with concern voice

"!? Eh?"-All

"I-is he alright?"-Rebecca

"Sigh, just leave him, he's just like that. I'll be more worried if he didn't act like that."-Usopp

The others can't say anything and just think that there are many types of people in the world.

~Back with Jon~

The people at the Susanoo's foot didn't hear Jon at all. The Susanoo block his voice from coming out, but Viola can see anything in certain range, so she see him. Jon didn't aware though, and just continue, not like he care if people see him like that.


Haki can't negate a devil fruit power, it only let someone touch devil fruit user's real body or for defending. Even seastone that can negate devil fruit power is not immune of devil fruit's effect. That's why people still can get electrocuted by lightning, or heat from fire.

Jon keep electrocuting Doflamingo, and this give big chance to Luffy. Jon make Chidori stream again and again with Kurama's chakra help. The scale of these Chidori Streams are very big, so he's getting exhausted fast.

Jon push himself and just about to make another Chidori Stream. But suddenly, the Birdcage disappeared and his susanoo fall. Doflamingo has been defeated before Luffy's haki depleted. Jon immediately cancel his Susanoo so it won't fall on people.

"*pant pant* It's finally finished, *pant* too bad i can't see Doflamingo's face when he got electrocuted."-Jon is laying on the ground, panting.

Jon use Kurama's chakra, because his chakra reserve is very low. Now after everything ends, Kurama didn't supply chakra anymore, and Jon start to feel the effect of low energy. Jon exhausted his chakra and physical energy, because he has fought too many battle today.

The citizens are celebrating Doflamingo's defeat and throw Jon to the air. The exhausted Jon just let them do as they please. Beside, he want to feel it sometime, being thrown like a winner.

After sometime, they stop and Jon call his friends. They tell him to go to Kyros's house to hide from the Marine. Jon say he has a business and will go later. He call the Zetsus and ask them to just leave the broadcast denden mushi.

"How's the broadcast?"-Jon ask Zetsu on their way to Kyros's house

"It went well, we just say the important things like what Doflamingo did 10 years ago, the toys, his identity as Joker, WG's involvement in his fake resignation, and the Straw Hats attempt to defeat Doflamingo."-Zetsu #1

"We also keep commenting on what happen in the war."-Zetsu #2

"Good, this will give a big blow to WG and Joker's force out there. The RA and my ninja force can use this chance. It will affect the Sichibukai system, but who cares. Father in-law will be happy to bring this topic about Sichibukai in Levely."-Jon

"Boss, where's the pocket money?"-Zetsu #4

"You ask for money now? Where do you want to buy something with all stores destroyed?"-Jon sweatdrop

These Zetsu have enjoyed spending money and have fun with it. Jon didn't know where they pick up those habit, because it certainly not from him.

"But we can use it on the next island."-Zetsu #2

"Sigh, fine."-Jon

Jon give them some money and they become happy. Jon sigh at their behaviour and ask them to follow him. They go to where Jon fought with Burgess.

Jon then open the trees blockade and cancel his wood clone there before he close the blockade again. Jon recover a bit of his chakra after cancelling his clone. Jon open Burgess eyes and put him in a genjutsu, so he won't fight back when he do his plan.

"#6, are you ready?"-Jon

"Yes."-Zetsu #6

"Mind Transfer Clone Jutsu"-Jon

Jon split and send his consciousness to Burgess & Zetsu #6. He try to transfer Burgess memory to #6. That's why he put Burgess in genjutsu, so he won't fight back and make it harder.

"System, initiate Transfer memory!"-Jon

[Transferring memory from Jesus Burgess to Zetsu #6....]

[Selecting important memory and removing bad influence....]

His plan is to transform Zetsu into Burgess and be his spy in Blackbeard Pirate. To make it perfect, he need Burgess memory so Zetsu will know everything about Burgess including his habit. This is his plan for the future when they clash against Blackbeard.

This jutsu is originally used for interrogation and search one's memory. That's why Jon learn this jutsu, it's very useful. He can search someone's memory better than ask them with genjutsu's aid.

Then, when Jon learn the Mind Transfer Clone jutsu, he found another use. He can be a medium to transfer one's memory to another person. A human's mind can't accept too many information at once, but Zetsu can.

Still, Jon need to choose the memory or it will affect his Zetsu. He don't want Zetsu to be the real Burgess, so he just use the important memory. The System can help him with that, so he don't need to worry.

Finally it finished after some minutes, and Zetsu #6 now transform into Burgess. No one will realize that he is fake, even tough they ask the most secret question. Even his personality has become that of Burgess, but he is still loyal to Jon.

Jon then kill Burgess and check his back pack. He is surprised to find some devil fruits in there. He don't know the devil fruits types, but they're still very valuable for him.

Jon leave the place, and let Burgess corpse become a nutrient for the trees. Jon then command 'Burgess' to hide somewhere and then go back to Blackbeard's base. He will go back to report the mission to get Mera Mera no Mi has failed, and Jon use Sabo as the one who defeat Burgess.

'It will be more believable if Sabo is the one who did it. He is RA's number 2, so Teach will not suspect anything.'-Jon

Jon go to Kyros's house so he can rest after this tiring event. On his way there, Jon see a commotion in the city. He decide to check it and he got very surprised. This is something that he will not believe if he doesn't see it himself.

Jon see Fujitora, a Marine Admiral kneeling to King Riku with all his subordinates. He apologize for the trouble that caused by a Sichibukai, who affiliated with WG. This is something that Jon never see and never thought he would see.

"It seem i was wrong about your justice, Fujitora. Altough i'm right about one thing, that you can see more even when you're blind."-Jon smile

"Did they broadcast it?"-Zetsu #1

"Yeah, this will make a greater impact than our broadcast. I guess Akainu will not take this action lightly. He is a prideful person, so he won't like this at all."-Jon

Jon leave the city and continue his way to Kyros's house. He enter the house and immediately sleep without greeting his friends. He is very tired and he's sure the others are tired too.

Jon wake up at night because he need to pee. He see the others have woke up too, or maybe they don't sleep, except Luffy. Jon get out and go to the toilet to finish his business. When Jon come back, he find Sabo has come.

"Yo, Jon."-Sabo

"Oh, you're here. Where are my devil fruits?"-Jon

"They're with Koala."-Sabo

"Huh? You came here but didn't brought them? Tsk, wasting my time to sleep."-Jon

Jon get out to call Koala, and the others are sweatdropping at him.

"Koala, how many of the devil fruits that you get?"-Jon

\We get about 4 devil fruits, but we haven't check their power. Sabo-kun said that these are all yours, did you want to take it now?\-Koala

"Hmm, can you guys deliver them to Alabasta for me?"-Jon

\Sure, did you want us to send anything else?\-Koala

"Yeah, i found some devil fruits myself, so i want you to deliver them too, and maybe some other items."-Jon

Jon finished his business and went back to the house. Sabo also has finished his business here, so Jon give him the delivery package. There are 19 devil fruits that he get from Punk Hazard and Dressrosa, and some materials.

Sabo leave and Jon go back to sleep, he is still tired. He need to sleep long, so his chakra will replenish the next day. His injuries will also get better after he sleep long enough.

~Next Morning~

"UWAAA!"-Jon scream in horror


"Who's this guy? He have a scary make up."-Jon

"Phew, you're surprising me. He is Kanjuro, Kin'emon's friend."-Usopp

"Oh, well, he looks creepy."-Jon

"SUPERRR rude."-Franky

After that little morning drama, some people come bring food. They all have breakfast while Kyros tell them the story of his love life with Rebecca's mother, Scarlet. She was a Princess, but married a normal person and fake her death.

Jon get very focused because this situation is very similar with him. He think that maybe he & Vivi can do the same by faking her death, but he dismiss this idea. Even he don't want Vivi to be known as a dead person when she's with him.

'Even if it's fake, i don't want people to think she's dead just so she can be with me. I prefer that people think she's live but go to another country than dead.'-Jon

After finishing their breakfast, the Straw Hats continue their rest. The Marine haven't try to capture them, so they can relaxed for sometime. The other fighters are resting in the castle that have big room.

Jon decide to train like usual, he never miss a single day to train in these 2 years. Jon know he need strength, and he need to work hard for that. Yesterday, he had realized the gap between him & an Admiral, so he still have a long way to go.

After training, Jon have a tour around Dressrosa. He walk around to see the reconstruction of this country. He see many injured people have been healed by Mansherry.

It seem she can take someone's healing power, like a blood donor. She take it from Marines, so Jon want to check it and find Marine's plan for them. He arrive there stealthily and find out that Fujitora use dice to decide wether to capture them or not, and today is their lucky day.

"Why're you coming here Demon Eyes boy?"-Fujitora say, surprising everyone.

"Sigh, you're very sharp, old man."-Jon