159. Jon vs Cracker

"Your weakness, is water right?"-Jon smirk

"Isn't that all devil fruit user's weakness? You're just desperate."-Cracker smirk too

"Yeah, i know all devil fruit users are weak of water. But they only get weakened by sea water, the key is sea. They don't get weakened by freshwater, or they'll never be able to drink or take a bath. Altough they still can't swim, but they can do normal activity with freshwater."-Jon

(a.n: just for my story, don't mind it!)

"Then what? That's not explaining about my power's weakness."-Cracker

Jon put a hat on his head, then put his left hand in his pant's pocket. Then he lean back a bit & face his body a little to the left. He raise his face a bit and spread his right leg out a little. Finally, he raise his right hand to point at Cracker. He pose like Jotaro's pointing pose, and Jon even make a Jojo's face.

"Your power is biscuit, and if it get wet, it'll be very soft."-Jon

Cracker just stay silent, confirming Jon's suspicion. Altough all devil fruit user's weakness is water, but this is more of properties weakness. Just like how fire weak of water, Cracker's biscuit will get soft if it absorb water.

That, or Cracker is just dumbfounded at Jon's pose. Even now, Jon still staying on his pose, not moving a little bit. Cracker is speechless at what had just happened, even if he has seen many kind of people.

"What's with the pose?"-Cracker

"Food based power, as i thought of a glutton like Big Mom. I think all of her children will have food based power like you too. Heeh, what a delicious pirate, Luffy will like to eat your power."-Jon ignore Cracker's question

"Like i said, what's with the-"-Cracker

"Yare yare daze, it will be tastier if i can use milk rather than water though."-Jon still ignore Cracker's question

"...Hmph, knowing my power's weakness will not let you win."-Cracker decide to stop asking

"No, it is, and i will show you why."-Jon

Cracker attack Jon and Jon keep avoiding his attacks while making some hand seals.

"Suiton: Great Waterfall Jutsu"-Jon

A big water vortex appear around Jon and move toward Cracker at fast speed. With Yin Seal & Jon's high water mastery, the jutsu become a lot bigger and stronger. It destroy Cracker's biscuit body and even the forest around them.

Cracker is pushed back and Jon now can see his real body. Cracker is a tall man, but he is not big like his fake body. He didn't even wear any shirt and only have pants on, and he wear a cape. Well, it must be hot inside that human shaped biscuit.

"Finally you get out from your hiding. Isn't it good to feel the fresh air? No need to say thanks for the free shower, you must feel hot right?"-Jon smirk

"Damn, don't get ahead of yourself!"-Cracker

"Yare yare, a very stubborn guy."-Jon

"*clap clap clap* I'll show you the extent of my power."-Cracker claps his hands

"You want to make those biscuitmans again? No chance! Hidden in The Mist Jutsu"-Jon

Jon create a very thick mist, it became very thick because of the water jutsu he use before. With this, the humidity will be high, and Cracker's biscuit will keep getting wet. Jon can also block Cracker's observation haki, because with this jutsu, his presence is everywhere.

Cracker is surprised because he can feel Jon everywhere. Now he can't see where the attack will come from. Cracker then create some biscuitmans around him to defend from Jon's attacks.

Jon grin, because he can see easily with his eyes, and this is his jutsu, so he is the King here. Jon create some water clones, altough it's weaker than wood or shadow clone, but it is his opponent's weakness. Jon & his clones then flow water chakra on their swords and attack Cracker.

Jon & his clones attacks Cracker and Cracker can only move defensively. With his biscuitmans softened by the high humidity, they can't defend Jon's attacks. Jon keep pushing, but Cracker still can defend with his swordmanship for sometime.


Cracker finally snapped and then he claps many times. Biscuit crumbs start to appear everywhere and they absorb the mist. The mist & water on the ground disappear, but Cracker seem to be tired.

"It seem i can't use my biscuits when you have power to control water. But don't think that biscuits are my only power."-Cracker

"Let me guess, your sword."-Jon

"Hahaha, you're smart."-Cracker

"Not really, you clearly have that big ass sword on your back."-Jon say, make Cracker have a dark face.

"Tch. I'll show you my Pretzel's power, it is a unique sword with no peers in the world."-Cracker draw his big long sword

"Heeh, no peer is it? Maybe you can say that after comparing it with Mihawk's Yoru. But why don't you compare it to my swords here? Let's find out who's sword is better."-Jon

Jon draw his ninjato swords and hold them in reverse.

"Bankai: Tensa Zangetsu!"-Jon use Armament on his swords

Jon then flow Raikiri instead of Chidori on both of his swords. The lightning on his blade become very sharp, sharper than when he use Chidori, altough it's harder to control on a sword. But now, Jon can cut even before his target reach his swords.

"Hmph, useless struggle, Honey Pretzel!"-Cracker

"Nitoryu: Lightning Fangs!"-Jon

Cracker make wave motion with his sword, then run at Jon. Jon also run toward Cracker with his swords on his sides. They meet and Cracker thrust his sword at Jon, and Jon duck.

"Idiot, i never say i'll take your attack head on, i'm not Luffy or Zoro."-Jon smirk

Jon use Kusanagi on his right to attack Cracker's sword. Then he use Inari on his left to attack Cracker's unguarded body. Cracker realize at the last moment and defend his body with Armament haki.

Cracker got attacked and he got fling behind. He spin on the air and land normally, but then he fall to one knee. Jon's attack has left a diagonal slash wound on his torso, altough it's not that deep, but it's still hinder him.

"Not so tough without your Biscuitman aren't you?"-Jon smirk


Cracker seem mad, but suddenly he realize something, and start to laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHA. I'm actually getting flustered, damn, you're good. I'm falling to your taunt, and start to act impulsively."-Cracker

"Tsk, he find out."-Jon

Jon has succeed to make Cracker act impulsively, and can injure him. Now Cracker has find out and the same trick will not work again. Still, Jon has sealed Cracker's devil fruit with his water jutsu, so he has an upperhand.

However, Cracker start to use his devil fruit again. He claps & create many Biscuit Soldiers with 6 arms and swords each, at fast speed around Jon. Jon didn't know why he suddenly use his devil fruit, but he must have a plan.

"You need to do those hand signs in order to control those elements right? So if i prevent you from doing those hand signs, my biscuit soldiers will not get wet."-Cracker grin

"Why don't you find out?"-Jon

Jon sound confident, but Cracker is right about that. Jon can flow water chakra without hand seals, but it will not create a a lot of water. He need a lot of water to make all of Cracker's soldiers wet.

A soldier attack Jon and Jon dodge the sword attack. Jon want to make some hand seals but the soldiers keep attacking him. Jon try to make hand seals with one hand, but the soldiers keep intercepting him, so he can't make any jutsu.

"As i though, you need those hand signs to use your techniques."-Cracker grin and keep creating soldiers

Jon decide to stop trying to make jutsu, and he use water chakra on his swords. Jon can cut the biscuits with his wet swords, but he still can't cut the biscuits with Armament hardening. Cracker's Armament is very hard, and Jon still can't cut through it.

Jon can avoid many attacks, but the soldiers are too many, so he still get attacked. Jon can't get close to Cracker with all these soldiers stopping him, and it has gone for 2 hours. Suddenly Cracker passed through his soldiers and thrust his sword at Jon.

"What's up? Can't use your power to manipulate water? Hahaha, Honey Pretzel!"-Cracker

"Shit, Tekkai! Armament Hardening!"-Jon

Jon use tekkai on his whole body, then protect his stomach with Armament, but the force still fling him. Jon crashed to some soldiers behind him and he got injured even with tekkai & armament, because they're very hard. Jon spat some blood, then he stand up and grin.

"The last time i'm injured like this is when i fought with Fujitora. Well, that's just a one sided beating, but now i'm sure i can defeat you, different from him"-Jon grin with blood around his mouth.

"Defeat me? You can't even touch me since 2 hours ago. Even my injury has start to heal now."-Cracker smirk

"2 hours? So this fight has gone for almost 4 hours, it's too long. It seem i can't rely on swordmanship alone. Phew, you know, i'm a shinobi, not a swordsman. I use everything in my arsenal, and don't care about any pride."-Jon

"Heeh, stop your bluff! If you still have any good technique, then you'll already use it. Crash Pretzel! With this, you will burst."-Cracker

Cracker create spark on his sword and make wave motion with it. Jon just stay on his place and wait Cracker's attack. Cracker thrust his sword and suddenly a sylindrical giant golden ribs appear around Jon.

"!? What's this?"-Cracker

"I'm not planning to use this, because it wil be too easy."-Jon

Cracker's sword hit a place with blackened spot. Jon have use Armament on top of his susanoo's ribs. He know susanoo is tough, but the skeletal form is the weakest form. He don't know if it can withstand Cracker's attack, so he also use haki.

Jon can use higher form susanoo, but he only need susanoo for defending, and skeletal rib is enough. Beside, this is his first time trying to use haki on Susanoo. Susanoo is tough, but it's not invincible, so he need to improve it.

"This game, end here!"-Jon make different hand seals with each of his hands, this is something that he train for sometime


"Suiton: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave! Raiton: High Voltage Chidori Stream!

Combination Jutsu: Short Circuit Explosion!"-Jon

Jon clap his hands and vast amount of water appear around him. The water cover a big area become a lake above the ground. Cracker's soldiers break apart, and Cracker himself can't swim, altough he still hold his breath.

Suddenly electricity generated from Jon's body. It enter the water at fast speed and become chaotic. The short sircuited lightning create explosions everywhere and in an instant, a big explosion happen that devastate a big area.

Jon is fine inside his susanoo's ribs, and just pant from exhaustion. Cracker though, have injured badly because he can't defend himself with good Armament. He can't take a breath, so he can't concentrate to use haki perfectly. The explosion is too big and the imperfect Armament can't defend Cracker from the impact.

"It's the first time i use this, but this jutsu sure is dangerous. My theory is right, but my calculation is a little off. Phew, luckily it's just me and him here, those homies are not counted."-Jon

Now Jon is tired, so he just left Cracker there, and leave. But he stop when he see Cracker's sword. Jon look around and see no one, then he take Cracker's sword and put it in his inventory.

"Hehe, let's consider this my payment for sparing your life."-Jon

Jon run away like a thief from there to meet his friends. The explosion will attract people's attention, so he need to leave. After 4 hours of battle, Jon has win and defeat a Sweet Commander, Charlotte Cracker.