165. Escaping

The Straw Hats & Fire Tanks are running from Big Mom's chase. Jon protect Bege that has turned bigger with his perfect susanoo armor. They need to be fast, or they'll get captured by the angry Emperor.

Suddenly Bege's body return to normal, and Jon see Caesar come out and lift Bege to fly while weeping. Dude must've been forced to do it. Jon can create a Susanoo wings to fly, but he didn't want to do it. Then the Vinsmokes come out too and trying to fight Big Mom pirates.

Jon click his tongue, because the Germa won't be able to win. Sanji want to save his family, so he won't let them die. He will surely come out to save them when they're defeated. Then Luffy will certainly help Sanji to do it.

Just like Jon's prediction, Big Mom pirates easily overpower Germa. Big Mom is about to kill Reiju, but Luffy & Sanji intercept her. Sanji turn back to leave immediately, but Luffy stay for a moment.


"Huh? Mammamamma~, you'll never be able to defeat that thing. And rest assure, you'll never leave this place to fight him."-Big Mom

Big Mom pirates attacked Sanji, Luffy, and the Vinsmokes. Soon, they got defeated by Big Mom's kids and officers. Right at that time, Jon is walking slowly toward them while chanting something.

"Oh, blackness shrouded in light, frenzied blaze clad in night, in the name of the crimson demons, let the collapse of thine origin manifest. Summon before me the root of thy power hidden within the lands

of the kingdom of demise!"-Jon say one of Megumin chant that he remember

"!? NO, STOP HIM!"-Katakuri

"As i thought, you can see the future, but it's too late."-Jon make a hand seal

Suddenly around the Cake Chateau, many spotlights are seen. Then black scribing come out from the spotlights and connect to each other. It cover the whole Cake Plateau and even a big part of Sweet City. It create a very big seal scribing, and it's close to their place right now.

"EXPLOSION!"-Jon grin

The seal create a very big explosion that destroy the Cake Plateau and some part of Sweet City. The shockwave push the wind at high speed. Everyone cover their eyes & body from the flying dust & debris.

Jon take this chance to free Luffy, Sanji, & the Vinsmokes. Jon create a skeletal susanoo's and pick them, then he run back to Bege. Jon upgrade his skeletal form to full humanoid susanoo & grab Bege, then he run away from that place.

"What's that explosion?"-Sanji

"Explosion is explosion, what else?"-Jon

"I mean what did you use to make it that big."-Sanji

"Aah, that's..."-Jon

Jon them tell the story of his preparation for that. He sent many clones last night to plant many scrolls around Cake Chateau. Jon want to have an insurance for their plan, and they really need it now.

"Damn, why don't you use it since earlier if you have something like this."-Bege

"We're still in the explosion radius before. Beside, there's too many civilians & children there, so i wait until they leave. I even sent my clones to make sure they leave fast."-Jon

"A pirate that didn't want to kill civilians, what a strange guy."-Bege

"That's my rule as a person, and i'll always follow it. Even if they're Big Mom's children, or even evil person, but if they're still kids, then i will never kill them. Maybe i'll just incapacitate them, i don't care about teenagers though."-Jon

They all arrived rather far from the Big Mom pirates that fall to their big underground room. Bege return Caesar's heart, then they all part ways. The Straw Hats go to where Sunny is located, and run with Jon's humanoid susanoo.

While they run, Chopper & Brook say they need to take the Shark Submarine. Jon let them leave and continue their way to Sunny. They enter the seducing woods, and Nami use Big Mom's vivre card to force the homies to protect them, even the biggest homie, Kingbaum.

Jon put his friends on susanoo's hair and he run faster. However, Big Mom can chase them at a very fast speed. She ride her cloud homie, Zeus that can fly a lot faster than Jon's susanoo.

Big Mom send a big attack, and Jon can't defend while running, it will make his friends fall, so he jump aside. Nami then have an idea and send many thundercloud balls to Zeus. Zeus seem entranced and stop to eat the thunder clouds.

The sudden stop make Big Mom fall from Zeus. She fall to the ground, and create a crater on it. However, Prometheus send an attack at them, and burn many homies, but Jon's susanoo is fine

Then Jinbe attack Prometheus with his Fishman Karate. The water property of his attack weaken Prometheus. They use this chance to run, but Nami see something good.

Nami see Zeus has ate all the thundercloud balls that she made. Then Nami use her clima tact to force Zeus discharge his lightning. Nami use the lightning to attack Big Mom and it create a big explosion.

The Straw Hats can't celebrate it, because Big Mom is still fine, and she chase them again. They continue to run, and then suddenly Pudding & Chiffon come on a flying carpet. The crew did not really like her presence here, but still allow her to talk with Sanji.

Pudding ask Sanji to make a wedding cake together with her & Chiffon on Cacao Island. Chiffon assure them and say that it's the only way to stop Big Mom from chasing them. Sanji then agree and go with them to make the wedding cake.

"So she's angry because the wedding cake is destroyed completely now?"-Jon

"Yeah, certainly your fault."-Nami

"Hey, i just want to save ourselves, i don't know that it will anger her like this."-Jon

They continue to run toward Sunny, and arrive soon. Jon see something bad happen on Sunny, so he run faster. The Straw Hats & co get down from Susanoo's head and see the bad thing on Sunny.

There are many chess soldiers there, and Big Mom's 2 oldest sons are there too. Brook & Chopper also have been defeated by Katakuri & Perospero. They are trapped in Perospero's candy power. Luffy jump to attack Katakuri, and Jon flicker to attack Perospero.


Jon cover his right hand with haki, then flow lightning chakra on it. He slam his hand at Perospero, and the guy defend with his candy stick covered in haki. Perospero can hold Jon'd attack, and his candy stick didn't even dent.

"Ooh, a strong stick."-Jon

"You won't be able to break it, pe~rorin."-Perospero

"Is that so?"-Jon

Jon flicker back while making some hand seals.

"Suiton: Water Shark Bullets!"-Jon

Jon shoot some water sharks to attack Perospero. The guy avoid it, but Jon move the sharks to attack Brook & Chopper's candy encasing. The shark bullets hit and break the candy on Brook & Chopper.

Perosperi got surprised, and Jon take this chance. Jon flicker to Perospero, and grab his clothes. Then Jon throw him away from the ship, so they can leave. However, Katakuri is still there, fighting with Luffy.

Jon flicker to help Luffy, and the others prepare the ship and fight the Chess Soldiers. They will use Coup de Burst to leave this place. So they need to get rid of all Big Mom pirates.

Suddenly the ship got trapped in candy and can't move. Perospero use his power to stop the ship from sailing. Jon want to move, but Katakuri attack him. Then Pedro suddenly move to attack Perospero.

Perospero can easily overwhelm Pedro and pin him down. But then Pedro open his suit and show many bombs there. He plan to detonate it and sacrifice himself to let the others run.

Jon can see it clearly with his sharingan and widen his eyes. Jon grit his teeth and flicker from there as fast as he can. Katakuri see this future, but he can't stop Jon with Luffy attacking him.

Pedro detonated the bombs and create a big explosion. The explosion free Sunny and let them use Coup de Burst. The Straw Hats & co are shocked, especially Carrot that see Pedro as her brother.


"!? Jon, JON!? WHERE'S JON?"-Nami

They all try to find Jon, but he's not on the ship. Then they see someone running on the air toward Sunny while holding other person. They look at them, and see that it's Jon that hold Pedro with his hand.

Both of them look dihevelled and their suits are torned, but they're alive. Jon land on the ship's railing, and he have big burnt scar on his right left upper body till his face. Then he throw Pedro that have similar condition with him to the deck.

"W-why? I've prepared to die and make this my last voyage."-Pedro

"I don't give a shit about your resolution to die. You can die anywhere you want or however you like for all i care. BUT DON'T YOU EVER DARE TO DIE IN FRONT OF ME! BECAUSE I WILL NEVER LET MY FRIEND DIE WHILE I'M THERE."-Jon

"JON, PEDRO!"-Straw Hats & co



Luffy grab Katakuri & Brulee that hide in a nearby mirror. Then he pull them inside the Mirror World, and the mirror suddenly shatter. The others are surprised, but Jon tell them to keep calm.

"Calm down! Luffy know what he do, and we need to believe him. We just need to wait for him to come back after he won. For now, we need to defend the ship from a big problem behind."-Jon


"Big Mom pirates have come, now prepare yourself!"-Jon

They all look at the Big Mom pirates that come with a lot of ship. The Straw Hats prepare themselves and make plan. They will go to Cocoa Island to get Sanji after he make the cake, and wait for Luffy to finish his fight.

While they sail, Jon heal himself, and Chopper treat Pedro. Jon's burn marks start to peel off and new skin appear. He is really an expert at self healing, but not at healing others, because of Hashitama's gene.

Suddenly Luffy call them through a mirror shard. He tell them to break all the mirror on Sunny, but Jon disagree. Jon have a plan, and tell everyone to gather the mirror.

Jon then face the mirror to each other in pair, and then tied them. Then he make a barrier to trap anything that can get out from the mirror. With this, the ones who try to get out will enter the Mirror World again like a loop.

"I never thought of it."-Nami

"Hmm, it can work. Using their power against them, really Jon-san's style, yohohohoho."-Brook

"Luffy, don't worry about anything else, just beat that guy and come back! We will wait for you."-Jon

"Alright, i'll come back soon."-Luffy

"Jinbe, steer the ship! Nami, find the route! Carrot, Brook, you guys help Nami if she need something! Chopper, treat Pedro inside! I will guard the ship at the rear."-Jon

""AYE AYE!""-All

Jon give command and they all move to do their task. Jon go to the rear deck and stand on the railing. He need to protect everyone until Luffy & Sanji come back.

Jon defend the ship from many attacks sent by Big Mom pirates. He make some clones to help him defending the attacks. He didn't use any ninjutsu to save his chakra. Big Mom can appear anytime so he need to save his chakra reserve.

Just like what Jon has predicted, Big Mom really appear. She send an attack that create a giant wave toward them. Jon prepare himself, but he leave the escaping to Jinbe. He is a professional Helmsman, and this kind of wave is not a problem for Jinbe.

Jon is not disappointed, as Jinbe really succeed to sail through that wave. Now they've escaped far enough from their pursuer. But they still need to go to Cacao Island to retrieve Sanji & wait Luffy.

"Maybe i'll use that later."-Jon