173. Impostor

Jon bring Tama, Speed & Kimachiyu to run through a tunnel he make. He suddenly get the memories of his defeated clones that he used as disguised. He look back and see the incoming beam attack.


Jon immediately grab the three and make skeletal ribs susanoo to cover them. He also cover the skeletal ribs with his haki to toughen it further.


The fire beam attack reach them and destroyed the ground. They got engulfed in the fire beam that destroy their surrounding. After the blast happened, a big portion of the ground disappear and a big long destruction path appear.

Kaido leave after everything got destroyed and nothing left. The place where Jon's group stayed earlier, also destroyed completely. It even reach deep under the ground where they move.

Far in the end of destruction path, a big black cylindrical object can be seen. It start to lose the black colour and turn into gold colour. Then it disappear and Jon's group can be seen there. The haki that covered susanoo can withstand that attack.

"Phew, that was close."-Jon

"Are you okay, big brother?"-Tama

"I'm fine, is everybody okay?"-Jon

""Yes/warf""-Tama, Speed, Komachiyu

Jon look at the destruction from that fire beam attack that reach far & affect big area around it.

"Damn, that's even stronger than my tailed beast bomb with 8 tails before."-Jon

'That attack is about the same as my bomb. Strongest creature huh? I want to see which one is stronger between us.'-Kurama grin

'We'll find that out soon when this war start.'-Jon

Jon's group continue their way to Amigasa Village. They can't stay here forever, or some Beasts Pirates will discover them. Kaido might try to attack them again if he know they're fine.

They reach Amigasa Village after sometime, and enter Tama's house. Hitetsu is waiting at the front while pacing back & forth. The old man see Kaido & the attack earlier, so he got worried.

"Master, i'm back."-Tama

"O-Tama, i'm glad that you're fine."-Hitetsu

"Old man, let's eat first, we've stole many food in Bakura Town."-Jon

"!? YOU WHAT?"-Hitetsu

"We stole it, and give it to people in Okobore Town."-Tama

"Enough chitchat, you want to eat or not?"-Jon

They enter the house and eat the food that they've stole. Jon also place the food that will be this house supplies. While they eat, Hitetsu look at Jon's swords passionately, make him uncomfortable.

"Even if you look at my swords like that, i won't give them to you. The one who take your sword is Luffy, not me."-Jon

"Damn brat, i just think that your sword is very good. I'm a swordsmith, so of course i'll get curious."-Hitetsu

"You're a swordsmith? I thought you're just an idle old man."-Jon

"Your tongue sure is loose, huh? Well, can i look at your swords?"-Hitetsu

Jon give his swords to Hitetsu, and the old man look at them carefully. He got very enchanted by the swords that he look at them for a long time. He just finish looking at them when everyone finish their meal and even have some drinks.

"Young man, these 2 ninjato swords have the same appearance, but they weren't made by the same person, or at the same time right?"-Hitetsu

"Yeah, Kusanagi was made first by unknown person, and it became my posession. Then i asked someone to make Inari with the same design as Kusanagi and make them twin swords. That person even said that both swords have the same strength as those of 21 Great Grade Swords, and close to 12 Supreme Grade."-Jon

"That person is right, these swords can be put in that grade, they just need fame. However, this Inari, why's it so heavy? And it's not sharp even when it looks very sharp."-Hitetsu

"Because Inari is made just for me, so it can't be wielded by other person. It will become very heavy & blunt. No one can wield it like me until now."-Jon

Hitetsu is surprised, and ask Jon to show Inari's power to him. They go out and Jon swing Inari lightly at a tree. It got cut instantly without any resistance.

The others are surprised, and Hitetsu ask Jon to use full strength. Jon then flow wind chakra on Inari and swing it horizontally with full power. The swing cut through the dense forest and reach a far distance.

"How is it?"-Jon

"A very good sword, however you don't seem to train in sword art that much."-Hitetsu

"You're right, swords are my main weapon, but i train in a lot of things. A shinobi need to be able to use anything in his arsenal."-Jon

"You're right, a shinobi is different from a samurai. I can't really judge you, everyone have their own way. But young man, training too many things can hinder your growth of power."-Hitetsu

"I've been told this thing many times, but my answer is still the same. I will still become the strongest, and there's not too many to learn, for that is my ninja way."-Jon

"Amazing, big brother. I will become a strong and enchanting kunoichi too."-Tama

"That's the spirit, let's go, i'll train you until you become an unmatched kunoichi."-Jon

Jon grab Tama and go to the bamboo forest, leaving Hitetsu, Speed & Komachiyu. Jon & Tama reach a little clearing and decide to use the place. Jon then test Tama's physical power, and he's surprised by it. Tama is physically stronger than normal adults.

Jon then teach Tama basic things about being a ninja. He teach her theoritical things that she need to know since the start. He also need to prepare her mentality since now, as this world is not so peaceful.

Just when Jon start to teach Tama, he received some memories from his clones that he assigned to find the traitor. Kaido has attacked the Oden Castle, and destroy it while his friends are there. Jon got panic and try to call the survived clones.

"Phew, they're fine, i almost got a heart attack."-Jon

"What happen big brother?"-Tama

"Kaido attack my friends, but they are safe."-Jon

Kaido's attack destroyed the Oden Castle completely. But thanks to a kunoichi named Shinobu, everyone are saved. She can dig a deep hole that save everyone in time.

Jon then send clones again toward the Oden Castle to continue the spying work and send one to appear & meet his friends in his stead. He have a duty to train a new little sister that want to be a kunoichi afterall. He won't let her become a useless kunoichi.

"Big brother, you can make clones?"-Tama

"That's right, haven't you saw me use it before?"-Jon

"Yes, but i didn't have the chance to ask. Can you teach me the clone jutsu?"-Tama

"Well, it will not become the same with my clone jutsu, as my clones are unique."-Jon

Jon then explain about devil fruit power & the ninja tricks. Normal ninja clones are just after images of the ninja fast movement. To do that, a ninja need to be strong & fast enough to be able to leave after images.

Tama seem depressed for a moment, but Jon encourage her that she also have a unique ninjutsu, the kibi dango. She has one of the most powerful power, as she can get many allies that can replace the clones.

"Wait, can i use my kibi dango to tame all Kaido's pirates like Speed?"-Tama

"That's possible, you're very smart."-Jon pat Tama's head

"Hehe, then i will use my kibi dango to make them my friends."-Tama

"You can try that, but don't force yourself to make those dangos. For now, why don't we train your physical power so that you can use ninjutsu? It might also make your kibi dango more powerful."-Jon


Jon give Tama some basic physical training for an 8 y.o girl. He didn't want to hinder her growth by doing excessive training. They finish their training at evening and go back to her house.

They eat their dinner together with everyone and Tama go to sleep after that. This is a tiring day for her, so she really need some rest. Jon decide to go out and train, he need to be a lot stronger before they attack Beasts Pirates.

"Young man, the horse girl just went to town and get a news."-Hitetsu

"Oh, what is it?"-Jon

Jon receive a paper from Hitetsu, and it have a picture of Luffy.

"Oh, isn't this Luffy? Why's he- Huh?"-Jon make a strange expression (like Franky, Usopp, & Robin)

Jon is surprised & confused to why Luffy got captured. He read the news and find out that Luffy was attacking Kaido after Kaido attacked Oden Castle. Luffy will be imprisoned at Prisoner Mine in Udon.

"Damn, this country is too big for my clones & Zetsus to cover every area. Furthermore, i need to find the traitor among us. Now i can't even discover the news about Luffy's arrest as soon as it happen."-Jon

Just when Jon is lamenting over his shortcoming, he receive a news from one of his clone. The clone have found the traitor, or he should say, impostor.

"Kanjuro, Kurozumi Kanjuro. He's from the same family as the current shogun, Orochi. It seem Orochi had planted him in Oden's side since the start. This shogun is smart & cunning to do this since the beginning. And Kanjuro's act is very good that no one realize his disguise."-Jon

Jon's clone discover about this when Kanjuro sent a message to Orochi. He sent it after Kin'emon spread a code to everyone who's still loyal to Kozuki Family. The code will tell them that it's almost time to act.

The Kozuki family's followers have special mark on their body. Kanjuro sent this, so Orochi will be able to capture all of these followers. Jon can't do anything now, as the message has been sent. However, he can solve Kanjuro's problem.

"Luckily i've found him at this early stage. If i discover him at the late game, then it will be more troublesome."-Jon

Jon decide to not reveal Kanjuro's identity as an impostor right now. He will kill that guy and make Zetsu disguise as Kanjuro, like what he did with Burgess. Jon will get inside Orochi's system and get all information about him & Kaido.

Jon can't casually reveal Kanjuro's identity, as Kin'emon's group trust him very much. He has been their friend for years, while Jon just met them a few weeks ago. It's easy to tell who will they believe in this case.

Jon immediately leave from Amigasa village toward Kanjuro's location. That guy is moving alone in Flower Capital to 'gather information'. This is the perfect chance to take him out. He's alone and didn't expect anyone will find out his identity this soon.

Jon arrive in Flower Capital after some time and he move stealthily. He see the place is bustling with life & luxury, very contrast with this country's real condition. But even with all of these, Jon can only see an empty happiness in this town.

Jon ignore this and move stealthily toward Kanjuro. He find the dude, and he is snooping around and looks like he genuinely searching any information. This guy is really dedicated in his act.

Jon plan to wait until they got into a hidden place to execute his plan. He watch Kanjuro silently, and then realize something is amiss. Kanjuro's chakra is very different from usual, and there is a thin chakra line come out from his body.

Jon focus his sharingan to check on Kanjuro, and find out that it's not his real body. It's a clone, which most likely a drawing that Kanjuro made. He can actually draw a very good & realistic drawing.

Jon sigh in relief that he didn't immediately act, or the real Kanjuro will survive. If he didn't die, he can tell the others that Jon try to kill him. It will make anything more troublesome, as the only one that will side with Jon are his friends.

Jon follow the chakra line that connected the clone with Kanjuro's real body. Jon find it after sometime and the guy is inside a small house. He is writing something that looks like a letter.

'Hmm? Some rats are hiding here.'-Jon smirk